Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz, Uzbekistan
Address: Uzbekistan, Nukus, st. P.Seyitov
Phone: +(99861) 229-40-75
Number of authors: 1
Number of publications: 1

The history of nukus state teachers’ training institute refer s to the year of 1934. First in Turtkul , the former capital of Karakalpakstan there was founded a higher educational institution directed to train teaching personnel for the public education system. Lots of the local authorities, distinguished education workers, workers of the national economy, culture and science used to study at different periods of time at Nukus State Teachers’ Training Institute. Its graduates live today in different regions of Uzbekistan, in neighboring Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and in other republics of Central Asia and of the whole post-Soviet area having made a big contribution in the matter of upbringing the younger generation of their society. The Institute is very proud of its honored graduates – 6 academicians and 5 Heroes of Uzbekistan . After the foundation the Institute passed several stages of development. Firstly it existed as the Teacher’s Institute and then it was renamed into Karakalpak State Teacher-Training Institute. The organization kept functioning in this status till the middle of the 70-es when in 1976 KSTTI was reestablished into Nukus State University, and later – into Karakalpak State Berdakh University. In 1991, after the declaration of Uzbek Independence there begins to develop intensively a new approach to training of the teaching personnel and improvement of the quality of education ( the Law on Education and the National Program on Personnel Training) in Uzbekistan. As a result, at that very time in Nukus, the capital of the Republic of Karakalpakstan there was established on the base of the university Nukus State Teacher-Training Institute which in 1992 was named after Ajiniyaz – the distinguished philosopher of the Aral Coast Area of the middle of the Õ I Õ -th century and one of the classics of the Karakalpak poetry. The educational process in Nukus State Ajiniyaz Teachers’ Training Institute is based on a multi-level system. 9 faculties of the Institute are involved in training of the highly qualified teaching personnel in 19 fields of baccalaureate and in 13 specializations of master’s degree . There is also the special correspondence department in the institute. A big attention in the Institute is paid to research work. The scholars of the Institute are engaged in research work in the field of history, archeology and ethnic culture of the Karakalpak people, its folklore and literary heritage. Besides, they study the reason of the Aral Sea disaster and develop scientific methods directed to improve the ecological situation in the region and to preserve its flora and fauna. The Institute has all necessary conditions to train new generation of teaching personnel: – the qualified professorial-teaching staff consisting of 1 academician; 17 doctors and professors, 107 candidates and docents. They are known as the state grant recipients, distinguished scholars and public education system workers, laureates of state awards and professionals awarded with medals for achievements in the sphere of education; – material-technical base meeting the requirements of the up-to-date higher school; scientific and academic laboratories, Internet rooms, lingua-phone rooms, multi-media equipment, information-resource center, regularly renewed library fund, sport complexes, well-equipped canteens and student’s dormitory. The students of Nukus State Teachers’ Training Institute are the winners of the republican Olympiads in the Karakalpak, Kazakh language s and literature, they are the finalists of the Presidential and the tate Ulugbek and Navoi Stipend Programs as well as of the International Mendeleev Stipend Program and the State Scholarship Program « Kelajak Ovozi »; the finalists of the students’ intellectual contests , the champions of “Universiad” and of other republican sports tournaments in volleyball and football. The women’s volleyball team of Nukus State Teachers’ Training Institute participates in the final league of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The students’ amateur choreographic group of the Institute “Tumaris” every year takes part in the activities connected with the all-republican holidays of Navruz and Independence Day held in the capitals of our republics, the cities of Nukus and Tashkent.

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