Baku State University, Azerbaijan
Address: Azerbaijan, AZ-1073/1, Baku, Z. Khalilov st., 23
Phone: +994 (12) 430 32 45, +994 (12) 439 05 17
Number of persons: 283
Number of authors: 302
Number of publications: 617

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V Y Z À
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  • Lebedeva, N N
  • Lebedeva, N N
  • Baku State University, AzerbaijanBaku State University is the first and leading institution of higher education in Azerbaijan. The University has become recognized scientific and training center in the Middle East. Establishment of the University proceeded at very complicated political and social-economical situation. But in spite of this the Azerbaijan intelligentsia unanimously supported the idea of establishment. We may refer to the names M. A. Rasulzadeh, Fataly Khan Khoysky, S. Aghamalioghlu, M. A. Shahtakhtinsky and others. A group of Russian intelligentsia, teachers and scientists, among whom were V. I. Razumovsky, N. A. Dubrovsky, L. A. Ishkov, I. S. Sitovich, I. I. Shirokogorov and others moved to Baku after the close of Transcaucasian University in Tbilisi. They played an significant role in the establishment of the University. The first meeting of Commission on establishment of University was held in May 21, 1919.

    The draft bill was accepted by the Government Agencies in July 7, 1919. "The bill on establishment of Baku State University" was approved by the Parliament of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in September 1, 1919. According to the bill the University had to be composed of four departments: Department of History and Philological, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Law, Department of Medicine (but only two departments were opened).

    The Charter of the Baku State University was approved by the Parliament of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in September 29, 1919. In accordance with the above-mentioned documents Baku State University began its activity at the beginning of November 1919 and the classes began from November 15. This day proposed to be the beginning of scientific and research activities of the University. On the occasion of this event, the first rector of the University

    One of the important stages in the history of Baku State University is connected with the name of the 1st Azerbaijani rector, Taghi Shahbazy. This eminent statesman, writer and the scientist was the rector of the University from 1926 to 1929.

    The Board of National Commissars of Azerbaijan determined to close the University and form on its base four independent institutes: Institute of Medicine, Institute of Pedagogy, Institute of Soviet Construction and Law and Institute of Trade and Cooperation. It became clear soon that these separate institutes are unable to substitute the University education. So, Azerbaijan State University was re-established in May 29, 1934 and the Renascence period in the history of University began. For the time of existence the University prepared more than hundred thousands of highly educated national specialists in the fields of science, education, culture and economics. In all past historical holidays, especially in 50th, 60th and 75th anniversary jubilee celebrations the University worthily accounted before the nation. It is worthy of known that all these jubilee celebrations conducted by initiative, under the leadership and personal participation of our respected president Heydar Aliyev.

    When looking on the path passed by the University you will come to the conclusion that it is impossible to imagine the present day of our Republic, its educational system, science, culture, economics, moral-psychological situation, in a word, the whole Azerbaijan society without our Baku State University. It is known that our University has prepared hundreds of honored scientists, men of culture, politicians, statesmen, who played a significant role in the progress of the nation and represent our country, its education, science and culture in the entire world. Graduates of Baku State University: Yusif Mamedaliyev, Heydar Huseynov, Murtuza Naghiyev, Alexandre Makovelsky, Aly Guliyev, Abdulla Garayev, Mirasadulla Mirgasimov, Zahid Khalilov, Shafayat Mehdiyev, Ashraf Huseynov, Majid Rasulov, Miraly Gashgay, Ismail Huseynov and many others win the University world wide fame . We are proud with the fact that great writers, playwriters, poets, scientists and statesmen like Jafar Jabbarlih, Mikhayil Mushvig, Rasul Rzah, Suleyman Rahimly, Said Rustamov, Afrasiyyab Badalbeyly, Lev Landau, Ilya Petrushevsky and others are graduates of Baku State University.

    Many highly qualified specialists graduated from the University during the past eighty years successfully work in Russian Federation, USA, England, France, China, Turkey, Iran, Japan, Cuba, and in many other Asian and African countries and represent with honor our nation, its science and culture. International relations of Baku State University in the field of education and science have been expanded recently. Scientists of Baku State University are invited to work in advanced educational and scientific centers of Iran, Turkey and many other countries. The University also prepares highly qualified specialists for foreign countries. More than 500 foreign students study at the University at present.

    In spite of that Baku State University is younger in comparison with other famous Universities but it has passed glorious historical path till now. If in 1919 the University faculty was of 44 men, today the faculty grew up to 1300. Among them are about 250 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 800 Candidates of Sciences. 225 scientists are working in scientific-research laboratories. The University which consisted of only two Departments, today has 17 Departments, 116 Chairs, dozens of laboratories, a rich library stock of more than 2 million book, Scientific-Research Institute, a number of well-equipped educational buildings. More than 13000 students are training on 43 different specialities at our University.

    Significant work aimed on accomplishment, modernization of material foundation and appearance was carried on to bring our University on the level of world leading universities at the last years. All achievements reached as a result of reforms on educational problems, preparation of new educational plans and the programs in the fields of Bachelor and Master's degree programs are used in the practice of other Higher Schools of our Republic. In 1999 in the University was formed the network, with no any analogue in the Republic, with more than 150 computers connected to the World Wide Web and created the Web-site which provide it with Information about University and its faculty to meet all the contemporary requirements of the University education and science. Our University is considered to be the brain center of scientific and educational system of the Republic. Such achievements allow our University integration into the world community.

    The Universities of the well-developed countries like the University of Indiana of the USA, the University of Nice of France, the University of Genoa of Italy, the University of Yokohama of Japan and others have already begun cooperation over the grants and international programs. The total sum of the first step of cooperation on these programs and grants is more than $1 000 000. After proclamation of the independence of our Republic, Baku State University increased its weight in the world and expanded international relations. Conference the title of Honorary Doctors of Baku State University to a number of scientists, statesmen, politicians, men of culture advantaged an international recognition of our University. The great people of history Suleyman Damiral, Thansu Chillar, Masud Yilmaz, Islam Karimov, Saparmurad Niyazov, Eduard Shevarnadzeh, Frederico Mayor, Petro Luchinsky, a number of famous scientists Lutrfizadeh, Iren Malikova, Tadeush Svyatokovskiy, Javad Heyyat, Ahmad Shmideh, Khalil Jad are bearing proudly the title of the Honorary Doctor of Baku State University.



    Other institution names:
    • S. M. Kirov Azerbaidzhan State University
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