University of Paderborn, Germany
Адрес: Germany, 33098, Paderborn, Warburger st., 100
Телефон: +49 (5251) 60 0
Персоналий: 17
Авторов: 18
Публикаций: 15

Персоналии: D H I K P R S T V W Д Л М Ш
полный список
  • Wolf Elke

  • University of Paderborn, GermanyThe University of Paderborn is guided by a  central principle: "University for the Information Society". The strong field of computer science and computer applications plus the interdisciplinary presence of IT in many of our subject areas provide an outstanding basis for meeting this university principle; however, we have also set ourselves a number of further-reaching goals.

    Paderborn aims to contribute to driving forward the scientific-technological development of the information society, to accompany this development with an open and critical mind, and, at the same time, to ensure that the information society always gives due consideration to the lasting values and qualities of our culture and civilisation. And, naturally, the University also wants to use the opportunities which the information and knowledge society offers.

    The University Mission Statement embraces internationality and artistic presence. Because the information and knowledge society has global dimensions and art — in all its forms — provides a counterpoint to a more intellectual world. This is why the University Orchestra, the Big Band, the Jazz Choir, the University Drama Group as well as the art exhibitions are all important features at the University and play an outstanding role in Paderborn's academic life.

    The teaching and research profile offered within the University's five faculties incorporates a broad range of subjects, covering the arts and humanities, economics and business administration, natural sciences and engineering. The University offers two-cycle degrees in many fields which enable students to gain a Bachelor's degree in the first and a Master's in the second cycle. Paderborn's teacher training plays an important part in all faculties.

    With a student population of around 13,600 the campus university provides a clearly structured environment with excellent study and living conditions.

    We are proud of the good and successful research done at Paderborn, such as in computer science and mechanical engineering which rank with the best in Germany, while other subjects also perform excellently. This outstanding research status is underlined by the Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs), Research Training Groups, and the NRW Graduate School of Dynamic Intelligent Systems which all bring young academics, researchers and scientists from around the world to study and work at Paderborn.

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