University of Cologne, Germany
Адрес: Germany, D - 50923, Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz
Телефон: +49 (2) 21 47 00
Персоналий: 43
Авторов: 38
Публикаций: 34

Персоналии: B C E F L M N S T W Z Б В К Л М О П Р С Ф Х Ш Я
полный список
  • Bringmann Kathrin
  • Craig William
  • Cupit-Foutou Stephanie
  • Endepols Heike
  • Fang Xin
  • Littelmann Peter
  • Marinescu George
  • Mink M
  • Mörters Peter
  • Neumaier Bernd
  • Sabatini Silvia
  • Steinbach Jost
  • Tian C
  • Wefelmeyer W
  • Zlatopolskiy Boris D
  • Бекер П
  • Богати Л
  • Бройер M
  • Бундшу П
  • Винневисер Г
  • Ву Дук Вьет
  • Клевцов Семён Евгениевич [Клевцов С Г]
  • Кнауф Н
  • Кордонис K
  • Крайнер М
  • Лоренц Т
  • Мейер Даниэль Альбертович
  • Обухов Юрий Николаевич
  • Пикл Штефан Вольфганг
  • Попков Владислав Юрьевич
  • Реймер К
  • Свирс Гвидо Х
  • Сурин Леонид Аркадьевич
  • Фёдоров Ян Валерьевич
  • Фейгин Евгений Борисович
  • Фиммель Т
  • Фреймут А
  • Фурье Г
  • Хомский Д
  • Хомский Даниил Ильич
  • Шефер Клеменс Аполлинарий Губерт Мария
  • Штайнебах Й
  • Якимова Оксана Сергеевна

  • University of Cologne, GermanyUniversity of Cologne — one of the most famous and — with about 45.000 students — also one of the most popular German universities in the very heart of Europe. The University of Cologne with its seven faculties offers students an enormous variety in choice and combination of courses and subjects. Students who expect and fulfill high standards at the university, will find best studying conditions here.

    The University of Cologne occupies a leading position in many areas of research. Thus, for example, the Genetic Institute is part of the Cologne Centre of Genetic Research — one of four in the Federal Republic. The Genetic Institute alone houses two specialist research sectors (molecular analysis of the development of cellular systems and the modular structure of genetic material). There are two further specialist fields of research (the physics and chemistry of interstellar molecular clouds and the physics of mesoscopic and low-dimensional metallic systems) in physics.

    However, Cologne also remains a centre of multi-faceted classical philosophical and historical research. The Institute of Archaeology, to cite just one example, is one of the most important research centres for interpreting unpublished papyri from Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquity. In 1995 the specialist research sector "cultural and scenic change in arid Africa" was established in which the disciplines of Egyptology, African Studies, Botany, Geography, Prehistory and Early History, and Ethnology participate. In addition, the university is involved in the specialist research into "theory of the lexicon".

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