P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Address: Russia, 117218, Moscow, Nakhimovskii prosp., 36
Phone: +7 (495) 124 59 96, +7 (495) 124 61 49
Number of persons: 200
Number of authors: 280
Number of publications: 425

Personnel: A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z
full list
  • Agafontsev, Dmitrii Sergeevich
  • Akivis, T M
  • Annenkov, Sergei Yur'evich
  • Badulin, Sergei Ilyich
  • Baranov, Boris Viktorovich
  • Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich
  • Belevich, Mikhail Yur'evich
  • Belyaev, Konstantin Pavlovich [Belyaev, K P]
  • Bersenev, A F
  • Bogdanov, Konstantin Trifonovich
  • Boskachev, R V
  • Brehovskih, A L
  • Brusilovskii, Yurii Viktorovich
  • Bubnov, Vitalii Aleksandrovich
  • Bunimovich, Leonid Abramovich
  • Burkov, Valentin Alekseevich
  • Byshev, Vladimir Il'ich
  • Chalikov, Dmitrii Viktorovich
  • Chekotillo, Kirill Andreevich
  • Chicherina, Îxana V.
  • Chirchenko, Igor' Vasil'evich
  • Chubarenko, B V
  • Drozdova, Anastasiya Nikolaevna
  • Dubravin, V F
  • Dunaev, N N
  • Egorikhin, Vladimir Dmitrievich
  • Egorov, A V
  • Egorov, Igor Vladimirovich
  • Elkin, D N
  • Enikeev, Vladimir Khalilovich
  • Evseenko, E I
  • Evsenko, E I
  • Fedorov, Konstantin Nikolaevich
  • Felzenbaum, Aleksander Isaevich
  • Filyushkin, Boris Nikonorovich
  • Flint, Mikhail Vladimirovich
  • Fomin, Luch Mikhailovich
  • Gaidai, E P
  • Gavrilin, B L
  • Geogdzhaev, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Gnevyshev, Vladimir Grigor'evich
  • Godin, Oleg Aleksandrovich
  • Gol'fel'd, Grigorii Borisovich
  • Golmshtok, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
  • Goncharov, Valerii Vladimirovich
  • Gorodnitskii, Aleksandr Moiseevich
  • Gorshkov, Aleksei Georgievich
  • Gotlib, V Yu
  • Grachev, Yurii Mikhailovich
  • Greenberg, O V
  • Gritsenko, V A
  • Gulev, Sergei Konstantinovich
  • Gupalo, D Yu
  • Iroshnikov, Rostislav Savvich
  • Isachenko, I A
  • Ivanov, Andrei Yur'evich
  • Ivanov, Sergei Sergeevich
  • Ivanov, V N
  • Ivanov, Yurii Aleksandrovich
  • Ivanov-Frantskevich, Georgii Nikolaevich
  • Ivashchenko, Aleksei Illarionovich
  • Kagan, Boris Abramovich
  • Kamenkovich, Vladimir Moiseevich
  • Kapustina, M V
  • Karabashev, Genrik Sergeevich
  • Kartashova, Elena A
  • Kashincev, Georgii Leonidovich
  • Kazakevich, Grigorii Il'ich
  • Kaz'min, Vladimir Grigor'evich
  • Kharlamov, Andrei Aleksandrovich
  • Kitaigorodskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Kivman, Gennadii Aleksandrovich
  • Kluev, M S
  • Klyachin, Boris Il'ich
  • Kogan, Lazar' Johaninovich
  • Kononov, Mikhail Vladimirovich
  • Kopelevich, Oleg Viktorovich
  • Koprova, Lyudmila Ivanovna
  • Korchagin, Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Korobov, Vladimir Borisovich
  • Kort, Vladimir Grigor'evich
  • Korzh, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich
  • Koshlyakov, Mikhail Nikolaevich
  • Kovachev, Sergei Anatol'evich
  • Kozubskaya, Galina Igorevna
  • Krechik, V A
  • Krechmer, S I
  • Kremenetskiy, V V
  • Kuleshov, Aleksei Fedorovich
  • Kulikov, Evgenii Arkad'evich
  • Kurakin, A L
  • Kur'yanov, Boris Fedorovich
  • Kuzin, Ivan Petrovich
  • Kuzivanov, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Kuzmina, Nataliya Petrovna
  • Kuznetsov, S Yu
  • Kuznetsov, Vladislav Petrovich
  • Lappo, Sergei Sergeevich
  • Leonov, Alexander V.
  • Leont’yev, I O
  • Levin, Andrei Mikhailovich [Levin, A M]
  • Levin, Boris Vul'fovich
  • Levin, Iosif Markovich
  • Lisitsyn, Aleksandr Petrovich
  • Lobkovsky, Leopol'd Isaevich
  • Lobus, Nikolai Vasil'evich
  • Lokhov, Aleksei Sergeevich
  • Lukashevich, Irina Pavlovna
  • Malovitskiĭ, Yankif Panhusovich
  • Melnikov, V A
  • Miropol'skii, Yurii Zakharovich
  • Mishina, Alla Mikhailovna
  • Monin, Andrei Sergeevich
  • Morochkin, Kirill Vladimirovich
  • Morozov, Evgenii Georgievich
  • Muzylev, Sergei Vasil'evich
  • Navrotskaya, Svetlana Efimovna
  • Nefed'ev, V P
  • Neprochnov, Yurii Pavlovich
  • Neumann, Viktor Grigor'evich
  • Neumark, Leonid Markovich
  • Nigmatulin, Robert Iskandrovich
  • Novitsky, Arkadii Georgievich
  • Ocherednik, V V
  • Orlov, Aleksandr Yur'evich
  • Ostrovsky, A G
  • Ostrovsky, Aleksei Alekseevich
  • Ozmidov, Rostislav Vsevolodovich
  • Paka, Vadim Timofeevich
  • Panfilova, Svetlana Georgievna
  • Petrovskii, Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Piterbarg, Leonid Il'ich
  • Podymov, I S
  • Podymova, T M
  • Porai-Koshits, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
  • Prostokishin, Valeriy Mikhailovich
  • Rakitin, I A
  • Reznik, Grigorii Mikhailovich
  • Romanov, Yurii Aleksandrovich
  • Ryzhik, L V
  • Safrai, Arkadii Saulovich
  • Saprykina, Ya V
  • Sasorova, E V
  • Savostin, Leonid Alekseevich
  • Sazhneva, A E
  • Sborshchikov, Igor' Matveevich
  • Schreider, A A
  • Sebekin, B I
  • Sein, Dmitrii Vladimirovich
  • Semenov, Gennadii Andreevich
  • Semovskii, S V
  • Seredkin, Konstantin Anatol'evich
  • Serykh, I. V.
  • Shamin, Roman Vyacheslavovich
  • Sheberstov, Sergei Valentinovich
  • Sherbinin, Anatolii Dmitrievich
  • Shishkov, Yu A
  • Shrira, Viktor Isaevich
  • Shtremel, M N
  • Shulman, E I
  • Sibgatullin, Il'yas Nailevich
  • Snopkov, Vladimir Georgievich
  • Sokov, A V
  • Solov'ev, Aleksandr Viktorovich
  • Solov'ev, Sergei Leonidovich
  • Solov'ev, Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Soloviev, D A
  • Sonechkin, D. M.
  • Sorokhtin, Oleg Georgievich
  • Stockman, Vladimir Borisovich
  • Sutyrin, Georgii Glebovich
  • Suzyumov, Aleksei Evgen'evich
  • Tarakanov, Roman Yur'evich
  • Tareev, Boris Aleksandrovich
  • Titov, Vitalii Borisovich
  • Udintsev, Gleb Borisovich
  • Vakulenko, N V
  • Verbitskii, Mikhail Yakovlevich
  • Vershinskii, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
  • Vershinskii, Nikolai Vsevolodovich
  • Verzhbitskii, Evgenii Vasil'evich
  • Vladimirov, Igor Yur'evich
  • Voitov, Vitalii Ivanovich
  • Volosov, Vladimir Markovich
  • Voronovich, Aleksandr Gennad'evich
  • Yampolsky, Abram Davidovich
  • Yaremchuk, Maksim Igorevich
  • Yurezanskaya, Yulia Sergeevna
  • Yushina, Irina Georgievna
  • Zakharov, Vladimir Evgen'evich
  • Zatsepin, A G
  • Zavialov, P O
  • Zenkevich, Lev Aleksandrovich
  • Zhdanov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
  • Zhikharev, Grigorii Mikailovich
  • Zhitkovskii, Yurii Yur'evich
  • Zolotukhin, Igor Vladimirovich
  • Zonenshain, Lev Pavlovich
  • P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaThe P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology is the oldest and the largest Russian research center in the field of oceanology. The main objectives of the Institute lie in a complex study of the World Ocean and the Russian seas based on the idea of entirety of physical, chemical, biological and geological processes observed in them, laying scientific foundations for forecasting variability of the Earth's climate, rational use of marine resources and safeguarding of ecological security in the interests of sustainable development of mankind.

