Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Address: Russia, 119992, Moscow, Leninskie Gory
Phone: +7 (495) 939 10 00
Number of persons: 9371
Number of authors: 10946
Number of publications: 24293
Conferences: 130
Seminars: 2

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
full list
  • Labovskii, A S
  • Labutin, Timur Aleksandrovich
  • Lachko, Il'ya Mikhaylovich
  • Ladneva, Anna Nikolaevna
  • Lafdal, Anisa Ahmedovna
  • Lagunov, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Lagutin, Mikhail Borisovich
  • Lakhno, A P
  • Lakhtanov, Ivan Andreevich
  • Lakshtanov, Evgenii Leonidovich
  • Laktionova, Natalya Vladimirovna
  • Lakutin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Lamburt, Viktor Grigor'evich
  • Lamzin, Sergey Anatol'evich
  • Landa, Polina Solomonovna
  • Landau, Lev Davidovich
  • Landau, Ninel' Solomonovna
  • Landis, Elena Evgenievna
  • Landis, Evgenii Mikhailovich
  • Lando, Sergei Konstantinovich
  • Landsberg, Grigorii Samuilovich
  • Langvagen, Evgenii Sergeevich
  • Lanin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Lankin, Dmitry Fedorovich
  • Lanshina, Lyudmila Vasil'evna
  • Lanskoy, Dmitrii Evgenievich
  • Lapin, Oleg Evgen'evich
  • Lapin, S É
  • Lapin, Sergei Valerievich
  • Lapin, Sergey Anatol'evich
  • Lapin, Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Lapitskii, Anatoly Vasilyvich
  • Lapkina, Anna Vadimovna
  • Lapsheva, E A
  • Lapshin, Aleksei Evgen'evich
  • Lapshin, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
  • Lapshin, V B
  • Laptev, Georgii Dmitrievich
  • Laptin, Viktor Alekseevich
  • Laptinskaya, Tatiana Vasil'evna
  • Laptinskiy, Kirill Andreevich
  • Larichev, Andrei Viktorovich
  • Larin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
  • Larin, Alexandr Borisovich
  • Larin, Oleg Borisovich
  • Larin, Petr Mikhaylovich
  • Larina, T B
  • Larionov, Dmitrii Sergeevich
  • Larionov, Konstantin Sergeevich
  • Lariontsev, Evgenii Grigorevich
  • Larkin, Alexey Stanislavovich
  • Lar'kina, O M
  • Lasheva, Maiya Igorevna
  • Lashnev, Nikolay Seraphimovich
  • Laskin, Aleksandr Ivanovich
  • Laskin, Aleksei Aleksandrovich
  • Laskovyi, Mikhail Vital'evich
  • Lata, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
  • Latonov, Vasilii Vasil'evich
  • Latushkin, Yurii Daniilovich
  • Latyshev, Andrei Vladimirovich
  • Latyshev, Viktor Nikolaevich
  • Laushkin, Andrey Vital'evich
  • Laut, Il'ya Leonidovich
  • Lavrenova, Anastasia Viktorovna
  • Lavrent'ev, Mikhail Alekseevich [Lavrentieff, M, Lavrent'ev, Mikhail]
  • Lavrent'ev, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Lavrentyev, Viktor Vladimirovich
  • Lavrenyuk, Mikhail Yur'evich
  • Lavrov, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich
  • Lavrova, A I
  • Lavrovskiĭ, Konstantin Petrovich
  • Lavut, Èduard Georgievich
  • Lazarev, Aleksei Mikhailovich
  • Lazarev, Alexander Alekseevich [Lazarev, Aleksandr A, Lazarev, Alexander]
  • Lazarev, Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Lazarev, Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Lazarev, Andrei Yur'evich
  • Lazarev, Petr Petrovich [Lasareff, P P]
