University of California, United States of America
Address: United States of America, Oakland, CA
Phone: +1 (510) 987 92 00
Number of persons: 256
Number of authors: 228
Number of publications: 283

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z â ê ñ
full list
  • Abarbanel, H D I
  • Abdel-Ghaffar, K A. S
  • Aganagic, Mina
  • Aguirre, Ander
  • Alekhnovich, Michael V
  • Alvarez, Luis Walter
  • Angelopoulos, V
  • Asaro, Robert J
  • Auroux, Denis
  • Balakrishnan, Alampallam V
  • Balmer, Paul
  • Baranovsky, Vladimir Yu
  • Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich
  • Basov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
  • Benson, David
  • Bergman, George Mark
  • Bhattacharya, R N
  • Bickel, Peter J
  • Bishop, Christopher J
  • Bucur, Alina
  • Budaev, Bair Vladimirovich
  • Bühler, Wolfgang J
  • Burkhardt-Guim, Paula
  • Buss, Samuel R
  • Butler, Svetlana V
  • Campman, K L
  • Carfi, David
  • Chae, John
  • Chamberlain, Owen
  • Chang, Ching
  • Chari, Vyjayanthi
  • Chen, J
  • Chen, Kai-Chieh
  • Chorin, A J
  • Chryssomalakos, Chryssomalis
  • Chu, Tianyi
  • Cohen, Marvin Lou
  • Dabaghian, Yuri Aleksandrovich
  • Dai, Xianzhe
  • D'Andrea, Carlos
  • Davis, Martin
  • de Boer, J
  • De Groot, J S
  • Deckert, D.-A
  • Deo, Chandrakant Mahadeorao
  • Doksum, Kjell A
  • Driver, B K
  • Dubins, Lester E
  • Dumer, Il'ya Isaakovich
  • Dynes, R C
  • Elghobashi, S
  • Feldman, J
  • Ferrante, A
  • Figotin, A L
  • Fraas, M.
  • Frenkel, Edward Vladimirovich
  • Friedmann, A
  • Frønsdal, Christian
  • Fuchs, Dmitrii Borisovich [Fuks, D B]
  • Fuchs, Ekaterina
  • Fuchs, Elena
  • Gaillard, Mary Katharine
  • Gangbo, Wilfrid
  • Gantumur, Tsogtgerel
  • Gede, Gilbert
  • Givental', Aleksandr Borisovich
  • Goeppert Mayer, Maria
  • Gorodetski, Anton Semenovich
  • Gorsky, Evgeny
  • Gossard, A C
  • Granik, Vladimir Theodor
  • Green, Mark Lee
  • Gross, David J
  • Grünbaum, F. Alberto
  • Guo, Yifan
  • Gutkin, Eugene A
  • Hallowell, Karl
  • Halpern, M B
  • Hill, Mike
  • Hirsch, J E
  • Hitrik, M
  • Holliday, Wesley H
  • Hsiang, Wu-Yi
  • Hubbard, Mont
  • Huerta, R
  • Ilan, B
  • Ilten, Nathan Owen
  • Ishkhanov, Tigran
  • Jackman, Connor
  • Jackson, John David
  • Jacobson, Allan S
  • Jalnapurkar, Sameer
  • James, Nicholas
  • Jana, I
  • Jerde, Rod L
  • Jones, Vaughan
  • Kane, Daniel Mertz
  • Katzarkov, Ludmil
  • Keating, D
  • Keefe, Denis
  • Kessler, Patch
  • Khitun, A. G.
