Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Address: Belarus, 220030, Minsk, prosp. Nezavisimosti, 4
Phone: +375 (017) 226 59 40, 209 54 16
Number of persons: 1054
Number of authors: 1040
Number of publications: 2028
Conferences: 6

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X Y Z Ч
full list
  • Abdo, Sabet Ahmed
  • Ablameyko, Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Abrashina-Zhadaeva, Natal'ya Grigor'evna [Zhadaeva, Natal'ya Grigor'evna]
  • Adamchik, Viktor Savvich
  • Adamovič, Vâčeslav Ivanovič
  • Adamovich, Boris
  • Adashkevich, S V
  • Admiralova, Aleksandra Nikolaevna
  • Adutskevich, Ivan A.
  • Afonenko, Aleksandr Anatol'evich
  • Afonenko, Anatolii A
  • Ageev, Sergei Mikhailovich
  • Ageeva, Helena Sergeevna
  • Agievich, Sergei Valer'evich
  • Ahmatova, Anzhela A
  • Akhramenko, Viktor Korneevich
  • Aksen', Èrnest Mavritsievich
  • Alekhno, Aleksandr Grigor'evich
  • Alekhno, Egor Aleksandrovich
  • Aleksandrov, P A
  • Ali, Firas Taqi
  • Al'sevich, Larisa Alekseevna
  • Al'sevich, Vitalii Vikent'evich
  • Amel'kin, Vladimir Vasil'evich [Amel'kin, Vladimir Vasil'evich]
  • Ananich, T I
  • Andriyanchik, A A
  • Andrusevich, Pavel Petrovich
  • Anishchenko, Sergei Vladimirivich
  • Anishchik, V M
  • Antipova, Azaliya Mikhailovna
  • Antonevich, Anatolij Borisovich
  • Apanasovich, V V
  • Arhipenko, O A
  • Arshavskiy, V I
  • Artem'ev, M V
  • Artyugin, Vladimir Grigor'evich
  • Astashinskii, Valentin Valentinovich
  • Atrokhau, Kiryl Georgievich
  • Audzeichyk, Yauheni V.
  • Autushka, T S
  • Azarov, Aleksei Ivanovich
  • Babitskii, A V
  • Bakhan'kov, A A
  • Bakhtin, Victor Ivanovich
  • Balashchenko, Vitaly Vladimirovich
  • Baran, Lyudmila Vladimirovna
  • Baranova, E K
  • Baranovskaya, Svetlana Nikolaevna
  • Baravik, Andrei Aleksandrovich
  • Barkova, Elena Aleksandrovna
  • Barovik, D V
  • Baryshevskiĭ, Vladimir Grigor'evich
  • Batrakov, Konstantin Germanovich
  • Bedziuk, N V
  • Belkin, V G
  • Bel'ko, I V
  • Belko, Nikita Viktorovich
  • Belko, Viktor
  • Bel'skiĭ, A M
  • Belyavsky, Stanislav Stanislavovich
  • Beniash-Kryvets, Valery
  • Benuar, Nur Eddin
  • Benyash-Krivets, Valerii Vatslavovich
  • Berdysheva, R A
  • Bernik, Vasilij Ivanovich
  • Beznosik, Alexandr Vitalyevich
  • Bezruk, V V
  • Biadrytski, Aliaksandr S.
  • Bin, Sun
  • Bliznets, Ivan Anatolyevich
  • Bobkov, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Bodyagin, Igor Alexandrovich
  • Bogdanov, Yurii Stanislavovich
  • Bogdanova (Bachilo), Valentina Vladimirovna
  • Bogdanova, Valentina Vladimirovna
  • Boiko, L F
  • Bol'shakov, Nikolai Egorovich
  • Bondar, Ivan V.
  • Bondar', Ivan Vasil'evich
  • Bondar, Yu L
  • Bondar, Yuliya Leonidovna
  • Bondarenko, Aleksandr Adamovich
  • Bondarenko, Svetlana Petrovna
  • Bondarev, A V
  • Bondarev, I V
  • Bondarev, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Bondaruk, V N
  • Borisevich, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
  • Borisoglebskii, Leonid Aleksandrovich
  • Borkovskaya, I M
  • Bosak, Olga Nikolayevna
  • Bosiakov, Sergei Mikhailovich
  • Botogova, Marina G.
  • Brenner, V V
  • Brisch, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Brisyuk, Sergey Mihaylovich
  • Brusnikin, S E
  • Budnik, Anatolii Mikhailovich
  • Buganov, Oleg Vasil'evich
  • Bukhtoyarov, Sergei Evgen'evich
  • Bulatov, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Bulgakov, Nikolai Grigor'evich
  • Burdeliov, Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Burov, Leonid Ivanovich
  • Buyalskaya, Yuliuya V.
  • Buza, Mikhail Konstantinovich
  • Buzulutskaya, A N [Glaz, A N]
  • By Kim Tuan,
  • Bychanok, D S
  • Chaiko, Victor V.
  • Chaikovskii, Artur Fedorovich
  • Chartkoff, Andre Valerjevich
  • Cheb, Elena Sergeevna
  • Chelyadinskii, Aleksei Romanovich
  • Cherenda, N N
  • Cherginets, Dmitry
  • Cherkas, N L
  • Cherkas, Sergei Leonidovich
  • Chernooky, Alexander Leonidovich
  • Chernyavsky, Alexander F.
  • Chesalin, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Chumakov, Fedor Vasil'evich
  • Churbanov, Yuri Dmitrievich
  • Dadenkov, Ivan Gennad'evich
  • Dainyak, Viktor Vladimirovich
  • Dashevich, O V
  • Dashkevich, O V
  • Dashyan, R S
  • Dauhaliova, Maryna K.
  • Davyalova, Elena Vyacheslavovna
  • Davydova, V A
  • Dedkov, Daniil Yur'evich
  • Degtyarenko, Nataliya Aleksandrovna
  • Demchuk, Mikhail Ivanovich
  • Diky, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Dmitruk, Nataliya Mikhailovna
  • Dobrego, V P
  • Dokukova, Nataliya Anatol'evna
  • Dolgopolova, Ol'ga Borisovna
  • Dorogush, Elena Sergeevna
  • Dovgodilin, Vladimir V.
  • Drozdov, Nikolay A
  • Drybin, Evgenii Aleksandrovich
  • Dubatovskaya, Marina Valer'evna
  • Dubov, M A
  • Dubovik, Pavel Andreevich
  • Dubrov, Boris Mikhailovich [Doubrov, Boris Mikhailovich]
  • Dudchik, Yu I
  • Dudin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
  • Dudin, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Dudina, Ol'ga Sergeevna
  • Dul, Ekaterina N.
  • Dutina, Alina
  • Dydyshko, Egor Vyacheslavovich
  • Dzemidchyk, V V
  • Dzeraviaha, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
  • Dzhul'de, D A
  • Egorov, Andrey Aleksandrovich
  • Emelichev, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Engelmann, Ulrike
  • Ermalitskaia, K F
  • Ermilov, Evgenii Andreevich
