Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Address: Israel, 52100, Ramat Gan
Phone: +972 (3) 531 81 11
Number of persons: 45
Number of authors: 42
Number of publications: 97

Personnel: A B D F G K L M N O P R S T Y Z
full list
  • Agranovskii, Mark L'vovich
  • Aizenberg, Lev Abramovich
  • Aladova, Elena Vladimirovna
  • Azarin, Vladimir Solomonovich
  • Belov, Aleksei Yakovlevich [Kanel-Belov, Aleksei Yakovlevich, Kanel', Aleksei Yakovlevich, Belov-Kanel, Aleksei Yakovlevich]
  • Bershader, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
  • Bliokh, Konstantin Yur'evich
  • Donin, Iosif Failovich
  • Feigelstock, Shalom
  • Fixler, D
  • Gabbay, Dov
  • Gol'dberg, Anatolii Asirovich
  • Kalka, Arkadius Georg
  • Keren, O
  • Khvoles, R
  • Kizner, Z
  • Klinger, Mikhail Izrailevich
  • Kraus, S
  • Krupnik, Naum Yakovlevich
  • Krushkal', Samuil Leibovich
  • Kunyavskii, Boris Èmmanuilovich
  • Levin, Mordechay Borisovich
  • Liflyand, Elijah Rafailovich [Lifland, Il'ya Rafailovich]
  • Malev, Sergei G
  • Megrelishvili, M G
  • Nowik, Tahl
  • Ozana, N
  • Plotkin, Boris Isaakovich [Plotkin, Boris]
  • Plotkin, Eugene Bīrisovich
  • Plotkin, Tatjana L
  • Rasin, Alexander [Rasin, Olexandr G]
  • Reif, Shifra
  • Reznikov, Andrei
  • Rowen, Louis Haile
  • Schiff, Jeremy
  • Schwarz, A
  • Shemer, A
  • Shlimak, Isay Semionovich
  • Solomyak, Boris Mikhailovich [Solomyak, B]
  • Teicher, Mina
  • Tsurkov, Arkady
  • Yuditskii, Peter Meerovich
  • Zalevsky, Z
  • Zhang, Wenchao
  • Zhitomirskii, Grigori I [Zhitomirski, Grigori]
  • Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, IsraelBar-Ilan University, Israel's largest academic community of students, scientists and staff (32,000 in total), seeks to produce students of moral and intellectual aptitude; students who adopt the highest standards of excellence in scientific and academic research; and students who bear a deep commitment to Jewish community.

    The unique Bar-Ilan formula: blend tradition with modern technologies and scholarship, and teach the compelling ethics of Jewish heritage to all. The university's leading resources of Jewish knowledge create a special responsibility: to place the expertise of its researchers at the disposal of the global Jewish and academic communities. Indeed, Bar-Ilan U. stands at the vanguard of efforts to revitalize Jewish learning for the twenty-first century and to rebuild Jewish identity.

    Bar-Ilan University: a peerless congregation of scientists and Jewish studies scholars toiling to synthesize the ancient and the modern, the sacred and the material, the spiritual and the scientific.

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