  • Kitsak, M A
  • Klein, Abel
  • Knudsen, Vern Oliver
  • Kohn, W
  • Kokotovic, Petar V
  • Kresin, Vladimir Zinov'evich
  • Kroemer, Herbert
  • Kusenko, Alexander
  • Labutin, Denis ALeksandrovich
  • Lehmann, Erich Leo
  • Lewis, Debra
  • Li-Bland, David
  • Liu, Xuguang
  • Llewellyn Smith, Stefan G
  • Lu, W
  • Lubarda, Vlado A
  • Mahalingam, Shankar
  • Mamas, Dean
  • Maradudin, A A
  • Mason, Geoffrey
  • Mathews, W G
  • Mautner, Carl
  • McKernan, James
  • Mechoso, Carlos R
  • Merkurjev, Alexander Sergeevich
  • Micheli, Mario
  • Mitchell, Mitchell Jay
  • Mjolsness, Eric
  • Montalbán, Antonio
  • Montgomery, Richard
  • Moore, John Douglas
  • Muezzinoglu, M K
  • Mulase, Motohico
  • Nakamura, Shuji
  • Nakayama, Yu
  • Newman, W I
  • Nirschl, N
  • Novak, Jonathan
  • Novelia, Alyssa
  • Okounkov, Andrei Yur'evich
  • Olsson, Martin
  • Oprea, Dragos
  • O'Reilly, Oliver M
  • Pak, I
  • Pak, Igor' Markovich
  • Palmer, Joseph
  • Pan, Jiayin
  • Pandya, Aditya H
  • Paturi, R
  • Pelayo, Álvaro
  • Penkov, Ivan Boyanovich
  • Peres, Yuval
  • Perlmutter, Saul
  • Pervyshev, Konstantin Vyacheslavovich
  • Petersen, Peter
  • Peterson, Dale Lucas
  • Peterson, Laurence E
  • Pevzner, Pavel Arkad`evich
  • Pitman, James
  • Pitman, Jim
  • Preller, A
  • Price, E P
  • Pryadko, Leonid P
  • Qiao, Y
  • Qing, Jie
  • Rabinovich, Mikhail Izrailevich
  • Rachev, Svetlozar Todorov
  • Rank, D M
  • Rao, Malempati Madhusudana
  • Reines, Frederick
  • Remmel, Jeffrey B
  • Renfrew, D
  • Reshetikhin, Nikolai Yur'evich [Reshetikhin, Nikolai]
  • Rieffel, Marc A
  • Rignot, Eric
  • Rinott, Yosef
  • Roycraft, Benjamin
  • Rudneva, Dar'ya Sergeevna
  • Ryzhov, Oleg Sergeevich
  • Saenz, Axel
  • Saikin, Semen Konstantinovich
  • Salamon, P
  • Scalapino, Douglas James
  • Schechter, Martin
  • Scheinberg, Stephen
  • Schneider, Lisa
  • Schoen, Richard
  • Schonmann, Roberto Henrique
  • Schupp, Peter
  • Schwarz, Albert S
  • Segre, È
  • Seipel, Justin
  • Selverston, A
  • Serganova, Vera V
  • Shaikh, Dastgeer
  • Shakirov, Shamil' Rinatovich
  • Shamir, Å
  • Shereen, Peri
  • Shih, Justin
  • Shlosman, Semen Bensionovich [Shlosman, Senya]
  • Shumakovich, Aleksandr N
  • Silk, Joseph
  • Smale, Steve
  • Smoot, George F
  • Soshnikov, Aleksandr Borisovich [Soshnikov, Alexander Borisovich]
  • Sponer, Hertha
  • Streets, Jeffrey
  • Sturmfels, Bernd
  • Tajima, Toshiki
  • Tao, Terence
  • Tao, Terence
  • Teleman, Constantin
  • Titi, Edriss S
  • Toriumi, Reiko
  • Trogdon, Thomas
  • Tsai, C S
  • Tsimring, L Sh
  • Tsybakov, Boris Solomonovich
  • Tucker, Howard G
  • Turko, Richard P
  • van Otterlo, A
  • Vandenberghe, Lieven
  • Vankerschaver, Joris
  • Varadarajan, Veeravalli Seshadri [Varadarayan, V, Varadarajan, V S]
  • Waldron, Andrew K
  • Walsh, James
  • Wamρler, Ε Joseph
  • Wand, Jeffrey
  • Weinstein, Alan
  • Welch, W J
  • Welters, Aaron
  • Wets, Roger J.-B.
  • Wick, Gian Carlo
  • Wiegand, Clyde
  • Williams, Ruth J
  • Wilmarth, Constance
  • Wink, Matthias
  • Wise, Derek K
  • Wodzicki, Mariusz [Vodzitskii, M]
  • Xu, Yaunyuan
  • Yan, Xiaohan
  • Younesian, Davood
  • Ypsilantis, Thomas
  • Yu, Josephine
  • Zadeh, Lotfi Aliasker
  • Zel'manov, Efim Isaakovich
  • Zenkevich, Egor Andreevich
  • Zimanyi, Gergely T
  • Zumino, Bruno
  • Âadash, Lawrence
  • Êilleen, j
  • Ñåãnó, Joseph
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