  • Ermol'chik, Vitalii Leonidovich
  • Ermol'chik, Yuliya Vladimirovna
  • Erofeenko, Viktor Tikhonovich
  • Erofeev, Il'ya Aleksandrovich
  • Erovenko, Valerii Aleksandrovich
  • Faleichik, Boris Viktorovich
  • Farazei, Artem I.
  • Fedchenko, V A
  • Fedenko, Anatolii Semenovich
  • Fedoruk, G G
  • Fedotov, A K
  • Feranchuk, Ilya Davydovich
  • Feranchuk, Sergey I
  • Filippov, I M
  • Filiptsov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
  • Filiptsov, Vladimir Fedorovich
  • Firago, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Fisher, Iosif Zalmanovich
  • Frolova, Dar'ya Sergeevna
  • Frolova, Svetlana Valerievna
  • Furs, Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Fursa, Evgenii Yakovlevich
  • Fursenko, Natal'ya Vladimirovna
  • Gabasov, Rafail
  • Gabasova, O R
  • Gadzhieva, Leyla Elgizovna
  • Gafurov, Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Gaishun, L N
  • Galibus, Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Gao Syuèdun,
  • Gaponik, Pavel Nikolaevich
  • Gatal'skaya, T I
  • Gavrilova, N V
  • Gavris, I B
  • Gert, Evgenii Vladimirovich
  • Gilevich, Mikhail Petrovich
  • Giro, Aleksei Vladimirovich
  • Gladkov, Alexander
  • Glushtsov, Anatolii Il'ich
  • Golovnev, Alexander Garnikovich
  • Goncharov, Viktor Konstantinovich
  • Gorbachuk, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Gorlov, Valerii Vasilyvich
  • Gorokhov, Gleb Viktorovich
  • Goryachkin, Vladimir Viktorovich
  • Govor, Gennadii Antonovich
  • Govor, L V
  • Govorushko, Igor' Olegovich
  • Gribkovskaya, Irina V
  • Grigoryeva, Elena Viktorovna
  • Grinev, Vasily Viktorovich
  • Grishkevich, Alexey Gennad'evich
  • Gromak, Elena Valerievna
  • Gromak, Valerii Ivanovich
  • Grudo, Ya O
  • Grushevich, O P
  • Grushevskaya, Halina Vladislavovna
  • Grushevsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Gubskaya, V I
  • Guletskaya, Ol'ga Isaakovna
  • Guletskii, Nikolai Vladimirovich
  • Gulina, Olga Valerievna
  • Gulis, Igor' Mikhailovich
  • Gumiennik, Vladislav Èdmundovich
  • Guminskaya, Anna Vladimirovna
  • Gurevsky, Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Gurevsky, Evgeny [Gurevskii, Evgenii Evgen'evich]
  • Gurin, Alexander Sergeevich
  • Gurin, Valerij S
  • Gurinovich, Georgii Pavlovich
  • Gurnovskaya, Svetlana Valentinovna
  • Gusakov, Grigorii Anatol'evich
  • Gusakova, M L
  • Gusakova, Olga Vadimovna
  • Gusakova, S V
  • Guseinova, Anastasia Sergeevna
  • Ha, Vo Thi Thanh
  • Haiduk, Yulyan S
  • Hailong, Chen
  • Haitsiukevich, Katsiaryna
  • Halauchuk, Viktoriya Ivanovna
  • Halavataya, Katsiaryna Aliaksandrauna
  • Hatavets, Maria Alekseevna
  • Haurylavets, V V
  • Hieu, Le Minh
  • Ho, Viet
  • Hoang, Thi Kieu Anh
  • Hua, Xuying
  • Hudyakov, A P
  • Ignatenko, M V
  • Ignatenko, Marina Viktorovna
  • Ignatenko, Vasilii Vasil'evich
  • Ignat'eva, E V
  • Il'ichev, Alexandr Nikolaevich
  • Il'inkova, A V
  • Il'yashuk, Yu M
  • Irzhavski, Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Ivanishko, Iya Aleksandrovna
  • Ivaniuk, Aliaksandr Siargeevich
  • Ivanov, Nikolai Igorevich
  • Ivanov, V V
  • Ivanov, Vladimir Igorevich
  • Ivanova, L I
  • Ivashenko, Dmitry V
  • Ivashkevich, Oleg Anatol'evich
  • Jiahui, Liu
  • Jushchenko, A A
  • Kabo, Gennadii Jakovlevich
  • Kachan, Ilya Vadimovich
  • Kalachev, Vitaly Nikolaevich
  • Kalashnikov, Vladimir Leonidovich
  • Kalinin, Anatoly Iosifovich
  • Kalitin, Boris Sergeevich
  • Kalosha, V P
  • Kalyuzhnaya, T S
  • Kamarov, Dmitry Leonidovich
  • Kaminskiĭ, A N
  • Kaplunov, Maksim Viktorovich
  • Karaliova, A V
  • Karelkina, Olga Vladimirovna
  • Karpechina, A A
  • Karpievich, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
  • Karpov, Yu A
  • Karpovich, Natalya Igorevna
  • Karpuk, Aleksei Vasil'evich
  • Karpuk, S M
  • Karteer, G
  • Kartynnik, Yurii Anatol'evich
  • Kashevski, Vitold V.
  • Kastritsa, Oleg Adamovich
  • Kastsiukevich, Dmitry Arkadievich
  • Kasyuk, Yuliya Vladimirovna
  • Katibnikov, M A
  • Kazachenko, Liliya Pavlovna
  • Kazachenok, Victor Vladimirovich
  • Kazakevich, L A
  • Kazimirsky, Arseny Viktorovich
  • Kazlouski, Maksim A.
  • Kazyuchits, N M
  • Kembrovskaya, N G
  • Kharchanka, Andrei Andreevich
  • Kharchenko, V A
  • Kharin, Alexey Jurievich
  • Kharin, Yurii Semenovich
  • Kharitonova, Veronika Renal'dovna
  • Khatimtsov, Nikita Anatol'evich
  • Khizhnyak, A R
  • Khodos, Svetlana Petrovna
  • Khomichkov, I I
  • Khramova, Elizaveta Vladimirovna
  • Khvashchevskaya, Ya S
  • Kilbas, Anatolii Aleksandrovich
  • Kimlenko, I M
  • Kirlitsa, Valerii Petrovich
  • Kishilov, Dmitry Valerievich
  • Kitsak, Anatolii Il'ich
  • Klavsut', G N
  • Kletskov, Alexey Viktorovich
  • Klimenkov, V N
  • Klimenok, Valentina Ivanovna
  • Klimovich, Igor' Mikailovich
  • Kniaziuk, N V
  • Knish, B A
  • Knyazeva, Lyudmila Pavlovna
  • Kobets, Larisa Vladimirovna
  • Koblov, Evgeny Vladimirovich
  • Kochyn, Viktor P.
  • Kol'chenko, T I
  • Kolkovskii, I I
  • Kolyachko, Vladislav V
  • Kolyada, Andrey A.
  • Komarov, Aleksandr Fadeevich
  • Komarov, Fadei Fadeevich
  • Komarov, L I
  • Komlik, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Komrakov, Boris Borisovich
  • Komyak, Anatoly Ivanovich
  • Komyak, Ivan Ivanovich
  • Konakov, Artem Olegovich
  • Konchakov, P D
  • Kondrat'eva, O M
  • Kondratyonok, Nikita Vasilievich
  • Konevskii, V S
