Lyapunov French-Russian Institute for Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Russia
Address: Russia, 119899, Moscow, Vorob'evy gory
Phone: +7 (495) 932 89 53
Number of authors: 1
Number of publications: 1

Personnel: Dudakova, Ol'ga Sergeevna
Ugol'nikov, Aleksandr Borisovich

Lyapunov French-Russian Institute for Applied Mathematics and Informatics, RussiaThe A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute was established in 1993 in accordance with the agreement between the National Research Institute for Informatics and Automatics (INRIA, France) and the M. V.  Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Russian Federation) and in accordance with the agreement (26 June 1992) between the Russian Federation and France on scientific and technical cooperation.

The official inauguration of the A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute took place in November 19 of 1993 with the participation of the French Ambassador to Russia and the Deputy Minister of Science of the Russian Federation.

The main aim of the A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute is to promote the scientific cooperation between Russian and French researchers in the framework of joint projects. The A. M. Liapunov Institute is equipped with computers and office facilities necessary for the realization of this cooperation. The Institute's technical equipment is used by the participants of joint projects and in the process of education.

The A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute is a scientific and educational institution of Moscow State University.

The A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute is managed by a Scientific Council formed of Russian and French scientists on the equal basis by MSU and INRIA. The Scientific Council's meetings are held alternately in France and Russia at least once a year. The current administration is performed by the Directorate (a director from the INRIA side and a director from the MSU side). The directors are appointed according to the agreement between MSU and INRIA and are members of the Scientific Council.

The scientific activity of the A. M. Liapunov French-Russian Institute is conducted in the framework of joint research projects. Each year the Institute launches a call for proposals. The selection of submitted proposals is performed by the Scientific Council.

The main directions of activity:

fundamental and applied scientific studies in the framework of joint research projects; arrangements of scientific conferences and seminars; publication of scientific literature and information materials; educational and information-scientific activity.


Main organisation:
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