Институт ядерных исследований НАН Украины, Украина
Адрес: Украина, 03680, Kyiv, Prospekt Nauky, 47
Телефон: +38 (044) 525 23 49
Персоналий: 70
Авторов: 81
Публикаций: 72

Персоналии: P S T А Б В Г Д З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Ч Ш Я
полный список
  • Petrenko E O
  • Pugatch V M

  • Институт ядерных исследований НАН Украины, УкраинаInstitute for Nuclear Research of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was founded in 1970 on the base of a number of the Institute of Physics of AS UkrSSR departments, which were involved into the researches in the field of nuclear physics.

    Academician of AS UkrSSR M. V. Pasichnyk was assigned as the first director of INR. Since 1974 till 1983 the Institute was headed by Academician of AS UkrSSR O. F. Nemets, and since 1984 prof. I. M. Vyshnevskyi was assigned as the director of INR.

    The experimental base of the Institute is presented by the unique nuclear physical facilities (research nuclear reactor WWR-M, "hot cells" for the work with high activity radioactive materials, accelerators U-240 and U-120, tandem-generator EGP-10K) which allow to carry out wide-range scientific research not only for the collaborators of the Institute but also for the workers of another scientific institutions.

    The basic directions of the fundamental and applied works of INR include nuclear physics, atomic energy, solid state physics and radiation physics, plasma physics, radioecology and radiobiology. Research program of the Institute is performed at 27 scientific, scientific and technical departments. At the Institute around 760 collaborators are working including 211 scientific workers where one is Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, one is Corresponding member of NASU, 42 doctors of sciences and 154 candidates of sciences.

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    • Институт ядерных исследований АН УССР
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