  • Konon, Pavel Nikolaevich
  • Kononov, Sergei Gavrilovich
  • Kononova, Ol'ga Antonovna
  • Konopel'ko, Ol'ga Anatol'evna
  • Konovalov, Oleg L.
  • Konstantinov, Stanislav Valer'evich
  • Kontsevoĭ, V L
  • Konyukh, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
  • Konyukh, V S
  • Korenev, A A
  • Korol, I. A.
  • Korolek, Olga Vasilievna
  • Koroleva, Anna Anatolyevna
  • Korotkov, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Korots, Yu V
  • Korsantia, O B
  • Korzyuk, Viktor Ivanovich
  • Kostevich, Andrei Leonidovich
  • Kotov, E V
  • Kotov, Vladimir Mikhailovich
  • Kourbatski, Alexander N.
  • Kovachev, Valerii Hristov
  • Koval'chuk, Andrey Nikolaevich
  • Kovalev, Aleksandr Igorevich
  • Kovalyov, Mikhail Yakovlevich
  • Kovnatskaya, Ol'ga Anatol'evna
  • Kozadaev, Konstantin Vladimirovich
  • Kozel, P T
  • Kozhemyakin, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
  • Kozik, Andrey Andreevich
  • Kozlov, Igor' Nikolaevich
  • Kozlov, Ilya Igorevich
  • Kozlov, Valerii Pavlovich
  • Kozlova, Elena I.
  • Kozlovskaya, Inessa Stanislavovna
  • Kozulin, Aleksandr Vladislavovich
  • Krakhotko, Valerii Vasil’evich
  • Krasnogir, Evgeny Grigorievich
  • Krasnoproshin, Viktor Vladimirovich
  • Krasovskaya, Tat'yana Gennad'evna
  • Krasovskii, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
  • Kravchenko, V N
  • Kravchuk, Aleksandr Stepanovich
  • Kravchuk, Anzhelika Ivanovna
  • Kravtsov, Mikhail Konstantinovich
  • Kravtsov, Viktor Mikhailovich
  • Kremen', Yurii Alekseevich
  • Krichko, V N
  • Krivko-Krasko, Aleksei Vladimirovich
  • Krivosheev, R M
  • Krosko, I G
  • Krotov, Veniamin Grigoryevich
  • Kruglik, Elena Kuzminichna
  • Krul', Leonid Petrovich
  • Krupchik, Ekaterina Nikolaevna
  • Krupoderov, Andrey Valentinovich
  • Krylov, Eugeny V
  • Krylov, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich
  • Krylov, Georgii Gennad'evich
  • Ksenevich, Vitalii Kazimirovich
  • Kuchinsky, Petr Vasilyvich
  • Kudelevich, N A
  • Kugeiko, Mikhail Mikhailovich
  • Kukharchik, P D
  • Kukharev, Andrei V
  • Kukhta, Aleksandr Vasilyevich
  • Kukrak, H. O.
  • Kuleshov, Aleksandr A [Kouleshoff, Alexander]
  • Kuleshov, Aleksandr Arkad'evich
  • Kulikova, Elena Ivanovna
  • Kulinkovich, Oleg Grigor'evich
  • Kulinkovich, Viktoryia
  • Kundas, S P
  • Kurashevich, Ruslan
  • Kurnosenko, Kirill S.
  • Kurochkin, Aleksandr Vasil'evich
  • Kursov, Valery
  • Kushel, Olga Yur'evna
  • Kushnerov, Alexander V.
  • Kushunin, Alexey Alexandrovich
  • Kuten', S A
  • Kuzhir, Polina Pavlovna
  • Kuz'mich, V I
  • Kuz'min, Kirill Genadievich
  • Kuz'min, Vitalii Vladimirovich
  • Kuzmina, Anna Vikentievna
  • Ladis, N N
  • Laguto, A. A.
  • Lapchuk, Natalia Mikhailovna
  • Lapchuk, T M
  • Lapkovskii, Anatoly Kuzmich
  • Lapshin, V A
  • Laputski, Alexander
  • Latushkin, Kanstantsin Vadimovich
  • Lavrenov, Ivan Aleksandrovich
  • Lavrinovich, Leonid Ivanovich
  • Lazakovich, Nikolay Viktorovich
  • Le Van Hoang,
  • Le, Nguyen D.
  • Le, Thu Thi [Le, Thi Thu]
  • Lebed, Victoria Vyacheslavovna
  • Lebedev, Andrei Vladimirovich
  • Lekunovich, Vadim Konstantinovich
  • Leonova, Eugenia Urievna
  • Leonovich, A M
  • Leontiev, Alexander Viktorovich
  • Lepin, Viktor Vasil'evich
  • Leshenyuk, Nikolai Stepanovich
  • Leshkevich, S V
  • Lesnikovich, Anatolii Ivanovich
  • Levakov, Anatolii Afanas'evich
  • Levchik, Galina Fedorovna
  • Levchuk, Elena Aleksandrovna
  • Levin, A B
  • Linadres, Dmitriy Davidivich
  • Lipnevich, V V
  • Lipnitski, Valery A.
  • Lipnitskii, Andrei Valer'evich
  • Lisenko, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Lishnevskii, Vladimir Anisimovich
  • Litvinov, V V
  • Liu, Huan
  • Livshits, Mark Gilerovich
  • Lomakin, German Aleksandrovich
  • Lomovtsev, Fedor Egorovich
  • Los, Inna Pavlovna
  • Losev, Ivan Vadimovich
  • Loverov, Yaroslav Anatol'evich
  • Lubochkin, A V
  • Luchko, Yurii Fedorovich
  • Lugakov, P F
  • Lugovski, Aleksandr Anatol'evich
  • Lugovsky, Anatolii Petrovich
  • Lukashevich, Mikhail Grigor'evich
  • Lukashevich, Nikolai Antonovich
  • Lukshin, E V
  • Luk'yanitsa, V V
  • Lyakhov, Dmitry Alexandrovich
  • Lykov, Konstantin Vladimirovich
  • Lysenko, Valery
  • Lysenko, Yuliya Vladlenovna
  • Lyubimov, Aleksandr Gennad'evich
  • Lyudchik, Oleg Rostislavovich
  • Lyutsko, Vladimir Arsent'evich
  • Maevskii, V V
  • Makarau, Ihar
  • Makarevich, Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
  • Makarova, V V
  • Makavetskaya, Tatsiana
  • Makevich, P V
  • Makhnach, Leonid V
  • Maksimenko, Sergei Afanas'evich
  • Maksimovich, O V
  • Maksimovich, Svetlana Ivanovna
  • Malashevich, Aleksandr A
  • Malevich, Aleksandr Èrnestovich
  • Malugin, Vladimir I.
  • Manak, I S
  • Mandrik, Pavel Alekseevich
  • Manichev, I A
  • Manzhulina, Elizaveta Aleksandrovna
  • Marchuk, V V
  • Mardvilko, Tatsiana Sergeevna
  • Mardykin, Vyacheslav Prokof'evich
  • Marmysh, V V
  • Martynenko, Mikhail Dmitrievich
  • Martynov, I I
  • Maslov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Mastyanitsa, Vladimir Stanislavovich
  • Matatov, Valeriy Ivanovich
  • Matatova, Irina Valer'evna
  • Mateiko, Oleg Mikhailovich
  • Matetsky, Konstantin Stanislavovich
  • Matulis, Vladislav V.
  • Matusevich, A Yu
  • Matusevich, P A
  • Matveev, Gennadii Vasil'evich
  • Maximenko, Aleksei Alekseevich
  • Maximov, Sergeyi Ivanovich