  • Lazarev, Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Lazoryak, Bogdan Iosifovich
  • Lazukin, Vladimir Nikitich
  • Lazutina, Anna Aleksandrovna
  • Le ba Kkhan' Chin',
  • Lê Hông Vân,
  • Le Tu Quoc Thang,
  • Lebedenko, Stepan Igorevich
  • Lebedev, Al'bert Tarasovich
  • Lebedev, Aleksandr Ivanovich
  • Lebedev, Alexander G
  • Lebedev, Alexey Viktorovich
  • Lebedev, Alexis
  • Lebedev, Anton Viktorovich
  • Lebedev, Dmitrii Anatol'evich
  • Lebedev, Mikhail Glebovich
  • Lebedev, V A
  • Lebedev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Lebedev, Vladimir Andreevich
  • Lebedev, Vyacheslav Ivanovich
  • Lebedeva, Anna V
  • Lebedeva, M I
  • Lebedeva, Maria Sergeevna
  • Lebedeva, Olga Sergeevna
  • Lebo, Aleksandra Ivanovna
  • Ledentsov, Leonid Sergeevich
  • Lednev, Ivan Andreevich
  • Lednev, Nikolai Andreevich [Lednew, N A]
  • Ledneva, Tamara Mikhailovna
  • Ledyankin, Dmitry Viktorovich
  • Lee, A A
  • Lee, Ki Eun
  • Leenson, I'ya Abramovich
  • Legasov, Valerii Alekseevich
  • Leibenzon, Leonid Samuilovich [Leibenson, L S]
  • Leikin, Evgenii Moiseevich
  • Leksina, Elena Georgievna
  • Lel'chuk, Semen L'vovich
  • Lelekov, Roman Aleksandrovich
  • Lemak, Stepan Stepanovich
  • Lemenovskii, Dmitrii Anatol'evich
  • Lempitskii, Viktor Sergeevich
  • Lemport, Pavel Sergeevich
  • Lenchik, I A
  • Lenena, Elena Olegovna
  • Lenskii, Anatolii Viktorovich
  • Lenskii, Viktor Stepanovich
  • Leonas, Vladas Bronislovo
  • Leonov, Aleksandr Georgievich
  • Leonov, Vasilii Borisovich
  • Leonova, Èmiliya Aleksandrovna
  • Leont'ev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
  • Leont'ev, Aleksei Pavlovich
  • Leont'ev, Dmitrii Igorevich
  • Leont'ev, Nikolai Evgen'evich
  • Leont'ev, Pavel Ivanovich
  • Leont'ev, Vladimir Konstantinovich
  • Leont'eva, Larisa Alekseevna
  • Leont'eva, Tat'yana Alekseevna
  • Leontieva, Nataliya Alekseevna
  • Leontjev, Andrei Aleksandrovich
  • Leontovich, Andrei Mikhailovich
  • Leontovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
  • Leontovich, N M
  • Leontovich, Vera Mikhailovna
  • Leontyev, Nikolai Dmitrievich
  • Leonyuk, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Leper, Dmitrii Pavlovich
  • Lepskii, Timur Aleksandrovich
  • Lerner, Émile Éduardovich
  • Leshchenko, Sergei Sergeevich
  • Leshonkov, Vladimir
  • Lesik, S L
  • Lesnichenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Lesnykh, Andrey Aleksandrovich
  • Letchikov, Andrei Vladimirovich
  • Levanidov, M V
  • Levanov, Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Levashov, Andrei Nikolaevich
  • Levashov, Andrey Vadimovich
  • Levashov, Vladimir Yurevich
  • Levashova, Natalia Timurovna
  • Levchenko, Boris Borisovich
  • Levchenkov, Viacheslav Stepanovich
  • Levchuk, G K
  • Levich, A P
  • Levin, Aleksandr Moiseevich
  • Levin, Andrei Mikhailovich [Levin, A M]
  • Levin, Andrey Aleksandrovich
  • Levin, M
  • Levin, Maksim Aleksandrovich
  • Levin, Mikhail V
  • Levin, V Yu
  • Levin, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Levin, Vladimir Anatol'evich [Levin, V A]
  • Levin, Vladimir Dmitrievich
  • Levina, Roza Yakovlevna
  • Levitan, Boris Moiseevich [Lewitan, B, Levitan, B, Lewitan, B M]
