Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Адрес: Germany, 80539, München, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, 1
Телефон: +49 (89) 21800
Персоналий: 37
Авторов: 27
Публикаций: 28

Персоналии: B F J K L M S T Z А Б В Г Д З Й К Л М О П Р С Ф Х Ш Э
полный список
  • Batt Jürgen
  • Frank R L [Франк Р Л]
  • Jansen Sabine
  • Kugler Johannes
  • Kuniavsky Sergey
  • Kurz Alexander
  • Kutschera H.-J.
  • Lüst Dieter
  • Michelangeli Alessandro
  • Saberi Ingmar
  • Schreieder Stefan
  • Treumann R
  • Zayakin A V
  • Андреев Олег Дмитриевич
  • Аполонский Александр Анатольевич
  • Ахмед-Заде Исмаил
  • Баумгартл Марко
  • Вахтель Виталий Иванович [Wachtel Vitali]
  • Гейзенберг Вернер Карл
  • Дюр Д
  • Зауэр Е
  • Йорн Э
  • Коттхаус Й П
  • Люст Раймар
  • Муханов Вячеслав Федорович
  • Орити Даниэле
  • Планк Макс
  • Розеншон Андреас
  • Сикорский К
  • Фона Н
  • Фритцш Х
  • Хьюзген Р
  • Хэнш Теодор В
  • Шваб Г М
  • Эрдёш Ласло

  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München is a public corporation with the right of self-governance within the confines of the law. At the same time, it is a state entity divided into a central administration and 18 faculties. The University Executive Board is composed of six members: the president and five vice presidents. The University Executive Board consults with its main advisory board, the University Council, comprised of members of the university as well as high-ranking and experienced representatives from the private sector, the professional world and other branches of academia. The University Governing Board consists of members of the Executive Board, the deans and the women’s representative of the university. The faculties themselves house various academic bodies such as departments and institutes, as well as managing units. In order to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration, members of these academic bodies can merge to form crossdisciplinary centers.

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