  • Mazanik, Sergei Alekseevich
  • Mazanik, Yuri Sergeevich
  • Mazel', Maya Haymovna
  • Mazovka, Dmitry Igorevich
  • Medvedev, Alexander Valerievich
  • Medvedev, Alexandr
  • Medvedev, Dmitrii Georgievich
  • Medvedev, Gennadij A
  • Medvedev, V G
  • Meleshko, Natalia Sergeevna
  • Mel'nikov, Oleg Vladimirovich
  • Mel'nikova, E N
  • Melnikova, E V
  • Meshcherskaya, M B
  • Metel'skii, Anatolii Vladimirovich
  • Metelsky, Yuri Mikhailovich
  • Mikhailov, Viktor Pavlovich
  • Mikhailovskaya, Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
  • Mikhasev, Gennady Ivanovich [Mikhasev, G I]
  • Mikhievich, Arnold P.
  • Mikitchuk, Elena Petrovna
  • Miksiuk, Yurii Ivanovich
  • Milchanin, Oleg Vladimirovich
  • Milovanov, Mikhail Vasil'evich
  • Minh, N T
  • Minh, Nguyen Tuan
  • Minkevich, A V
  • Minkov, B I
  • Minyukov, S A
  • Mirotin, Evgeniy Adolfovich
  • Mitenkov, Vadim Ivanovich
  • Mitsul', G P
  • Moisa, Andrew Vladimirovich
  • Monastyrnyi, Petr Il'ich
  • Mordukhovich, Boris Sholimovich [Mordukhovich, Boris]
  • Moroz, Vitaly [Moroz, V B]
  • Moshchensky, Dmitry Vladimirovich
  • Moshchensky, Vladimir Andreevich
  • Motevich, Anton Viktorovich
  • Mozhdzher, Tadeush Èdvardovich
  • Mozhei, Natal'ya Pavlovna
  • Mozolevski, Igor Evguenievich
  • Mselati, Abduftah Frhat
  • Mulyarchick, S G
  • Mulyarchik, Konstantin
  • Mushko, V. V.
  • Mychkov, Vadim Igorevich
  • Nagorny, Y. E.
  • Naumavets, Svetlana Nikolaevna
  • Naumovich, Adol'f Fedorovich
  • Naumovich, Nil Fedorovich
  • Navakhrost, Veronika Gennad'evna
  • Nazarov, Vasilii Ivanovich
  • Nedzvedz, Aleksandr Mikhailovich [Nedzvedz, Alexander]
  • Nekrashevich, I G
  • Neokladnova, Lyudmila Nikolaevna
  • Nguen, Ba Tkhi
  • Nialepka, M S
  • Nikanovich, Mikhail Vasil'evich
  • Nikitin, Andrei Viktorovich
  • Nikitin, S V
  • Nikitina, Irina Sergeevna
  • Nikolaitchik, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
  • Nikulin, Yury V
  • Nizhnikov, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
  • Nobs, M
  • Novichkova, Daria Alexandrovna
  • Novikov, E G
  • Novikov, Evgeniy Nikolaevich
  • Novitskii, Andrei Viktorovich
  • Odzaev, Vladimir Borisovich
  • Ohryzko, Svetlana Valerievna
  • Olendski, Oleg
  • Orlik, Yu G
  • Orlovich, Yurii Leonidovich
  • Orlovskii, D S
  • Osipenko, Foma Georgievich
  • Ovechkin, Georgiy Vasil'evich
  • Ovseets, Mikhail Ivanovich
  • Paddubskaya, Olesya Germanovna
  • Paliashchuk, Maksim Aleksandrovich
  • Pal'tsev, I A
  • Pan'kov, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Panteleeva, E V
  • Parfimovich, Ivan Dmitrievich
  • Parkhomenko, Irina Nikolaevna
  • Pashkevich, A V
  • Patrin, A A
  • Pauliu, Dzmitry A.
  • Pavlenok, Nataliya Sergeevna
  • Pavlovich, V S
  • Pavlovsky, Vladislav Andreevich
  • Pavlyuchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich
  • Pekar, D V
  • Pekarskii, Alexandr Antonovich
  • Perez Tchernov, A J
  • Pesin, Igor Grigor'evich
  • Petrovich, R A
  • Petrovskiĭ, G N
  • Petrunin, A P
  • Petukh, Alla Nikolaevna
  • Pikman, Yuri Alexandrovich
  • Pilipchuk, Andrei S.
  • Pilipchuk, Ludmila
  • Pilipenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
  • Pilko, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Pirshtuk, Denis Ivanovich
  • Pisarenko, Andrey Anatolievich
  • Pisaruk, Nicolai N
  • Platonov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Platonov, Andrey A
  • Platonov, Vladimir Petrovich
  • Pleshkov, Ivan Sergeevich
  • Pliushch, A O
  • Pobegailo, Aleksandr Pavlovich
  • Podkopaev, Dmitrii Petrovich
  • Pogoretsky, Igor Alexandrovich
  • Pogrebnyakov, A V
  • Poklonskaya, Ol'ga Nikolaevna
  • Poklonskii, Nikolay Aleksandrovich
  • Pokotilo, Yurii Methodievich
  • Pokrovskii, I I
  • Polevikov, Viktor Kuz'mich
  • Poliak, N I
  • Polochanskiy, Aleksei
  • Poloiko, Igor' Gennadievich
  • Polyachok, Eugene N.
  • Polyakov, A V
  • Polyschuk, Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Ponomarenko, Yulia
  • Ponomareva, Svetlana [Dem'yanko, Svetlana Vladimirovna]
  • Popechits, Vladiir Ivanovich
  • Poplavskaya, Lidiya Andreevna
  • Popov, A W
  • Porabkovich, Andrei Ivanovich
  • Poruchnik, Stanislav Vyacheslavovich
  • Posledovich, N R
  • Potachits, Sergei Mikhailovich
  • Potapenko, P P
  • Potapovich, Viktoria Dmitrievna
  • Poyasok, Elena Ivanovna
  • Pozhidaev, Aleksandr Viktorovich
  • Poznyak, R I
  • Pranovich, V I
  • Primachuk, Leonid
  • Primachuk, N T
  • Primicheva, Zoya Nikolaevna
  • Prochorov, Nikolai P.
  • Prodan, Evgenii Arkad'evich
  • Prokasheva, Vera Akimovna
  • Prokhorenko, V K
  • Prokhorov, Vasilii Alekseevich
  • Prokhorova, Rimma Aleksandrovna
  • Prokhorovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
  • Prokonina, Alena Vladimirovna
  • Prokopyev, S L
  • Prokoshin, P V
  • Prokoshin, Valerii Ivanovich
  • Pronin, Philip
  • Prosolovich, V S
  • Protko, Arthur Alexandrovich
  • Protopopov, Boris Egorovich
  • Prudnikova, Darya Y.
  • Prystrem, Ekaterina Alekseevna
  • Prytkov, R A
  • Puninskii, Gennadii Evgen'evich
  • Pupko, A. V.
  • Pushkarchuk, Aleksandr Leonidovich
  • Pushkarev, N V
  • Putintseva, Anastasiya Andreevna
  • Puzyrev, Mikhail Valentinovich
  • Pyatosin, Vladimir Evgen'evich
  • Pyzhkova, Nina Vasil'evna
  • Rabtsevich, Viktor Aleksandrovich
  • Rabtsevich, Vladimir Leonidovich
  • Radevich, E I
  • Raduk, Tania
