Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
Адрес: France, 75794, Paris, rue Michel-Ange, 3
Телефон: +33 (1) 44 96 40 00
Персоналий: 88
Авторов: 96
Публикаций: 116
Конференций: 1

Персоналии: A B C F G H J K L R T V А Б В Г Д З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т Ф Ш Ю Я
полный список
  • Achelle Sylvain
  • Albouy Olivier
  • Anker Jean-Philippe
  • Baseilhac Stéphane
  • Bekka Bachir Mohammed
  • Boualem Hassan
  • Breton Jean-Christophe
  • Brieussel Jérémie
  • Bruneau Christian
  • Cadre Benoît
  • Cantat Serge
  • Casale Guy
  • Clémencon Stephan
  • Coutaz Jean-Louis
  • Crampé Nicolas
  • Faitg Matthieu
  • Ferrier Alban
  • Garet Frederic
  • Guivarc'h Yves
  • Henniart Guy
  • Hmidi Taoufik
  • Julien F H
  • Kassel Christian
  • Kibler Maurice R
  • Longdell Jevon J
  • Roche Philippe
  • Tchernycheva Maria
  • Vu-Ngoc San
  • Агузаль А
  • Айяд А
  • Ансельми Фабио
  • Бардо Н
  • Бернар Д
  • Бианки Фабрицио
  • Богданов Константин Викторович
  • Боннэй-Ноэль В
  • Браншери Д
  • Бугатасс С
  • Виаль Г
  • Глуцюк Алексей Антонович
  • Гратиа Дени
  • Григорьев Дмитрий Юрьевич
  • Гуро Разван
  • Дамбрин Мрак
  • Зорич Антон Владимирович
  • Ивер Флоран
  • Каноза Андре
  • Карусо Х
  • Клепцын Виктор Алексеевич
  • Коллин С
  • Коран Даниэль
  • Ле Пезан Дени
  • Лозиенко Дарья
  • Лопез Х. 
  • Лорэ Франк [Лорей Фрэнк]
  • Луазо Паскаль
  • Лукас Ж
  • Мемен Ж
  • Минель Жан-Люк
  • Неель Луи Эжен Феликс
  • Оссона де Мендез Патрис
  • Пардо Ф
  • Пелар Ж.-Л.
  • Пиле П
  • Плана Мишель
  • Рахимов Карим Хошимович
  • Рессейр Ж.-П. [Ресер Ж.-Р.]
  • Ривоаль Танги
  • Ромаскевич Ольга Леонидовна [Paris-Romaskevich Olga]
  • Руа М-Ф
  • Сальников Владимир
  • Серво Доминик
  • Серр Жан Пьер
  • Симонин О
  • Соле Патрик
  • Стоян Р
  • Тищенко Александр Валентинович
  • Том Оливер
  • Тузе Фредерик
  • Фалез А
  • Фам К Л
  • Ферт Альбер
  • Шарон И
  • Шене П
  • Шефтель Жереми
  • Юдри О
  • Яфаев Дмитрий Рауэльевич

  • The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research.

    Founded in 1939 by governmental decree, CNRS has the following missions:

    To evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society
    To contribute to the application and promotion of research results
    To develop scientific information
    To support research training
    To participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy CNRS research units are located throughout France, and employ a large body of tenured researchers, engineers, and support staff. Laboratories are all on renewable four-year contracts, with bi-annual evaluation.

    There are two types of labs:

    CNRS intramural labs: fully funded and managed by CNRS (called UPR, or unitйs propres de recherche, in French)
    Joint labs: partnered with universities, other research organizations, or industry (called UMR, or units mixtes de recherche, in French)

    As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS carried out research in all fields of knowledge, through its six research departments:

    Mathematics, Physics, Earth Sciences and Astronomy (MPPU)
    Life Sciences
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development (EDD)
    Information and Engineering Sciences and Technologies (ST2I)

    and two national institutes:

    The National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3)
    The National Institute of Earth Sciences and Astronomy(INSU)

    CNRS encourages collaboration between specialists from different disciplines in particular with the university thus opening up new fields of enquiry to meet social and economic needs. Interdisciplinary research is undertaken in the following domains:

    Life and its social implications
    Information, communication and knowledge
    Environment, energy and sustainable development
    Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials

    Astroparticles: from particles to the Universe CNRS's annual budget represents a quarter of French public spending on civilian research. This funding comes from various sources:

    Government and public funding CNRS funds, primarily from industrial and EU research contracts and royalties on patents, licenses, and services provided.

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