Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Адрес: Finland, FI-00014, Otaniemi, Espoo, Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu, 4
Телефон: +358 (9) 451 30 26
Персоналий: 24
Авторов: 25
Публикаций: 61

Персоналии: A H J K P R А Б В Е К Л Н С Т Ф Х Э
полный список
  • Kivotides D
  • Kopu J
  • Korotov Sergey [Коротов Сергей]

  • Helsinki University of Technology was founded in 1849 and received university status in 1908. It moved from Helsinki to Otaniemi campus area in 1966.

    The university has 246 professors and approximately 15,000 students in twelve faculties and 19 degree programmes. As per definition of a technical university in Finland, TKK only gives education leading to the Master's level degree, and higher. The following degrees are available: an engineer's degree, architect, landscape architect, Licenciate of Technology, and Doctor of Technology.

    TKK is known, among other things, for its Low Temperature Lab, which has set the world record for the lowest temperature, and has had several other notable scientific successes. TKK's mobile communications research and teaching is considered to be among the best in the world and TKK is also one of the leading universities in the world when it comes to the chemical technology involved in wood processing. The first commercialised total synthesis, the synthesis of camphor, was invented by Gustaf Komppa, the first professor of chemistry at TKK . Also, Nobel laureate Artturi Virtanen has held a position as professor at the chemistry department. The aim of TKK is to rank among the top ten universities of technology in Europe.

    Much of the Otaniemi campus is designed by the world-renowned architect Alvar Aalto.

    TKK was also known under the abbreviations HUT and TH from its English language and Swedish language names, but in 2005 a decision was made to officially solely use the abbreviation TKK for branding reasons.

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