Institute of Radiophysics & Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Armenia
Address: Armenia, 378410, Ashtarak-2, Br. Alikhanianov, 1
Phone: +3741 287850
Number of persons: 31
Number of authors: 34
Number of publications: 20

Personnel: A B E F G K L M N P R S T
full list
  • Erzkanyan, K G
  • Main Fields of Activity

    Radiophysics: Development and manufacturing of Low-Noise Receiver Systems in the microwave and millimeter-wave range of spectrum, for remote sensing, radar, communication and earthquake forecasting purposes. Solid-State and Plasma Physics: Investigation of mechanical, electric and magnetic properties of solids. Electromagnetic and phonon waves generation mechanisms and propagation in solids and plasma. Material Sciences: High-temperature superconductivity. Semiconductor structures for IR detectors. Radiation resistant materials. Porous materials and nanotechnology.

    Main Results

    1. generation and frequency-conversion of millimeter waves by high-temperature superconducting Josephson structures was detected and analyzed in IRPhE. New functional elements based on dielectric image guides have been developed for low-noise receivers in millimeter and submillimeter wavebands;
    2. microwave radiometer systems have been developed, manufactured and successfully used on board of MIR Space Station and OCEAN-0 satellite for remote sensing of the Earth;
    3. millimeter-wave transceiver systems have been developed for indoor communication, and as a local Internet link;
    4. medical apparatus ARTSAKH has been developed for treatment of certain diseases through ``acupunctural points'' exposed to weak microwaves;
    5. light effect on diamond crystal plasticity has been studied and HF transistor using diamond powder substrate has been developed;
    6. phenomenological theory of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equations has been developed;
    7. semiconductor heterojunctions, nInSb-nGaAs, were groun by laser epitaxy method. For the first time, sign reversal of photo-sensitivity characteristic was revealed and physical model of the phenomenon was given;
    8. Pb1-xSnxTe single crystals of various composition were grown and analyzed, as perspective materials for IR and millimeter-wave detectors;
    9. new oxide ceramic material has been developed, possessing high thermal-electric efficiency, as a perspective element for the Peltier-effect coolers;
    10. nonlinear optical effects and storage properties of low-dimensional semiconductor systems (quantum dots and porous Si) have been treated;
    11. theory of fast particle transition through thin conductor, dielectric or plasma layers has been developed;
    12. series of absolute angle encoders, varying in size and accuracy, has been manufactured and used for orientation of platforms beasing instruments on board of MIR Space Station, as well as in robotics and machine industry;
    13. an alarm system using combination of capacitance sensors, microphones and control means has been developed for guarding of territorics.

    Internartional Activity
    1. IRPhE is engaged in the ISTC project ``Development of Highly Sensitive Microwave Receivers for Radio Astronomy, Meteorology and Earthquake Forecasting'';
    2. Researches are carried out under INTAS-Open program on ``Current Transport and HF Interactions in High Tc Superconducting Multi-Junctions'';
    3. IRPhE specialists are engaged in the NATO ``Science for Peace'' project ``Super-Sensitive High Tc Superconducting Multi-Junction Josephson Devices for Environmental Investigation and Biomagnetic Applications''.

    Other institution names:
    • Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR
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