University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Адрес: Italy, 41100, Modena, Via Universita, 4
Телефон: +39 (059) 205 65 11
Персоналий: 8
Авторов: 9
Публикаций: 9

Персоналии: Fontanesi Claudio
Giardinà Cristian
Messori Massimo
Nannarone S
Грасселли Луиджи
Кавиччоли Альберто
Спаггиари Фульвиа
Фунаро Даниэль

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ItalyThe University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is one of the few examples in Italy of universities that are organised according to a "site network" model.

Therefore its characteristic feature, is to be supported by a complementary development project, and also to be unitary in its management, between two distinct academic poles. In fact, since 1998, Modena and Reggio Emilia have initiated extensive development of the university that up to today has created 7 departments in Modena (Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences) and 3 in Reggio Emilia (Agriculture, Engineering and Communication Sciences — Communication, Economics, Information technology).

In particular in Reggio Emilia, a university that was established more recently, attention has been paid to the creation of departments and educational proposals, capable of intercepting the demand for more innovative training and professionalism, that are persistently required by society and the productive world. However, also in Modena, the university site with more ancient traditions, due to the fact that it grew around the historical "Studium mutinensis", dated 1176, by Pillio of Medicine and therefore where the more conventional study specialisations take place and are concentrated, we have updated the courses and educational plans, giving them a topical mark and physiognomy, involving — in connection with the entreaties contained in the reform — the institutions and the economic forces of the region.

As a result of the attention paid to local cultural and productive entities, in recent years, significant and effective collaborations with numerous companies have been entered into, also outside Modena and Reggio, where our students can carry out work experience. Today more than 300 firms work with us to host training that helps to build professional competence.

It is clear, or rather a consequence, that our graduates are ensured the guarantee of a high rate of employment from these agreements. Almost 65% find employment within the first year after completing their studies. The uptake of graduates from the long established courses such as the departments of mathematical, physical and natural sciences and Law — on average — is also very encouraging, with respect to the national trend. The interweaving of these favourable conditions has caused a rather lively increase in registration and enrolment. From approx. 10–12 thousand students enrolled at the end of the 1980's we now have a population of more than 16 thousand students, while the registrations (nearly 4000 in the 2001–2002 academic year) have increased in the last year by +25%.

The growing attractiveness of our university has been effectively encouraged by academic bodies, through strong political attention focused, in particular, on the services for the students (refectories, transport and accommodation), the development of the educational support facilities (lecture theatres, libraries, laboratories and international mobility projects) and the extension of the right to study (study grants and subsidies).

The ample investments in this direction, that we consider to be strategic in order to move our university system towards European standards and efficiency parameters, have been enormous and will continue with other projects, planned in both Modena and Reggio Emilia, that are also destined to make the most of the presence of the university in the respective urban city contexts. We have 14,700 seating places available in the lecture theatres; 12 libraries and from the beginning of next year students will be entitled to approx. 700 university accommodation places.

Together with the body for study rights we supply more than 1200 study grants. Refectories, transport and various facilities complete the welcoming picture that positively distinguishes our university. Equally important is the effort that we have made to increase exchanges and international mobility and to allow a growing number of young people to develop the passion for research at our qualified and well-equipped laboratories and numerous Centres of scientific excellence, by now widespread and standard in all departments.

With regard to this, we have multiplied the budget to facilitate the access to study allowances for research doctorates and study grants, as we are convinced that the renewal of the university follows through with the commitment to favour and keep the best young people.

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