The Institute of engineering Science, Russian Ac. of Sci. (Urals Branch) was founded in February 1986 as a branch of the Institute of engineering Science, USSR Ac. of Sci. In 1988 it became an independent institute pertaining to the Urals Branch of the Russian Ac. of Sci.
At present, among 162 employees there are 114 researchers on the staff, including one academician, two corresponding members of the Academy, 12 doctors of science and 43 philosophy doctors.
mechanics of solids, state-of-the-art technologies and materials, structural mechanics;
algorithms, software and hardware for systems of automatic control of complex objects;
computerised systems for measurement, nondestructive testing and machine resource diagnostics.
superthin wire production technology
reversible hydrogenation of titanium alloys
ozone and hydrogen production and use
heavy-loaded high-temperature bearings
cutting oils based on waste products of pig farms
noncontact lazer testing of surface paramerers
CAD "DISCO" for discrete controlling and computing devices