University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Адрес: Finland, FI-40014, Jyväskylä, Seminaarinmäki
Телефон: +358 (14) 260 12 11
Персоналий: 23
Авторов: 27
Публикаций: 43

Персоналии: B H L M P S Z Д З К Л М Н П Р Т Х Э
полный список
  • Bhayo Barkat Ali [Бхайо Баркат Али]
  • Hämäläinen Timo
  • Heikkilä T T
  • Louko J
  • Mattila Pertti
  • Mönkölä Sanna
  • Potenciano-Machado Leyter
  • Suhonen J
  • Zhong Xiao
  • Дементьева Мария
  • Занг Г
  • Кузнецов Николай Владимирович
  • Лехтинен Я С
  • Мацулевич Светлана Викторовна
  • Нейттаанмяки Пекка
  • Порецкий Александр Сергеевич
  • Рыбин А В
  • Тимонен Й
  • Тимонен Ю
  • Токарева Анна Александровна
  • Тшаска В Х
  • Хъярт Т
  • Экле Ганс-Петер

  • University of Jyväskylä, FinlandThe University of Jyväskylä, located in a rapidly growing and modern city in the lake district of Finland, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in the country with almost 16000 students, including 660 international students. Like all other Finnish institutes of higher education, University of Jyväskylä is state-run, and under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.

    The University takes pride in the fact that for several years it has been one of the most popular institution of higher education among Finnish students. The University offers Bachelor's, Master's, Licentiate and Doctoral degrees within the faculties of Education, Humanities, Information Technology, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, Sport and Health Sciences and the School of Business and Economics. Altogether, there are over 100 subject area disciplines to choose from and more than 40 degree programmes leading to a Master's degree.

    There is a strong emphasis on international cooperation in the University of Jyväskylä. We continue to build on close ties within Europe as well as to develop more contacts with other continents. There is a wide selection of courses and programmes offered in foreign languages (mainly English), including modules that are not offered anywhere else in Finland. In addition to high academic standards, we provide comprehensive counselling services for international students.

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