    The Institute was established by a resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1946 on the basis of the Laboratory of Oceanology set up in 1941. P. P. Shirshov became the Institute's first Director.

    Today, the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology is an ensemble of 1,600 employees numbering 111 doctors of sciences and 330 candidates of sciences of various disciplines. Among the members of the Institute's staff there are 3 Academicians and 3 Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and 4 Academicians combining their work at the IO RAS with work in other institutes. The P. P. Shirshov Institute affiliates the Atlantic Department in Kaliningrad, the Southern Department in Gelendjik, a branch in St.-Petersburg and the North-Western Department in Arkhangelsk.

    Scientific directions of Institute of Oceanology:

    1. Physical research — hydrology, hydrophysics, hydrooptics, acoustics; the formation of physical structure and water motion systems of the seas and oceans as they accumulate solar energy and interact within the ocean-atmosphere-continents system.
    2. Biological research — anthropogenic ecology, primary production and the ways of its monitoring, commercial populations; development of fundamentals of the organization and functioning of the ecosystems of the Russian seas and the World Ocean and biodiversity conservation.
    3. Geological research — mineral resources, paleooceanology, global tectonics, geophysics, elucidation of peculiarities of the geological structure and evolution of the ocean floor, geophysical fields and geochemical process.
    4. Chemical research — biogeochemistry of organic matter, oil and gas genetic characteristics of the World Ocean, physical-chemical state of sea water; determination of the chemical composition of the major elements of the ecosystems of the oceans and seas, biogeochemical transformation and evolution processes.
    5. Marine engineering - technical means for ocean studies and for ocean information retrieval, development of technical methods and means for long-term observations of physical, chemical and biological parameters of the ocean based on distributed intellectual networks of self-contained bottom, submerged and remote-operated scanning stations.
    6. Underwater researches.


    Other institution names:
    • P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
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