Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Адрес: France, Nice
Персоналий: 24
Авторов: 21
Публикаций: 24

Персоналии: H L M T Б В Г Д К М О П Р С Х Э
полный список
  • Höring Andreas
  • Laurent-Polz Frederic
  • Merle Michel
  • Talay Denis
  • Бальзин Эдуард Р
  • Валтер Чарльз
  • Галлиго Андрэ
  • Голами Й
  • Гранду Тьери
  • Думитреску С
  • Кандельпергер Бернар
  • Кастелланос С
  • Костов Владимир Петров
  • Кунэер Жозеф
  • Метивье Людовик
  • Оперто С
  • Пажо Д
  • Патрас Фредерик
  • Прё В
  • Рибодетти А
  • Симпсон Карлос
  • Столович Лоран
  • Ху Г
  • Этьен В

  • The Universitй de Nice Sophia Antipolis delivers nearly 230 national diplomas among which a hundred training courses are given for professional purposes.

    Since the beginning of the 2004 academic year, the Universitй de Nice Sophia-Antipolis has adopted the LMD system and its courses are in accordance with the European Higher Education Area.

    In order to present all the advantages of its offer, the Universitй de Nice Sophia Antipolis invites you to accede, by different means which are at your disposal, to the courses and suggested paths.

    A listing of professions, drawn up in partnership with the ONISEP and the Academy of Nice, articulated with training offers, will allow you to choose from more than 120 professions, presented in a generic fashion or as Universitй de Nice Sophia Antipolis specialities. This, unpretentious, index of professions, by activity sectors, allows you to become acquainted with the potential openings offered by the University. Should you need further details, we advise you to contact the information and orientation services. In addition, you can also consult the 'rйpertoire opйrationnel des mйtiers' of the ANPE.

    You will also find under this heading all the new courses offered by LMD subjects, by colleges, schools and Institutes, whether for long distance courses or sandwich courses.

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