  • Levitin, Rudolf Zinovievich
  • Levitskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna
  • Levitskiy, Oleg Aleksandrovich
  • Levkovich-Maslyuk, Fedor Leonidovich
  • Levshin, Nikolai Leonidovich
  • Levshin, V A
  • Levshin, Vadim Leonidovich
  • Li, Kisun
  • Li, Lu
  • Li, Shen'
  • Liao, Yugan
  • Libanov, Maksim Valentinovich
  • Libgober, Anatoly S
  • Lichmanov, Dmitry Igorevich
  • Lidov, Mikhail L'vovich
  • Lifshits, Il'ya Mikhailovich
  • Likhogrud, Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Limarenko, Sergei Vladislavovich
  • Limonchenko, Ivan Yur'evich
  • Limonov, Maksim Amiryanovich
  • Limonova, Irina Viktorovna
  • Lipatiev, Alexander Andreevich
  • Lipatov, Artem Vladimirovich
  • Lipatov, Evgenii Petrovich
  • Lipatov, Igor Ivanovich
  • Lipatov, Maxim E
  • Lipatov, Stepan Yur'evich
  • Lipchyus, Andrey Admontasovich
  • Lipina, Tatiana Igorevna [Smyshlyaeva, T I]
  • Lipkova, Elizaveta Alekseevna
  • Lipsky, Yurii Naumovich
  • Lipunov, V M
  • Lipunova, Galina Vladimirovna
  • Liseev, Mikhail Yur'evich
  • Lishnevskii, Vladimir Anisimovich
  • Lisichkin, Georgii Vasilevich
  • Litvin, Feliks Fedorovich
  • Litvin-Sedoy, Mikhail Zinov'evich
  • Litvinov, Pavel Nikolaevich
  • Litvinov, Vladislav Lvovich
  • Litvinova, Kristina Vladislavovna
  • Liu, Yi
  • Liu, Yongqing
  • Livasov, Pavel Yanisovich
  • Livshits, Evgenii Davidovich
  • Lizīgub, Galina Semenovna
  • Lobanov, Aleksey Andreevich
  • Lobanov, Andrey Evgen'evich
  • Lobanov, Mikhail Genrikhovich
  • Lobanov, Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Lobanov, Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Lobanov, Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Lobanov, Valerii Evgen'evich
  • Lobashov, Evgenii Sergeevich
  • Lobastov, Vladimir Anatol'evich
  • Loboda, Artem Aleksandrovich
  • Lobushkin, Egor Andreevich
  • Lobuzov, Aleksey Arkadievich
  • Lobzin, Feodor Igorevich
  • Logachev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Logachev, Yurii Andreevich
  • Logachev, Yurii Ivanovich
  • Logginov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Logginova, K A
  • Loginov, Alexandr Sergeyevich
  • Loginov, Artem Borisovich
  • Loginov, Ilia Sergeevich
  • Loginova, M M
  • Loginova, Ol'ga Dmitrievna
  • Logofet, Dmitrii Olegovich
  • Logunov, Aleksander Aleksandrovich
  • Logunov, Anatoly Alekseevich
  • Logvenkov, Sergei Alekseevich
  • Logvinov, Oleg Anatol'evich
  • Lokhin, Valerii Viktorovich
  • Lokoshchenko, Alexander Mikhaylovich
  • Lokshin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Lokshin, Boris Yakovlevich
  • Lokutsievskii, Oleg Vyacheslavovich
  • Lokutsievskiy, Lev Vyacheslavovich
  • Lomakin, Andrey Leonidovich
  • Lomakin, Evgenii Viktorovich
  • Lomakin, Viktor Aleksandrovich
  • Lomkovskaya, Mariya Vladimirovna
  • Lomonosov, Vahtang Gelaevich
  • Lomonosova, Irina Valeryevna
  • Lomov, Igor Sergeevich
  • Lomov, Nikita Alexandrovich
  • Lomova, N N
  • Longo, G
  • Lopaev, Dmitrii Viktorovich
  • Lopaeva, Elizaveta Dmitrievna
  • Lopatin, Vyacheslav Evgenievich
  • Lopatkin, Aleksei Anfimovich
  • Lopez Perez, Aniel'
  • Lopukhin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich
  • Lopukhin, Vladimir Mikailovich
  • Lopushenko, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Lorenz, T
  • Losev, Ivan Vadimovich
  • Losev, Stalii Andreevich
  • Loshkarev, Sergei Dmitrievich
  • Loshtyak, P
  • Loskutov, Aleksandr Yur'evich
  • Loskutov, Yurii Mikhailovich
  • Lossov, Konstantin Ivanovich
  • Lotkhov, Sergey Valentinovich
  • Lotov, Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Lourier, M Yu
  • Loveiko, Valentina Evgenievna
  • Lozhechko, Vadim Vadimovich
  • Lozhkin, Sergei Andreevich
  • Lozhnikov, Mikhail Andreevich
  • Lozinskaya, Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
  • Lu, Li
  • Lu, Yanjun
  • Lubashevsky, Igor A
  • Lubovich, Alla Avdievna
  • Luchinkin, Denis Sergeevich
  • Luchkin, Vasilii Nangyalaevich
  • Lugovtsov, Andrei Egorovich
  • Lukashenko, Anastasiya Tarasovna
  • Lukashenko, Taras Pavlovich
  • Lukashenko, Vladislav Tarasovich
  • Lukashev, Evgenii Pavlovich
  • Lukashevich, Mikhail Vladimirovich
  • Lukashevich, Natal'ya Valentinovna
  • Lukashin, Aleksey Viktorovich
  • Lukatskii, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
  • Lukina, M M
  • Lukina, Tat'yana Mikhailovna
  • Lukinykh, Sergei Nikolaevich
  • Lukova, Ludmila Nikolaevna
  • Lukshin, Andrei Vasil'evich
  • Lukyanenko, A A
  • Lukyanenko, Dmitry Vitalyevich
  • Luk'yanitsa, Andrei Aleksandrovich
  • Lukyanov, Al'bert Evdokimovich
  • Luk'yanov, V B
  • Lukyanova, I G
  • Luk'yanova, Lilya Nikolaevna
  • Luk'yanova, Olga Ivanovna
  • Lunev, Fedor Aleksandrovich
  • Lungu, Gennady Borisovich
  • Lunin, A A
  • Lunin, Boris Sergeevich
  • Lunin, Roman Anatol'evich
  • Lunin, Valery Vasil'evich
  • Lunina, Elena Vadimovna
  • Lunina, Mariya Aleksandrovna
  • Lupanov, Oleg Borisovich
  • Lupanova, N B
  • Lur'e, Sergei Al'bertovich
  • Lurye, Denis Evgenievich
  • Lushchik, Valeriy Grigor'evich
  • Lushnikov, M A
  • Lushnikov, Stepan Aleksandrovich
  • Lusnikov, Andrei Vladimirovich
  • Lutsenko, Ivan Fomich
  • Luzhin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Luzhina, Lyubov' Mikhailovna
  • Luzikov, Valentin Nikolaevich
  • Luzin, Nikolai Nikolaevich [Lusin, Nicolas, Louzine, N N]
  • L'vov, Kirill Vyacheslavovich
  • L'vova, Elena Yul'evna
  • Lyagin, Ilya Vladimirovich
  • Lyagushin, Boris Evgen'evich
  • Lyakhov, Andrei Georgievich
  • Lyakhovitskii, Feliks Moiseevich
  • Lyalenkova, Elena S
  • Lyamin, Oleg Olegovich
  • Lyamov, Vitalii Evgen'evich
  • Lyamzin, A N
  • Lyapustin, Evgenii Vladislavovich
  • Lyatiev, Genrih Grigoryevich
  • Lychagina, Olga Valentinovna
  • Lychnikov, Dmitry Semionovich
  • Lygin, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Lykosov, Vasilii Nikolaevich
  • Lykov, A S
  • Lykov, Alexandr Andreevich
  • Lykov, Vadim Victorovich
  • Lysak, Mikhail Dmitrievich
  • Lysak, Tat'yana Mikhailovna
  • Lysakov, Ivan Vyacheslavovich
  • Lysanchuk, Ludmila Konstantinovna
  • Lysenko, Valerii Alexandrovich
  • Lysenok, Evgeniy Igorevich
  • Lysikov, Vladimir
  • Lysov, Mikhail Andreevich
  • Lystseva, Linara Yur'evna
  • Lysukhina, Anastasiya Vladimirovna
  • Lytkin, Sergei Mihailovich
  • Lyu, Min
  • Lyu-fachun, M A
  • Lyubich, Iliya Gennadievich
