Russian Center of Laser Physics (RCLPh) is organized in order to coordinate and support the basic and applied investigations in the field of laser physics, within the framework of scientific and technological programs of the State Committee on High School of Russia.
Main topics of the work of RCLPh are:
Pursuance of widespread scietific researches and developmental work in the promising areas of laser physics.
Engineering and design of a new scientific and technical production.
Elaboration and small-batch production of hardware.
Promotion of the laser technologies to industrial enterprises.
Coordination of the formation and realization of scientific programs and projects of basic and applied investigations in the field of laser physics: organization and performing of competitions control over the program realization, and examination of results.
Accumulation of scientific experimental setups and equipment, elaboration of unique laser complexes for the joint usage by the program participants.
Target training, and advance teaching of the specialists in the field of laser physics, elaboration of methodological materials and training tools.
Marketing (investigation and prediction of the trends of the inner and outer markets of information, consulting).
Publishing activities: printing and realization of publications (papers, reviews, manuscripts), creation of the databases.
Organization of conferences, symposiums, seminars, exhibitions.
Organization of the international exchange of the information and investigation programs.
Providing facilities for active research work for invited scientists.
Diversification of the activities, non-contradicted to legislation in force and corresponding to the aims of the Institute creation.
Director: Dr.Sci., Prof. Smirnov Valerij Borisovich