  • Radyna, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
  • Radyno, Evgenii Mefodovich
  • Radyno, Nikolai Yakovlevich
  • Radyno, Yakov Valentinovich
  • Ramanchuk, Maryna Paulauna
  • Rapoport, V I
  • Rasolko, Galina Alekseevna
  • Ratkevich, Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Razmyslovich, Georgii Prokoph'evich
  • Repchenkova, Elena Viktorovna
  • Repnikov, Vasilii Ivanovich
  • Revinskii, V V
  • Rodchenko, Vadim Grigorievich
  • Rodionova, Valentina Nikolaevna
  • Rogozin, Sergei Vasil'evich
  • Romanov, Ivan A
  • Romanova, Natal'ya Sergeevna
  • Romanovskaya, T R
  • Romanovski, Iouri Valerievich
  • Romashevskii, Aleksei Borisovich
  • Rozenbaum, Viktor Mikhailovich
  • Rudakovskaya, Anna Vyacheslavovna
  • Rudnitskii, Anton Sergeevich
  • Rudzko, Jan Viaczaslavavicz
  • Rukhlenko, Olga Vladimirovna
  • Rulinsky, Yury Grigorievich
  • Rusak, Valentin Nikolaevich
  • Rusetski, Artsiom Y.
  • Rutkovskii, I Z
  • Ryabtsev, Andrei Gennad'evich
  • Rybachenko, I V
  • Rynkovich, Roman Mechislavovich
  • Ryzhkovskii, Vladimir Mikhailovich
  • Sadov, Sergei Vasil'evich
  • Sadov, Vasilii Sergeevich
  • Sadovskii, Anton Pavlovich
  • Sadovskii, P K
  • Saechnikov, Konstantin Alekseevich
  • Safonov, Vasily Grigorevich [Safonov, V G]
  • Safonova, Inna Nikolaevna
  • Safronov, Igor
  • Sakovich, Olga Konstantinovna
  • Samodurov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
  • Samovich, Svetlana Nikolaevna
  • Samsonov, Andrei Sergeevich
  • Samtsov, Mikhail Petrovich
  • Samusenko, Anatolii Vasil'evich
  • Sandryhaila, Ya I
  • Sanyukevich, Aleksandr Viktorovich
  • Sarazhinskii, Denis Sergeevich
  • Sarvanov, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Sarzhevskii, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
  • Sashnikov, Ilya K
  • Sasonkin, A M
  • Savchenko, T V
  • Savchuk, A. V.
  • Savchuk, Vladimir Petrovich
  • Savenkov, Pavel A.
  • Savenkov, Valery Alekseevich
  • Savitskaya, T A
  • Savitskiĭ, D E
  • Savitsky, Viktar
  • Savko, R Ch
  • Sedov, L L
  • Semenchuk, Natal'ya Vladimirovna
  • Semënov, K V
  • Semenov, K. V.
  • Semenov, Vladislav Igorevich
  • Semyonova, Ol'ga Valer'evna
  • Sender, Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Sergeev, Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Serikova, Ekaterina Viktorovna
  • Sev, Svetlana Mihalovna
  • Sevchenko, Anton Nikiforovich
  • Sevruk, Anton Bronislavovich
  • Shadyro, Oleg Iosifovich
  • Shagisultanova, Gadilya Akhatovna
  • Shakhno, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
  • Shanin, Ruslan Vasil'evich
  • Shapochkina, Irina V
  • Sharomet, Arkadii Alekseevich
  • Sharonov, Gennadii Viktorovich
  • Sharykin, Raman E.
  • Shatsov, Roman Pavlovich
  • Shcheglov, Vitalii Anatol'evich
  • Shcheglova, Natal'ya Leonidovna
  • Shcheglova, Tatyana Vitalievna
  • Shchemelev, Maksim Anatol'evich
  • Shcherb, Viktar Siarheevich
  • Shcherbakov, Sergei Sergeevich
  • Shcherbich, Yu N
  • Shcherbina, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Shchetnikovych, E. K.
  • Shchukin, Mikhail Vladimirovich
  • Shchukina, Irina Sergeevna
  • Shemeleva, Ksenia Nikolaevna
  • Shenets, Nikolai Nikolaevich
  • Shepelevich, Vasiliy Grigor'evich
  • Sheshko, Mikhail Antonovich
  • Sheshko, Sergei Mikhailovich
  • Shevchenko, D E
  • Shevtsov, Alexander
  • Shevtsov, I L
  • Shilin, Andrei Petrovich
  • Shilkin, Anton Vladimirovich
  • Shimanski, Vitalii Igorevich
  • Shirma, M S
  • Shirokanova, Natal'ya Ivanovna
  • Shiryaev, S Yu
  • Shishkina, Tat'yana Veniaminovna
  • Shkadinskaia, Elena Vasil'evna
  • Shklyar, S A
  • Shlapakov, Sergei Alekseevich
  • Shlapakova, Tatyana Sergeevna
  • Shlyk, Pavel Alexandrovich
  • Shlykov, E V
  • Sholomitskaya, Valeria Vladimirovna
  • Shon, Le Hong
  • Shop, Hot Le
  • Shorets, A A
  • Shpigelman, È S
  • Shtin, Sergey Lvovich
  • Shtukar', Vladimir Leonidovich
  • Shuai, Zhang
  • Shuba, Mikhail Vladimirovich
  • Shukur, Ali Abdulhussein
  • Shulyaev, Denis Sergeevich
  • Shusha, V V
  • Shut, Ol'ga Viktorovna
  • Shwakel, A. I.
  • Shyla, Vitalii Olegovich
  • Shyrayev, Vladimir Mihailovich
  • Siahlo, Andrei I
  • Siahlo, Andrei Ivanovich
  • Sidorenko, Ivan Nikolaevich
  • Sidoryk, A G
  • Silayeva, Z N
  • Silenko, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
  • Silun, Xu
  • Sirozh, Igor Sergeevich
  • Sitsko, Gennady Nikolaevich
  • Skakun, Viktor V.
  • Skoromnik, Oksana Valerievna
  • Skoromnik, Oleg Dmitrievich
  • Skripko, A S
  • Skums, Pavel Valentinovich
  • Slavashevich, Irina Leonidovna
  • Slepyan, G Ya
  • Smirnova, Z A
  • Smovzh, Lyudmila Valer'evna
  • Soboleva, Tatyana Valentinovna
  • Sobolevskaya, E P
  • Sokol, E E
  • Sokolovich, Vladimir Yur'evich
  • Solodukhin, A A
  • Soloukhin, Rem Ivanovich
  • Solyanikova, K A
  • Sopin, Alexandr Ivanovich
  • Sorokina, Viktoria V.
  • Soroko, Vasilii Arkad'evich
  • Sotskov, Yuri Nazarovich
  • Spaskov, Sergey A.
  • Spesivtseva, Ksenia Andreevna
  • Spichekova, Natal'ya Viktorovna
  • Stankevich, Alexey Alexandrovich
  • Starovoitov, A M
  • Starovoitov, Alexander Pavlovich
  • Starovoitova, M A
  • Stashevskaya, Irina Yurievna
  • Stashulenok, Sergei Pavlovich
  • Stelmakh, Sergey Nikolaevich
  • Stel'makh, V F
  • Stemkovskaya, T V
  • Stepanishina, Yu v
  • Stepanov, Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Stepanyuk, N N
  • Stolyarchuk, Ivan Igorevich
