International Academy of Refrigeration, St Petersbur, Russia
Address: Russia, 191002, St Petersbur, Lomonosova, 9
Number of persons: 1
Number of authors: 1
Number of publications: 2

Personnel: Radin, Anatolii Mitrofanovich

International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR) is a non-governmental organization. It unites leading scientists, academics, professionals, engineers and businessmen. Its work is aimed at the complex solving of fundamental and applied problems in refrigerating and cryogenic engineering, low grade power engineering, air conditioning, processing and storage of foods, ecology and economics, cryomedicine, training and retraining of specialists, all this diversity scope of human activities being bound up with production and application of natural and artificial cold.

IAR was registered by the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice (Certificate No. 2725) in May 22 1995 and it is the successor of Academy of Refrigeration that was established in Russia in June 1993.

The activity of the Academy is accomplished via national and regional branches. IAR associates Russian and Ukrainian national branches, Baltic international department, Representative IAR office in the Republic of Byelorussia, twelve regional associations in Russia. The IAR members are representatives of such countries as Algeria, Bulgaria, China, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guinea, Holland, India, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, USA, Uzbekistan.

The Academy enrolls 1646 members: 32 honorary academicians, 742 full members (academicians), 725 corresponding members and 147 academic advisers. Among of them is the Nobel laureate, deputies of the State Duma of Russia, more than 400 professors, doctors and candidates of sciences. Over 170 Russian firms, organizations, research and developing institutes, educational institutions, and foreign companies are collective members of IAR.

Every year in April the Academy holds Annual General Meetings. According to the Statute of the Academy, the General Meeting elects individual members and approves collective ones. An official publishing organ of the Academy is «Vestnik IAR»

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