Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Address: Russia, 344010, Rostov-on-Don, pl. Gagarina, 1
Phone: +7 (863) 273 85 25
Number of persons: 137
Number of authors: 107
Number of publications: 164
Conferences: 11

Personnel: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z
full list
  • Abanina, Tat'yana Ivanovna
  • Abuev, F L
  • Aghajanyan, Albert Grantovich
  • Aidinyan, Andrey R
  • Aizikovich, Sergei Mikhailovich
  • Aliyarova, Elena Safarbekovna
  • Aref'eva, Lyudmila Pavlovna
  • Atayan, Asya Mikhaylovna
  • Avilkin, Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Bauer, Svetlana Mihailovna
  • Belova, Yulia Valerievna
  • Bereznyak, Sergey Alexandrovitch
  • Boldyrikhin, Nikolay Vyacheslavovich
  • Bondarenko, Denis Vadimovich
  • Boyarchenko, S I
  • Bozhko, Evgeniy S
  • Bratishchev, Alexandre Vasil'yevich
  • Budyanski, A V
  • Bugakova, Anna Vitalievna
  • Butyrlagin, Nikolay Vladimirovich
  • Cherunova, Irina V
  • Chistyakov, Alexander Evgenjevich
  • Chuykova, Elena N.
  • Danekyants, Anzhelika Genrikovna
  • Detistov, Vladimir Anatol'evich
  • Deundyak, Vladimir Mikhailovich
  • Dolzhenko, Artem Mikhailovich
  • Dubovskov, Vsdim Viktorovich
  • Durov, Roman S
  • Eliseev, Ivan Nikolaevich
  • Ershov, Igor' Vladimirovich
  • Esipov, Yu V
  • Evich, Lyudmila Nikolaevna
  • Fetisov, Valerii Georgievich
  • Gazizov, Andrei Ravil'evich
  • Georgiev, K A
  • Gukasyan, Lusine Surenovna
  • Gvindzhilija, Valerija Enverievna
  • Holodova, Olga Mikailovna
  • Ilicheva, Olga Andreevna
  • Karapetyants, Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Kislovsky, Evgeniy Yurevich
  • Kobzev, Kirill O
  • Koledov, Leonid Victorovich
  • Kolpacheva, Nataliya Alekseevna
  • Korenskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Kostoglotov, Andrei Aleksandrovich
  • Kozobrod, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich
  • Krasii, Nadezhda Pavlovna
  • Krenev, Leonid Ivanovich
  • Kuleshova, E. U.
  • Kuznetsova, Inna Yurevna
  • Ladosha, Evgeniy Nikolaevich
  • Lapshin, Viktor Petrovich
  • Larchenko, V V
  • Lavrentyev, Anatolii Aleksandrovich
  • Lazarenko, Sergei Valer'evich
  • Litvinov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Lubyagin, Igor' Anatol'evich
  • Madorskii, Viktor Veniaminovich
  • Makov, S.
  • Maksimov, Stanislav Mikhailovich
  • Malevannyy, M S
  • Mardasova, Irina Vladimirovna
  • Marshakov, Daniil Vitalievich
  • Meskhi, Besarion Chokhoevich
  • Mikushin, Nikolay Aleksandrovich
  • Misyura, V.
  • Mitsik, Mikhail Fedorovich
  • Mogilevskaya, Nadezhda Sergeevna
  • Molchanov, Aleksandr Alekseevich
  • Neidorf, Rudlof Anatolyevich
  • Neumerzhitskaia, Natal'ya Vyacheslav
  • Ngo, Hung Thanh
  • Nikiforov, Igor Yakovlevich
  • Nikonorov, Yurii Gennadyevich
  • Nikonorova, Yuliya Vasil'evna
  • Ostrouh, Evgeniy Nikolaevich
  • Palii, Alexandr Victorovich
  • Panasenko, Natal'ya Dmitrievna
  • Pavlov, Igor Victorovich
  • Pavlova, Marina Nikolaevna
  • Porksheyan, Marcos Vitalyevich
  • Potopachin, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Pozharskii, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
  • Prokopenko, Nikolay Nikolayevich
  • Protsenko, Sof'ya Vladimirovna
  • Prutsakova, Natal'ya Viktorovna
  • Prygunov, A G
  • Pugachev, Igor Vladimirovich
  • Rahimbaeva, Elena Olegovna
  • Rudenko, Nelli Borisovna
  • Rukhlenko, S. A.
  • Ryabyh, Galina Yuryievna
  • Sadetov, Semen Tigranovich
  • Sadyrin, Evgeniy Valer'evich
  • Safronov, Vladimir Petrovich
  • Sebel'din, D A
  • Semenov, V A
  • Semenov, Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Seninets, Mikle Iosiphovich
  • Shamraeva, Victoria Victorovna
  • Sirota, Elena N
  • Sivachenko, Alexandr Pavlovich
  • Smetanin, Boris Ivanovich
  • Smirnova, Irina Yuryevna
  • Sobolev, Vadim Vladimirovich
  • Solokhin, N. N.
  • Solopova, O G
  • Soloviev, Arkady Nikolaevich
  • Somov, Vyacheslav
  • Stepanov, Makar Stepanovich
  • Stukopin, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Stupina, M. V.
  • Sukhinov, Alexander Ivanovich
  • Sumin, D L
  • Svetlova, Alina Alexadrovna
  • Trubchik, Irina Stepanovna
  • Tsionskii, Arkadii Yakovlevich
  • Tsvetkova, Inna Vladimirovna
  • Tsvetkova, Olga Leonidovna
  • Uglich, Sergey Illarionovich
  • Varnakova, Ekaterina V
  • Vasiliev, Andrey Sergeevich
  • Vinogradova, G Yu
  • Volosatova, Tatiana Anatol'evna
  • Voronkova, Eva Borukhovna
  • Vyalov, Sergey A
  • Yatcenko, Oleg Vadimovich
  • Zagrebneva, Anna Dmitrievna
  • Zakovorotnyj, Vilor Lavrentevich
  • Zhdanova, Tat'yana Pavlovna
  • Zolotareva, Larisa Igorevna
  • Zolotov, Nikita Borisovich
  • Zolotykh, Svetlana Andreevna
  • Zuikov, A P
  • Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, RussiaDon State Technical University (DSTU) is biggest dynamically developing centre of science, education and culture.

