Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Адрес: Sweden, 971 87, Luleå
Телефон: +46 (0)920 49 10 00
Персоналий: 9
Авторов: 11
Публикаций: 17

Персоналии: W К Л М П Э
полный список
  • Wall Peter
  • Королева Юлия Олеговна [Королева Юлия]
  • Кругляк Натан Яковлевич
  • Линдблом О
  • Лундберг С
  • Малигранда Лех
  • Перссон Л Е
  • Эйлер М
  • Эйлер Норберт

  • It has taken us 30 years to develop the Luleå spirit. During that period of time the University has significantly transformed its status — from having been the northernmost (and smallest) institute of technology in Sweden, to becoming the first university of technology in Sweden.

    The Luleå spirit is a question of originality and inventiveness — important qualities for a university situated on the fringes of Europe, far away from the old prestigious universities and cities with a long academic history.

    To put it simply, one can say that the Luleå spirit is about taking the lead. Being the first to think in an innovative way and daring to test new and modern solutions which meet the need of companies and society for competence, and which give students a sound foundation for a long professional life with many changes.

    The Luleå spirit is also, to a large extent, a question of new teaching methods, building new knowledge, and giving students, researchers and companies a new and more prominent role in the academic world.

    Within multidisciplinary spheres of knowledge with a great potential for growth, so-called arenas, the University is now devoting substantial resources to developing the Luleå spirit further. Our aim is a modern and up-to-date undergraduate education and research better suited to the complex knowledge-based society of today.

    The University's co-operating partners among companies and in the surrounding society have an important role in this development work. In addition to our old and well-established contacts with the staple industry of the County of Norrbotten (ore, metallurgy and forestry), we have developed contacts with both Swedish and foreign companies in rapidly developing branches of industry that are strategic for the University, such as mobile communication, embedded Internet systems, product development, health care-IT, mining-metallurgy, music-media-experience creation, sustainable development, modern construction, and administration.

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