Urgench State University named after Al-Khorezmi, Uzbekistan
Address: Uzbekistan, 740000, Urgench, Hamid Olimjon street, 14
Phone: +998 (62) 226 61 66
Number of persons: 65
Number of authors: 65
Number of publications: 110

Personnel: A B E H I J K M N R S U Y
full list
  • Abdikarimov, A
  • Abdikarimov, A E
  • Abdikarimov, F. B.
  • Abdikarimov, Faxriddin Baxramovich
  • Abdikarimov, Khidoyat Egamberganovich
  • Abdullaev, Bakhrom Ismoilovich
  • Aminov, U A
  • Asatova, Umida Pulatovna
  • Atajanova, Rukhiya Babazhanovna
  • Atajonov, Dilshod Ozodovich
  • Atamuratov, A E
  • Atamuratov, Alimardon Abdirimovich
  • Atamuratov, Atabek Egamberdiyevich
  • Atamuratova, Z A
  • Azamatov, Azizbek Shavkatovich
  • Urgench State University named after Al-Khorezmi, UzbekistanAt the end of X-th century — The High Educational Institution was functioned in the capital of Afragiys dynasty Kyat, which was later washed away by the Amu Darya river.

    995 — After disintigration of Afrigiys dynasty the capital and the High Educational Institutions were moved to Kuhna-Urganch. But when the mongolian invaders (the troops of Chingizhan) invaded the country, the capital was removed to Khiva, where the Shergoziehan Medresseh began its activity.

    1920 — The short-term courses of Teachers Training school was established.

    1921 — The National University was established.

    1922 — Teacher Training Pedagogical College was founded in Khiva.

    1924 — When Khorazm Region was founded in one of the parts of the former Khorazm People's Republic, the centre was removed to Urganch and the Teacher Training Pedagogical College of Khiva continued its activity.

    1935 — The department established in Bukhara Institute for Khorazmian youths was moved to Urgench and the Khorazm Pedagogical Institute was founded. The faculties of Physics and Mathematics, Uzbek Language and Literature were opened at the Institute.

    1938 — The Faculty of Russian Language and Literature was founded.

    1939 — A new two-storied building of the Institute was built in the South-east of Urganch.

    1949 — The department of Geography and Biology was founded.

    1970–1980 — There were more than 140 teachers at this Institute. 8 of them were Doctors of Science and 70 had the degree of the condidate of science.

    1992 — By the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan Urgench State University named after Al-Khorazmie was founded on the basis of former Khorazm State Pedagogical Institute.

    1993 — The postgraduates, doctorates were established on eight speciality.

    2000–2001 — Master of Art department was established on eleven specialities at the University.

    2001–2002 — 5057 students, 27 postgraduates, 46 Masters of Arts, 2 Doctors of Sciences have been studing at the University.


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