Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Address: Kazakhstan, 480078, Almaty, al-Farabi, 71
Phone: +7 (3272) 47 14 88
Number of persons: 285
Number of authors: 279
Number of publications: 339

Personnel: A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z Ò
full list
  • Abdibekov, U S
  • Abdirakhmanov, Assan Ramazanuly
  • Abdukhaitova, Gul'zhan Erkingalievna
  • Abdulkarimova, Rosa Gabdulowna
  • Abdullin, Khabibulla Abdellaevich [Abdullin, Kh A]
  • Abeshev, Kuanysh Shurabatyrovich
  • Ainakeyeva, N. Zh.
  • Aisagaliev, Serikbai Abdigalievich
  • Akhmed-Zaki, D Zh
  • Akhymbek, Meiram Erkanatuly
  • Aldazharova, Maira Maulenovna
  • Aldybekov, Tamasha Moldabekovich
  • Alexeyeva, Lyudmila Alexeyevna
  • Alibayeva, Karlygash Abylkhakobna
  • Aliev, Bakhodir Azimjonovich
  • Alimzhanov, Yermek Serikovich
  • Alipbaev, Amanbol Namanzhanovich
  • Alish, Daryn Bakytovich
  • Alpysbayeva, B E
  • Arenbaev, Nariman Karagaishievich
  • Artyukh, Lyudmila Yur'evna
  • Asembaeva, Mansia Kabylovna
  • Ashirov, Saken Bazarbaevich
  • Askarova, Aliya Sandibaevna
  • Aubakirov, Sanzhar S
  • Ayazbayeva, Assem Mukhtarovna
  • Aypanov, Sh A
  • Aysagalieva, Sofiya Serikbaevna
  • Azamat, R M
  • Azanov, Nikolay Prokop'evich
  • Azatkaliev, A A
  • Azimov, Anvar
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, KazakhstanAl-Farabi Kazakh National University was founded on January 15, 1934. On July 5, 2001 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the University bearing the name of Al-Farabi since 1991, was conferred a special status of national higher educational establishment.

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the largest center of scientific and pedagogical personnel?s training in the field of natural and humanitarian sciences in Kazakhstan. The main scientific potential of the country is concentrated here; among them there are academicians and correspondent-members of the National Academy of Sciences, full members of other academies, persons awarded to the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan". 278 Doctors of Sciences and Professors, more than 800 Candidates of Sciences and Associate Professors work at the University that is much more than at any other institution of the country.

    At present, more than 16 thousands students study at al-Farabi University. There are 105 Departments in the structure of the University. Such extensive educational sphere allows the University to be on the front scientific and educational lines, do not be backward the world leading scientific and educational practice.

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has considerable scientific schools in the fields of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, economics, history, philosophy, philology, juridical science, which are famous in many foreign countries. Priorities of the science of al-Farabi University cover almost all directions of natural and humanitarian sciences being signed by the Ministry of Education and Science, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamental scientific researches are organizing and coordinating by scientific-research department of the University and 8 scientific-research institutes and 9 scientific centers. Scientists of al-Farabi University carry out research works at scientific-research institutes, scientific center and laboratories on more than 30 perspective scientific directions. The University is the leading organization on 7 programs of fundamental researches in the Republic. Annually 300–350 scientific-research works are carried out at the University. Scientific and technological park, computer center, experimental production center, publishing house "Kazakh University" and a scientific library containing more than 1.5 mln. books are functioning at the University at present.



    Other institution names:
    • Kirov Kazakh State University
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