    Don State Technical University dates back to May 1930 when Northern-Caucasian Institute of agricultural machine-building was opened.

    By order of the Ministry of science, higher school and technical politics of Russian Federation the Institute was assumed to the University in December 1992.

    The University during its activity has trained more than 60000 engineers, technologists, programmers, economists and other specialists. Some hundreds of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctors of Science (D.Sc.) defended their thesis successfully.

    About three thousand specialists have been trained in DSTU for 58 foreign states.

    Having the state certificates of degree the DSTU graduating students work at Russian and foreign scientific and design organisations, firms, bank, at governmental, educational and privates establishments.

    Nowadays more than 7000 students, including 300 foreigners, and 150 post-graduates get education at 9 faculties and 4 branches of the University in Volgodonsk, Taganrog, Azov and Essentuki.

    Highly qualified scientists with international appreciation conduct a professional activity at 40 departments of the University. 20 members of Russian and International Science Academies and 6 Honoured Scientists of Russian Federation are among them. More than 75 per cent of the staff possess have the scientific degrees of different kinds.

    DSTU leaves excellent opportunities for education, for interesting and useful realization of cultural activities and leisure. Our University has got 6 buildings for studies, scientific and practical work. There are libraries, computer facilities, health assistance and dispensary, sport halls and sport sanitation complex at the Black Sea shore, comfortable student's hostel, university?s cultural center.


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