Ya. S. Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, NAS Ukraine, L'vov, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, 79060, L'vov, Naukova st., 3 b
Phone: +38 (0322) 63 83 77
Number of persons: 68
Number of authors: 108
Number of publications: 129
Conferences: 2

Personnel: B D E G H I K L M O P R S T V Z
full list
  • Terletskii, Rostislav Fedorovich
  • Tyslyuk, I V
  • The L?viv Branch for Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Mathematics, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, was founded in 1973 on the basis of mathematical and physical department of Physico-Mechanical Institute, NASU. The research body of the Institution was formed by Ya. S. Pidstryhach, Academician of NASU.

    The researches of priority in the Institute are:

    1. operator methods of functional analysis and linear algebra and their application for the problems of mathematical physics;
    2. non-classical problems (conditionally correct, with degeneracy, on manifolds) for equations with partial derivatives and dynamic systems;
    3. numerical and analytical-numerical methods for calculating the applied problems (non-correct, nonlinear, inverse);
    4. thermodynamic fundamentals and methods for constructing the mathematical models of mechanics of multicomponent manifolds with an edge in the extended phase space of parameters of interconnected different nature processes;
    5. mathematical and theoretical-experimental methods for calculation, optimization and prediction of deformability, durability and mechanical behaviour of discrete-continuous structure systems under complex outer action;
    6. mathematical fundamentals of fracture mechanics and contact phenomena;
    7. mathematical modelling and study of surface phenomena mechanics, bodies with coatings and layer composite structures.

    For the time being 276 employes work at the Institute, including 215 researchers and engineers (25 of them are Doctors and more than 100 are Cand. Sc.). The Centre of Mathematical Modelling joins 70 employees, including 56 researchers and engineers (3 of them are Doctors and 17 are Cand.Sc.).

    The researchers of the Institute (in close contact with collegues from the research institutes of Ukraine and some foreign countries) are developing their started earlier investigations on the problems of optimal control, design and optimization of thermodynamic systems, hydroacoustic and hydroelasticity, mathematical foundations of strength of mechanical structures, mechanics of inhomogeneous media, surface phenomena and bodies with coatings.

    Other institution names:
    • Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, NAS Ukraine
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