  • Sulima, L P
  • Sung, B [Sung, V]
  • Sushchenya, Leonid Mikhailovich
  • Suzdal', Stanislav Valer'evich
  • Sviridov, Dmitry Vadimovich
  • Sviridov, Vadim Vasil'evich
  • Svirskii, Evgenii Anatol'evich
  • Syroid, Yurii Borisovich
  • Sytova, Svetlana N
  • Tanyhina, Anastasija Nikolaevna
  • Taramin, O S
  • Taranchuk, Valerii Borisovich
  • Tarasevich, A D
  • Tarasik, Mariya Iosifovna
  • Tarasyuk, Ivan Alexandrovich
  • Tarazevich, Yury Georgievich
  • Tasarenkov, G V
  • Tashlykov, Igor' Serafimovich
  • Tavgen', Oleg Ignat'evich
  • Teslyuk, Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Thi Thanh, Ha Vo
  • Tikhomirov, Viktor Vasil'evich
  • Tikhonenko, Oleg Mikhailovich
  • Tikhonov, Sergey Viktorovich
  • Tikhonov, V P
  • Timokhovich, Vladimir Leonidovich
  • Timoshchenko, Igor A
  • Timoshchuk, V A
  • Tishin, Yu V
  • Titov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich
  • Tivanov, Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Tkachev, V D
  • Tolstik, Aleksei Leonidovich
  • Tolstsikau, Aleksey Aleksandrovich
  • Torop, N V
  • Traigel, Alexandr Vaclav
  • Tralle, A E
  • Tran, Yen Thi
  • Tret'yakova, Larisa Grigor'evna
  • Trofimovich, Marina Aleksandrovna
  • Troush, Nikolai Nikolaevich
  • Trubnikov, Igor Yuryevich
  • Trukhan, Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  • Trukhan, Stanislav Vyacheslavovich
  • Tsekhavaya, Tatiana Vyacheslavovna
  • Tserakh, Uladzimir S.
  • Tsikunov, A V
  • Tsvetkov, I V
  • Tsvirko, Mikhail Pavlovich
  • Tsyvis, Nikolai Vasil'evich
  • Tu, Ton That
  • Turetzkii, Abram Haimovich [Turetzky, A]
  • Turlo, A V
  • Tuyet, Dao Van
  • Tuzik, Sergei Al'fredovich
  • Tyshkevich, Regina Iosifovna
  • Uglov, V V
  • Umreiko, Dmitrii Stepanovich
  • Urbanovich, A I
  • Urbanovich, T M
  • Urenev, V I
  • Ushakov, Dmitrii Vladimirovich
  • Usimov, Igor' Viktorovich
  • Usovich, Igor Gennadevich
  • Ustilko, Ekaterina Valer'evna
  • Valoshka, Valery A.
  • Valueva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna
  • Valvachev, Alexander N.
  • Varabei, Pavel N.
  • Varabei, Uladzislau A.
  • Varaksa, Igor' Nikolaevich
  • Varichenko, V S
  • Vasilenko, Z. V.
  • Vasilets, Sergei Ivanovich
  • Vasilevich, Mikhail Nikolaevich
  • Vasilevsky, Konstantin Viktorovich
  • Vasiliev, Igor Leonidovich
  • Vasiliev, Yuri Valerievich
  • Vasilkov, Denis D.
  • Vas'kovskii, Maksim Mikhailovich
  • Vecherko, Egor V
  • Vensko, Helen Igorevna
  • Vinh, N V
  • Vinokurova, Anastasiya Vladimirovna
  • Viskub, Tatyana Valerievna
  • Vissia, Herman
  • Vlasov, Anatolii Timofeevich
  • Vlasukova, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
  • Vodennikov, A G
  • Voitekhovich, Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Volchkova, Galina Petrovna
  • Volkorez, Evgeny Olegovich
  • Volkov, Andrei Vladimirovich
  • Volkov, Vasilii Mikhailovich [Volkov, V M]
  • Volod'ko, Leonid Vikent'evich
  • Voloshko, V A
  • Volotovskaya, Yu N
  • Volynets, Nadezhda Igorevna
  • Vorobyova, S A
  • Voropay, E S
  • Vorotnitskaya, Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Vorotnitsky, Yury Iosifovich
  • Voynov, Dmitry M.
  • Vyarvilskaya, Olga Nikolaevna
  • Vygonnaya, Eraterina Nikolaevna
  • Vylegzhanin, D V
  • Vyrko, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Xinsong, Yang
  • Xue, Bin
  • Yablonskii, Oleg Leonidovich
  • Yadchenko, Alexei Alexandrovich
  • Yakubovich, Semen Borisovich
  • Yakubuk, R M
  • Yanchevskiĭ, Vyacheslav Ivanovich
  • Yarashenya, Yuliya Sergeevna
  • Yarmosh, O P
  • Yashkin, Viktor Ivanovich
  • Yatskou, Nikolai Nikolaevich
  • Yufereva, I V
  • Yukhnevich, D I
  • Yumashev, Konstantin Vladimirovich
  • Yurchuk, Nikolay Josifovich
  • Yurkevich, Kirill S.
  • Yurkova, Irina Leonidovna
  • Yushchenko, Dmitrii Petrovich
  • Zabello, Irina Nikolaevna
  • Zabello, K V
  • Zabello, Leonid Evgen'evich
  • Zabreiko, Petr Petrovich
  • Zadvorny, Yaroslav Borisovich
  • Zadvornyi, Boris Valentinovich
  • Zaikov, Valerii Aleksandrovich
  • Zaitseva, A M
  • Zalesskii, Il'ya Efimovich
  • Zarenok, M A
  • Zaretskii, M V
  • Zazhogin, A A
  • Zazhogin, A P
  • Zboychik, I N
  • Zelenyak, Dmitry Mikhailovich
  • Zenchenko, A S
  • Zenchenko, S A
  • Zerkalniy, Sergey
  • Zhavnerchik, Valerii Èduardovich
  • Zhavoronkov, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Zherelo, Anatolii V.
  • Zhevnyak, J O
  • Zhevnyak, O. G.
  • Zhidkov, Alexander G.
  • Zhigulich, Irina A
  • Zhiko, V V
  • Zhilevich, Lidiya Iosifovna
  • Zhirmunskii, Aleksandr Matveevich
  • Zhiwei, Wang
  • Zhmako, S P
  • Zhuk, A I
  • Zhuk, Evgenii Evgen'evich
  • Zhukouski, A V
  • Zhukova, Irina Vladimirovna
  • Zhurak, Marina
  • Zhuravkov, Michael A.
  • Zhyvitsa, Yauheni
  • Ziankovich, Vadzim Valer'evich
  • Zolotorevich, Ludmila A
  • Zuev, N M
  • Zverovich, Edmund Ivanovich
  • Zverovich, Igor Édmundovich
  • Zverovich, V È
  • Zyatkov, Ivan Pavlovich
  • Чеушев, Василий Александрович
  • Belarusian State University, Minsk, BelarusThe Belarusian State University — the largest educational, scientific and cultural center in the Republic of Belarus — was founded on October 30, 1921. On November 1st 1390 students began attending regular classes at its three faculties: workers', medicine and social sciences. At that time the teaching staff consisted of 49 persons including 14 professors and 25 associate professors.

