Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Address: Russia, 119991, Moscow, Gubkina st., 8
Phone: +7 (495) 938 17 69, 938 37 86
Number of persons: 95
Number of authors: 119
Number of publications: 314
Conferences: 2
Seminars: 1

Personnel: A B C D F G K L M N O P R S T V Y Z
full list
  • Agoshkov, V I
  • Aparinov, Andrey Aleksandrovich
  • Arutyunyan, Vardan
  • Avilov, Konstantin Konstantinovich
  • Bakhvalov, Nikolai Sergeevich
  • Blagodatskikh, Dmitry Vladimirovich
  • Bocharov, Gennady Alexeevitch
  • Bogatyrev, Andrei Borisovich
  • Botvinovsky, Eugene
  • Brusnikin, Maksim Borisovich
  • Buleev, Sergei Nikolaevich
  • Chavro, Anatolii Ivanovich
  • Chugunov, Vadim Nikolaevich
  • Danilov, Aleksandr Anatol'evich
  • Dianskii, Nikolay Ardal'enovich
  • Dobroserdova, Tatiana K.
  • Dubovski, Pavel Borisovich
  • Dymnikov, Valentin Pavlovich
  • Fadeev, Rostislav Yur'evich
  • Frolov, Alexey V.
  • Galin, Vener Yagafarovich
  • Gamilov, Timur M.
  • Glazistov, Ivan Viktorovich
  • Glazunov, Andrey Vasil'evich
  • Goreinov, Sergei Anatolievich
  • Grebennikov, Dmitrii Sergeevich
  • Grigor'ev, Oleg Alexandrovich
  • Gritsoun, Andrey Sergeyevich
  • Gusakov, Igor' Valer'evich
  • Kapyrin, Ivan Viktorovich
  • Karasëva, Irina Andreevna
  • Karkach, Arsenii Sergeevich
  • Kazeev, Vladimir Alekseevich
  • Khomich, Valentin Ivanovich
  • Khristichenko, Mikhail Yur'evich
  • Klyushnev, Nikita Viktorovich
  • Knizhnerman, Leonid Aronovich
  • Kobel'kov, Georgii Mikhailovich
  • Kornev, Andrey Alekseevich
  • Kosarev, Aleksandr Yur'evich
  • Kostrykin, Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Kozoderov, Vladimir Vasil'evich
  • Kulyamin, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich
  • Kuznetsov, Aleksandr Yur'evich
  • Kuznetsov, Yurii Alekseevich
  • Lebedev, Vyacheslav Ivanovich
  • Lezina, Natal'ya Romanovna
  • Lifanov, Ivan Kuz'mich
  • Lifanov, Pavel Ivanovich
  • Lipnikov, Konstantin Nikolaevich
  • Lyamaev, Sergei Yur'evich
  • Lykosov, Vasilii Nikolaevich
  • Marchuk, Guri Ivanovich
  • Marikhin, Vladimir Georgievich
  • Martynov, Roman Sergeyevich
  • Medovikov, Aleksey Arsen'evich
  • Metlov, Konstantin Leonidovich
  • Mikhailovskii, Nikolay Érnestovich
  • Nechepurenko, Yuri Mihailovich
  • Nikitin, Kirill Dmitrievich
  • Noarov, Aleksandr Igorevich
  • Novikov, Ivan Sergeevich
  • Novikov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich
  • Oseledets, Ivan Valer'evich
  • Osinskii, Aleksandr Igorevich
  • Parmuzin, Evgenii Ivanovich
  • Perezhogin, Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Petrov, Sergey Vasil'evich
  • Pogozhev, Ivan Borisovich
  • Romanyukha, Aleksei Alekseevich
  • Rudnev, Sergey Gennad'evich
  • Salamatova, Viktopiya Yur'evna
  • Sannikova, Tat'yana Evgen'evna
  • Sarkisyan, Artem Sarkisovich
  • Savostyanov, Dmitry Valeryevich
  • Shutyaev, Victor Petrovich
  • Smirnov, M
  • Smirnov, Matvei Stanislavovich
  • Stavtsev, Stanislav Leonidovich
  • Terekhov, Kirill Mikailovich
  • Timokhin, Ivan Vladislavovich
  • Tupitsa, Nazarii Konstantinovich
  • Tyrtyshnikov, Eugene Evgen'evich
  • Vassilevski, Yuriy Viktorovich
  • Vlad, Andrey Ivanovich
  • Voevodin, Valentin Vassilevich
  • Volodin, Evgenii Mikhailovich
  • Yakovlev, Nikolay Gennad'evich
  • Yanbarisov, Ruslan M.
  • Yeremin, Aleksey Yuryevich
  • Zakharova, Natalia Borisovna
  • Zalesnyi, Vladimir Borisovich
  • Zamarashkin, Nikolai Leonidovich
  • Zuev, Sergei Mikailovich
  • Zyl, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
  • Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaThe Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences acts in line with the current edition of the General Principles of the Structure and Scientific Research of RAS Institutes.

    At present, INM RAS is a unique scientific institution engaged in solving both fundamental and applied problems of interdisciplinary character. Joining the efforts of leading scientists in computational mathematics, atmospheric and oceanic physics, and mathematical immunology is a top priority. The research staff involves a total of 27 Dr.Sci. (including 5 Academicians and 1 Correspoding Member) and 30 Cand.Sci.

    Enhanced collaborative research (projects and programs) with Russian and international organizations are conducted. Full-scale training programs are actively carried out through postgraduate and doctorate courses.


    Other institution names:
    • Department of Numerical Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    • Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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