  • Lyubimov, German Pavlovich
  • Lyubimov, Grigorii Aleksandrovich
  • Lyubimov, Yurii Anatol'evich
  • Lyubin, Evgenii Valer'evich
  • Lyubishkin, Viktor Alekseevich
  • Lyuboshits, Daniil Borisovich
  • Lyulko, Yaroslav Aleksandrovich
  • Lyusternik, Lazar Aronovich [Lusternik, L, Lusternik, L A]
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University, RussiaOne of the oldest Russian institutions of higher education, Moscow University was established in 1755. In 1940 it was named after Academician Mikhail Lomonosov (1711–1765), an outstanding Russian scientist, who greatly contributed to the establishment of the university in Moscow.

    In 1755, on 25 January, St. Tatiana's Day according to the Russian Orthodox Church calendar, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree that a university should be founded in Moscow. The opening ceremony took place on 26 April, when Elizaveta Petrovna's coronation day was celebrated. Since 1755 25 January and 26 April are marked by special events and festivities at Moscow University; the annual conference where students present the results of their research work is traditionally held in April.

    Moscow State University is a major traditional educational institution in Russia, it offers training in almost all branches of modern science and humanities. Its undergraduates may choose one of 57  qualifications, while doctoral students may specialize in 168  different areas. The total number of MSU students exceeds 40,000; besides, about 10,000 high school students attend various clubs and courses at MSU.

    MSU is a centre of research science famous for its major scientific schools. There have been 11 Nobel Prize winners among its professors and alumni, out of 18 Russians who have received the prestigious prize so far. Many more MSU scientists have been awarded various Soviet and Russian prizes for their achievements, among them 60 Lenin Prizes and 120 State Prizes, over 40 MSU scientists having received the State Prizes over the last decade, 6 of them this year.

    Among those who teach at MSU there are 2,500 higher doctoral degree holders and almost 6,000 holders of doctoral degrees, almost 1,000 full professors and 2,000 associate professors. The total number of full members and correspondent members of The Russian Academy of Sciences is about 300. About 5,000 scientists and scholars are currently involved in 310 research projects in various fields.

    Moscow State University comprises 29 faculties and over 350 departments, 15 research institutes, 4 museums, the Science Park, the Botanical Gardens, The Library, the University Publishing House and printing shop, a recreational centre and a boarding school for talented children. 9 faculties have been recently established, along with 47 new departments and 22 research laboratories. Research has recently started in 30 new interdisciplinary areas. At the moment the University Computer Centre represents more computing power that any other educational institution in Russia. There have been major changes in the curricula, with over 200 new academic programmes added.


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