Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Address: Russia, 141980, Dubna, Moscow region, Joliot-Curie st., 6
Phone: +7 (49621) 65059
Number of persons: 855
Number of authors: 901
Number of publications: 1261
Conferences: 5

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z À
full list
  • Kadyshevskii, Vladimir Georgievich
  • Kakorin, Igor' Dmitrievich
  • Kalagin, Igor' Vladimirovich
  • Kalinovskaya, Lidiya Vladimirovna [Kalinovskaya, L]
  • Kalinovskii, Yurii Leonidovich
  • Kalmykov, Mikhail
  • Kalmykova, L A
  • Kanokov, Zakirzhon
  • Kapshai, Valerii Nikolaevich
  • Kaptar', Leonid Petrovich
  • Kaptari, Leonid Petrovich
  • Karabegov, Alexandr Vladimirovich
  • Karamysheva, Galina Anatolievna
  • Karnaukhov, Viktor Aleksandrovich
  • Karpov, A V
  • Kartavtsev, O I
  • Kashunin, I A
  • Katkov, V L
  • Kazakov, Dmitri Igorevich
  • Kazartsev, Sergei Vyacheslavovich
  • Kazymov, A I
  • Kekelidze, G D
  • Kekelidze, Vladimir Dmitrievich
  • Kesharpu, Kaushal Kumar
  • Khalkin, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Khavryuchenko, Vladimir Dmitrievich
  • Khodzhaev, L Sh
  • Khodzhibagiyan, Gamlet Georgievich
  • Khoromsky, Boris Nikolaevich
  • Khramov, Evgenii Vladimirovich
  • Khrykin, A S
  • Khvedelidze, Arsen Morisovich
  • Kichanov, S E
  • Kirilkin, N.
  • Kiselev, M A
  • Kiyan, Igor Nikolaevich
  • Kladnitskaya, E N
  • Klimenko, A
  • Klopot, Y
  • Kobets, A G
  • Kochelev, N
  • Kochetov, Evgenii Andreevich
  • Kochetov, Oleg Ivanovich
  • Kolbin, M M
  • Kolerov, Genrich Ivanovich
  • Kolesnikov, Dmitry V
  • Kolesnikov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Kol'ga, V V
  • Kolganova, Elena Aleksandrovna
  • Kolomeitsev, Evgenii Eduardovich
  • Kolupaeva, Liudmila Dmitrievna
  • Komarov, V I
  • Konin, Aleksandr Demidovich
  • Konischev, Konsantin Vladimirovich
  • Konopleva, Nelli Pavlovna
  • Konoplianikov, V F
  • Kopylov, Herzen Isaevich
  • Kopylova, D K
  • Korenchenko, Spartak Mikhailovich
  • Korenkov, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Korneev, Dmitrii Anatol'evich
  • Korneeva, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
  • Korneichuk, Anatolii Andreevich
  • Kornilov, E I
  • Kornyak, Vladimir Vasilievich
  • Korobchenko, A P
  • Korobov, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Korogodina, Victoria L
  • Korolev, N A
  • Korsun, L D
  • Kosov, D S
  • Kostov, N A
  • Kostromin, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Kotikov, Anatolii Vasil'evich
  • Kotov, Andrey Yur'evich
  • Kotov, V M
  • Kotov, V M
  • Kovachevich, Zh
  • Kovalenko, Aleksandr Dmitrievich
  • Kovalenko, V
  • Kovalik, Alojz
  • Kozhevnikov, S V
  • Kozlenko, D P
  • Kozlov, Gennady Alekseevich
  • Krasavin, E A
  • Krasavin, Sergei Evgen'evich
  • Krasnikov, Nikolai Valer'evich
  • Kravets, Lyubov Ivanovna
  • Krivitsky, V V
  • Krivokhizhin, V G
  • Krivonos, Sergei Olegovich
  • Krupko, Sergei Anatol'evich
  • Krzhivanek, M
  • Ktitarev, Dmitrii Vsevolodovich
  • Kukhtin, V V
  • Kulikov, Kirill Vyacheslavovich
  • Kulin, G V
  • Kulyabov, Dmitry Sergeevich
  • Kumekin, Yu P
  • Kuraev, Èduard Akekseevich
  • Kurdikov, A B
  • Kurilin, A S
  • Kutovskiy, Nicolay A.
  • Kuzemsky, Alexander Leonidovich
  • Kuz'min, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Kuznetsov, Ivan V
  • Kuznetsov, Vitalii Sergeevich
  • Kuznetsov, Vladislav Ivanovich
  • Kuzntesov, Aleksei Sergeevich
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, RussiaThe Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) an international intergovernmental organization — was established through the Convention signed on 26 March 1956 by the founding Member States with the aim of uniting their efforts, scientific and material potentials for investigations of the fundamental properties of matter.The Institute bases its activities on the principles of openness for participation to all interested states, of their equal and mutually beneficial cooperation.

    The activity of JINR in Russia is realized in compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on the Location and Terms of Activity of JINR in the Russian Federation".

    JINR has bilateral agreements, protocols, and other documents on cooperation with about 700 institutions in 60 countries, including agreements concluded at governmental levels with Germany, Hungary, and Italy.The Institute also has extensive collaboration with international centres UNESCO, CERN, CLAF, ICTP and research centres in France, USA, Japan and other countries.



    Other institution names:
    • Institute of Nuclear Problems Academy of Sciences of the USSR
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