    Such prominent scholars as professor M. N. Pokrovsky, professor V. P. Volgin, academicians E. F. Karsky, K. A. Timiryazev, D. N. Pryanishnikov and others were among the founders of the first Belarusian University.

    Considerable contribution to the establishment of the University shaping its traditions was made by the first Rector of the University academician Vladimir Ivanovich Picheta.

    The 1920–1930s marked one of the most dynamic periods in the history of the University. According to the resolution of Eighth All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets the construction of the University campus began in November 1927 and in 1930 it received the first students. In October 1927 the post-graduate courses were set up. Soon efficient relations with scientists of Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Czechoslovakia were established, students' scientific societies were organized at the faculties.

    Rapid development of the University played a significant role in the creating the educational system of republic. The University's educational and research capacity gave birth to a number of independent higher educational establishments, such as Minsk Medicine Institute, Minsk Law Institute, Minsk Pedagogical Institute, the Belarusian Institute of National Economy, Minsk Chemical and Technological Institute, which later became a part of the Polytechnical Institute. The Belarusian State University contribute much to the foundation and development of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR, the Republic's State Library and number of large research institutions.

    Illumination of illiteracy, assimilation of European and wold cultural heritage, formation of the national system of higher education and science — all these impressive achievements of the Belarusian people of 1920–1930s would have been impossible without the University and the inspired work of its staff.

