Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), Moscow, Russia
Address: Russia, 127051, Moscow, Bol'shoi Karetnyi per., 19
Phone: +7 (495) 650 42 25
Number of persons: 378
Number of authors: 405
Number of publications: 1309
Conferences: 22
Seminars: 17

Personnel: A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z
full list
  • Kabatiansky, Grigorii Anatol'evich
  • Kalimulina, Elmira Yurevna
  • Kalimullin, Rustam Èmirovich
  • Kanovei, Vladimir Grigorevich
  • Kapushev, Ermek Rakhatovich
  • Karasev, Roman Nikolaevich
  • Kargin, Igor' Sergeevich
  • Karpenko, Semen Mikhailovich
  • Karpushkin, Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Kazarnovskii, Boris Yakovlevich
  • Kaznadzey, Anna Denisovna
  • Khanin, Konstantin Mikhailovich
  • Kharkevich, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Kharkevich, Anatolii Dem'yanovich
  • Khartov, Alexey Andreevich
  • Khas'minskii, Rafail Zalmanovich [Khasminskii, Rafail Zalmanovich]
  • Khorov, Evgenii Mikhailovich
  • Khrapov, Nikolay Pavlovich
  • Kikot', Stanislav Pavlovich
  • Kirichenko, Valentina Alekseevna
  • Kirillov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Kir'yanov, Anton Gennad'evich
  • Kleptsyna, Marina L'vovna
  • Kokhan, Vladislav Vladimirovich
  • Kokina, O A
  • Kolokoltsov, Vassili Nikitich [Kolokol'tsev, Vasilii Nikitovich]
  • Kolosov, Kirill Sergeevich
  • Kolyutsky, Grigorii Arkad'evich
  • Komech, Aleksandr Il'ich
  • Komech, Andrey [Komech, A A]
  • Komech, Sergey Aleksandrovich
  • Konovalenko, Ivan Andreevich
  • Kontsevich, Maxim L'vovich
  • Kopylova, Elena Andreevna
  • Korchagin, Sergey Andeevich
  • Koshelev, Dmitrii Igorevich
  • Kotlyarov, Nikita Vladimirovich
  • Kotov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Kovalev, Dmitry A.
  • Kozyakin, Victor Sergeevich
  • Krasilov, Artem Nikolaevich
  • Krasnosel'skii, Alexander Markovich
  • Krasnosel'skii, Mark Aleksandrovich [Krasnosselsky, M]
  • Kreshchuk, Aleksei Andreevich
  • Krichever, Igor Moiseevich
  • Krotov, Aleksandr Vital'evich
  • Krymova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
  • Kudinov, Andrey Valer'evich
  • Kuksin, Sergei Borisovich
  • Kuleshov, Aleksandr Petrovich
  • Kunina, Irina Andreevna
  • Kureev, Alekdei Andreevich
  • Kurmukova, Anastasiya Andreevna
  • Kuryshin, S A
  • Kutsevol, P N
  • Kuznetsov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
  • The Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) was founded on the initiative of Professor A. A. Kharkevich (1904–1965), member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It was designed to solve problems bearing upon the progress of information theory and its applications as well as to develop the fundamentals of the progress of telecommunications in the country. The formal birthday of the Institute is December 29, 1961 – the date when the decision No.1144 of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences was issued. By the same decision, Academician A. A. Kharkevich was nominated director of the Institute. 1963 saw the commencement of studies on information processes in living nature after the laboratory of vision biophysics headed by Professor N. D. Nyberg (1899–1967) was transferred to this Institute from the Biophysics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    At present, a stable scientific body of highly trained specialists has been formed in the Institute. The Institute is composed of mathematicians, physicists, biologists, engineers and linguists, who are engaged in fundamental research into problems of information transmission, distribution and processing, as well as problems of control in complex dynamical systems.


    Other institution names:
    • Institute for Information Transmission Problems, AS USSR
    • Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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