Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Адрес: Czech Republic, 601 77, Brno, Žerotínovo nám., 9
Телефон: +420 549 49 1011
Персоналий: 19
Авторов: 15
Публикаций: 19

Персоналии: H M P R S Z А Б Г К Х
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  • Musilová Jana

  • Masaryk University, Brno, Czech RepublicMasaryk University, located in Brno, is the second-largest public university in the Czech Republic and the leading higher education institution in Moravia. At present it comprises nine faculties with more than 200 departments, institutes and clinics. Recognized as one of the most important teaching and research institutions in the Czech Republic and a highly-regarded Central European university, it has been marked by a strong democratic spirit ever since its establishment in 1919. The university also plays a major role in the social and cultural life of the South Moravia Region.

    One of the top priorities for Masaryk University is scientific research. It has attained a leading position in competitions for research grants, is making considerable financial investments at its new university campus to enhance its research and teaching capacity and is developing tools for the transfer of knowledge and improved support for research and innovation.

    Masaryk University offers degrees in a wide spectrum of traditional as well as newly-emerging disciplines and is one of the fastest growing higher education institutions in Europe. In recent years it has consistently attracted the largest number of applicants for studies of any Czech university, which allows it to remain highly selective when admitting students. Masaryk University was one of the first to introduce a three-tier structure of studies based on the ECTS system for the transfer and accumulation of credits.

    The university is heavily involved in the mobility activities and research programmes of the European Union and other countries, thanks to which graduates of Bachelor's or Master's studies at other institutions may continue at the Master's or doctoral levels at Masaryk University. The same principle applies to Masaryk University students, who may study abroad and then return to their alma mater.

    A special feature of the university is its policy with regard to students with sensory or physical disabilities. The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs ensures that the fields of study accredited by the university are open to those students and that they enjoy the same standards of education as the rest of the university?s student body.

    Masaryk University places a strong accent on international cooperation with prestigious foreign universities and research institutions. It supports the continuous exchange of knowledge, ideas, information, researchers, instructors and students throughout the world and assures equal chances of access to education and the free exploration of ideas.

    Masaryk University is firmly committed to electronic forms of communication. To improve access to information and the quality of studies it has developed its own intranet system featuring a number of tools designed for assessing tens of thousands of application forms for studies, implementing e-learning, registering students for examinations, helping staff to work more efficiently and supporting rapid communication between offices and departments. In 2005 Masaryk University's information system received the prestigious EUNIS Elite Award in recognition of the university's leading position in the use of information technology within the university community. It was the first university in the Czech Republic and in the new European Union member countries to win the award.

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