Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Address: Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Institutskaya, 3
Phone: +7 (383) 330 91 50
Number of persons: 128
Number of authors: 152
Number of publications: 327

Personnel: A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T V Y Z
full list
  • Kakutkina, Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
  • Kaletina, Margarita Vladimirovna
  • Karasev, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Khramtsov, Valerii Vladimirovich
  • Kiselev, Vitalii Georgievich
  • Kiskin, Aleksandr Borisovich
  • Knyaz'kov, D I
  • Knyaz'kov, Denis Anatol'evich
  • Korobeinichev, Oleg Pavlovich
  • Korzhavin, Aleksei Anatol'evich
  • Kotlyarevskii, Izrail' L'vovich
  • Koval'skaya, Galina Aleksandrovna
  • Kozachenko, Leonid Sergeevich
  • Kozlov, Yaroslav Vladimirovich
  • Kuibida, Leonid Vasil'evich
  • Kulik, Leonid Viktorovich
  • Kurshev, V V
  • Kutsenogii, Konstantin Petrovich
  • Kuznetsov, I L
  • Kvasov, A A
  • Institute of Chemical Kinetics and  Combustion, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, RussiaThe success achieved in the 40-ies and 50-ies by the scientific school of Academician N. N. Semenov, Nobel Prize winner, has put forward chemical kinetics as the division of chemical physics to the frontier of chemical science. To understand the mechanisms of chemical reactions, to know the laws of reaction evolution with time means to govern a chemical process. This idea, originating from the classic works on chain reactions by Semenov?s school, has become the foundation for the development of chemical physics and retains its importance till now. That is why, as an answer to M. A. Lavrentiev?s initiative to create the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences in 1957, N. N. Semenov encouraged Professors V. V. Voevodsky and A. A. Kovalsky to organise the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion in Novosibirsk (the abbreviated title is ICK&C).

    Other institution names:
    • Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
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