    For the first two decades the Belarusian State University trained 5240 historians, lawyers, mathematicians, chemists, biologists, and other highly qualified specialists. The activities of the People's Writer of Belarus Yakub Kolas and outstanding Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov were associated of the name of the University of that period. It was at that time of that L. A. Artsymovich, P. U. Brovka, K. K. Krapiva studied and worked at the University. Afterward they made a valuable contribution to the development of both national and world science and culture.

    1941 was the year of the twentieth anniversary and at the same time it was the year of the most severe ordeal in the history of the University. On June 21, 1941 a jubilee exhibition was arranged at the University presenting the achievements of the staff consisting at the time of 17 professors, 41 associate professors, 90 teachers and assistants, 60 post-graduates and 1337 students.

    The day following the celebration, June 22, 1941 became a tragic landmark in the history of Belarusian people. All the post-war generations of teachers, post-graduates and students of the University have always remembered and will remember their colleagues who left the classrooms and scientific laboratories to scarify their lives for the glory and independence of their Motherland. The evidence of this is the obelisk erected in 1970s at the University campus in honor of those who had perished in the battle against fascism.

    The war did great damage to the University. The University campus was destroyed almost completely, the archives, library funds, laboratories and study-rooms were plundered. But despite the ravages of the war regular classes at its six faculties began at the station of Skhodnya near Moscow right in October, 1943. After the liberation of the capital of the Belarus in August 1944 the University reopened in Minsk.

    The pre-war education and material base of the University had been restored by the end of 1950. By that time University had enrolled more than 2000 by that time. A new period in history of the Belarusian State University began, the period of its rapid development, creative teaching and scholarly research.

    The 1950–1980s were characterized by an expansion of the scope of University activities. Its material and education facilities improved in accordance with Government?s decisions, the contests, the forms and the methods of the academic process and scientific research changed radically. The Belarusian State University deservedly occupies a honorable place among the leading universities of the country. Its international prestige considerably increases, scientists and professors actively participated in international scientific symposiums and conferences, in sessions of the UN General Assembly and UNESCO. The real proud of the University is the fact that two of its professors — U. M. Pertsev and F. P. Shmygov signed the UN Charter. The Belarusian State University became one of the first members of the International University Association.

    The order of the Red Banner of Labor awarded to the University on January 7, 1967 was the evidence of the achievements of the University in development of science, education and culture and training highly qualified specialists or leading branches of national economy. In 90s the Belarusian State University was the largest scientific and educational center not only with impressive achievements, traditions of its own, but also with a number of problems caused by serious contradiction in the development of society.

    On June 27, 1991 the Supreme Soviet adopted the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian people faced the vital task of the development of a sovereign state. Its quite natural that the Belarusian State University being the oldest and largest University of our country should not only play an important role in cultural and national development of Belarus at the present stage of its history but should also contribute to the programs of strengthening Belarusian statehood, to the development of economic, social reforms in our republic. At the same time the main priority in the activity of the University remains training of highly qualified specialists, capable of solving successfully and competently the most the most complex issues facing our society at the turn of XX century. It does not seem possible to cope with these problems without learning the experience of the post-industrial development and modern education technologies accumulated in the advanced countries of the world. That is why today, as never before, the role of the University in our society becomes a determining one. Only knowledge, science and culture can open the prospects into future. And again, the achievements and traditions of the University are really invaluable.

    The efforts of the scientists have always been focused on the fundamental problems of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, social sciences and humanities. Scientific schools founded under the supervision of numerous professors of the University are wildly known not only in our republic but also abroad.

    Its seventy-fifth anniversary the University celebrates as a internationally recognized classical university integrating essential features of the education, scientific and cultural center. The staff is proud of the university traditions and achievements but at the same time it realize the necessity of serious problems aimed at preserving the accumulated intellectual potential and promoting progressive development of the Belarusian University in future.

    It is necessary to accomplish these reforms not only with the view of modern innovation technologies in education and scientific research but also carefully preserving the old University traditions. They the old University traditions have been laid down by the intellectual work of many generations of professors, teaching staff, post-graduates and students of the Belarusian State University. Great contribution to creating and preserving the University traditions was made by Rectors University: V. I. Picheta (1921–1929), I. P. Karenevsky (1929–1931), I. F. Dyakov (1934–1935), N. M. Bladyko (1937), V. S. Bobrovitsky (1938), P. P. Savitsky (1938–1944), V. A. Tomashevich (1946–1949), I. S. Chimburg (1949–1952), K. I. Lukashev (1952–1957), A. N. Shevchenko (1957–1972), V. M. Sikorsky (1972–1978), V. A. Bely (1978–1983), L. I. Kiselevsky (1983–1989), F. N. Kaputsky (1990–1996).

    One the day of its seventy-fifth anniversary The Belarusian State University pays a tribute of deep respect and gratitude to all of them.

    In the period following the socio-political transformations of the early 1990's, the Belarusian State University was able to successfully develop its potential under new circumstances. Presently, the University provides instruction via 14 faculties and offers 34 fields of study. Moreover, the University trains specialists through its Masters and Doctoral programmes. The University began instructing students in such majors as International Relations, International Law, International Tourism, Informatics and Communication, Psychology, Mathematics, Geological Surveying, Ecological Studies, Chemistry, Library Studies, etc.

    The learning process at the University is conducted in such a manner that a graduate may utilize his or her acquired skills a standardized level, to effectively work with modern computer equipment, and utilize one or more foreign languages at a given place of employment.

    At our students' disposal, the University houses a library, which contains volumes pertinent to each individual faculty. Moreover, the University facilitates computer labs that are equipped with Internet connections. Adjoined to the BSU, is the Republican Institute High School, three institutes of social and political research, and a high-energy physics laboratory. This flexibility allows for the execution of more effective organization management vis-a-vis the training of our students as well as taking into consideration their individual capacities and educational priorities.

    The Belarusian State University is accessible to all who wish to enrich their knowledge in our learning centre. We will be glad to extend our assistance via the procurement of instruction, which performs in compliance to world standards and the requirements of modern society.



    Other institution names:
    • V. I. Lenin Belorusskii State University
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