Scientific Center of Physics and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, 61022, Kharkiv, pl. Svobody, 6
Phone: +38 (057) 705 20 19
Number of persons: 2
Number of authors: 2
Number of publications: 3

Personnel: Rozhkov, Alexander Alimovich
Turbin, P V

SCPT was created in 1992 on the basis of some departments belonging to the Kharkiv State University. SCPT staff has more than 20 years of work experience with main machine-building and engineering enterprises, offices rating ninth among the Departments of the former Soviet Union in the field of microelectronics and high-tech. In particular, the developments of new beam sources, high-frequency diode and plasma-chemical reactors for microetching, semiautomatic low energy installations for plasma-chemical etching of high-ohm silicon and materials A(3) B(5), were executed. We have more than 30 certificates, 15 Candidate and some Doctor dissertations.

In recent years we started engineering of equipment and technology for nanoelectronics, in particular, the works for X-ray photolithography and tunnel as well as vacuum microscopy were designed.

Apart from the investigations in the field of vacuum-plasma methods in micro- and nanoelectronics, SCPT has a range of propolsals to make various functional coatings such as: decorative, optical, infra-red reflecting etc. on dielectric or metal materials as well as covering large areas. We researched in radiation technology, radiation processing of organic substances and biopolimers. We suggest to make facings for instrumental, constructive and automobile industries, biomedical technologies. Last year in the framework of elaboration of advanced technologies we work in close collaboration with famous institutes and enterprises such as Atomic Power Station (Energodar, Ukraine), Machinebuilding Company FED (Kharkov, Ukraine), Shipbuilding Company (Kerch, Ukraine), Institute of Physical Technologies Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia), Institute for Terotechnology Ministry of Economy (Radom, Poland).

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