State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
Address: Russia, 109542, Moscow, Ryazanskii pr., 99
Phone: +7 (495) 371 13 22, +7 (495) 371 98 33
Number of persons: 26
Number of authors: 32
Number of publications: 49

Personnel: A B C D F G K M N P R S Y
full list
  • Nol'de, Evgeniy L'vovich
  • State University of Management, Moscow, RussiaThe State University of Management is the biggest economic university in Russia specialising in training managers. This is a unique university both among Russian and foreign higher school institutions.

    During the period of its activities The State University of Management has trained more than 80 thousand of highly qualified specialists for the leading branches of the national economy as well as thousands of scientists and professors with master and doctor degrees.

    A staff of highly qualified professors of more than 1000 persons was formed at the State University of Management. Among them full and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science, 60 acting members of the Branch Academies, 25 honoured figures of science and honoured workers of the Russian higher school institutions, 208 doctors and 556 masters of science. 75% of professors have scientific degrees and ranks.

    The State University of Management is a multilevel educational and scientific institution carrying out numerous professional training programmes. At present 15 thousand students are being trained at the University in 18 specialities and 60 specializations; there are also 800 post graduates and competitors for a doctor?s degree in 40 scientific specialities. 1.5 thousand specialists and top managers from various enterprises and organisations receive annual retraining and improve their professional qualification.

    The University comprises 22 Institutes and Faculties uniting 70 Departments and 16 Centres of Supplementary Education and Consulting Services as well as research units.

    The State University of Management is known both in Russia and abroad as a leading centre of business education. The University is a base higher school institution and supervises the Training Methods Association of the Higher School in the following specialities: ?Organisation management?, ?Marketing?, ?State and municipal management?, ?Personnel management?. At the moment the Training Methods Association comprises more than 250 state and private higher school institutions engaged in training appropriate specialists.



    Other institution names:
    • Moscow Engineering-Economic Institute
    • Moscow Institute of Control
    • S. Ordzhonikidze State Academy of Management
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