United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus
Address: Belarus, 220012, Minsk, Surganova st., 6
Phone: +375 (17) 284 21 75
Number of persons: 63
Number of authors: 61
Number of publications: 98

Personnel: A B C D E F G K L M N P R S T Y Z
full list
  • Anishchenko, Ivan Vladimirovich
  • Barketau, Maksim Sergeevich
  • Belotserkovsky, Alexey Maratovich
  • Belozersky, L. A.
  • Bibilo, P N
  • Bosko, Ivan Pavlovich
  • Chebakov, Sergey V.
  • Cheremisinov, Dmitrii Ivanovich
  • Cheremisinova, Lyudmila Dmitrievna
  • Doudkin, Alexander Arsentievich
  • Egorova, N G
  • Fedorovich, S M
  • Furs, Konstantin Viktorovich
  • Gaĭko, Valerii Aleksandrovich
  • Gol'dberg, E I
  • Gonchar, A V
  • Gordon, V S
  • Gushchinskii, Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Kardash, Sergei Nikolaevich
  • Karpenko, Anna Dmitrievna
  • Kashin, Ivan Aleksandrovich
  • Kirichenko, V V
  • Kovalev, Vasily Alekseevich
  • Kovalev, Vassili A.
  • Kovalyov, Mikhail Yakovlevich
  • Kravchenko, S A
  • Krot, Alexander M
  • Krot, Alexander Mikhailovich
  • Krotiouk, Yurii Mikailovich
  • Kurnosenko, N M
  • Levin, Genrikh Moiseevich
  • Lipnitsky, Stanislav Feliksovich
  • Lobanov, Boris Mefod'evich
  • Margilin, G L
  • Marushko, Evgenii Evgenievich
  • Milman, Victor Abramovich [Mil'man, Victor Abramovich]
  • Nedzvedz, Aleksandr Mikhailovich [Nedzvedz, Alexander]
  • Nesenchuk, A A
  • Nikolaev, Grigorii Igorevich
  • Novik, Yuliya
  • Novikov, Ya A
  • Pottosin, Yurii Vasil'evich
  • Prohorenko, N L
  • Prokopovich, Grigory Alexandrovich
  • Razhkov, Aleksandr Fedorovich
  • Rimskii, Gennady Vasilyvich
  • Shafransky, Yakov Mikhailovich
  • Shestakov, Evgenii Anatol'evich
  • Shuldau, Nikita Andreevich
  • Sotskov, Yuri Nazarovich
  • Starovoytov, V V
  • Sychev, Vladislav Anatolievich
  • Tavgen', Oleg Ignat'evich
  • Tereshko, Valery
  • Tereshko, Valery Mikhailovich
  • Tkachenko, Vadim Viktorovich
  • Toropov, Nikolai Romanovich
  • Tuzikov, Alexander Vasil'evich
  • Tyutyanov, Valentin Nikolaevich
  • Yanushkevich, O A
  • Yushkevich, Artemii Mikailovich
  • Zakrevskii, Arkadii Dmitrievich [Zakrevskij, Arkadii Dmitrievich]
  • Zalesskii, Pavel Aleksandrovich

  • Divisions:

    Other institution names:
    • Institute of Engineering Cybernetics
    • Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences Byelorussian SSR
    • Institute of Technical Cybernetics
    • Institute of Technical Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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