2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Problemy Upravleniya» journal, 2021
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2021 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2021 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2021 to the papers
published in 2019–2020. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
Journal Self-citations |
2021 |
0.330 |
94 |
31 |
21 |
51.6% |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
V. B. Melekhin, M. V. Khachumov, “Planning the collective activities of autonomous mobile intelligent agents under uncertainty”, Sci. Tech. Inf. Process., 48:6 (2021), 493–501  |
→ |
Multi-level model of situational management of technological processes of machining V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 1, 73–82
2. |
V. N. Chestnov, D. V. Shatov, “Sintez mnogomernykh sledyaschikh sistem po inzhenernym kriteriyam kachestva na osnove $H_{\infty }$-podkhoda”, Probl. upravl., 3 (2021), 33–41  |
→ |
Design of given oscillation index scalar controllers: modal and $H_\infty$-approaches V. N. Chestnov, D. V. Shatov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 2, 2–8
3. |
Divyansh Mittal, Rishikesh Narayanan, “Resonating neurons stabilize heterogeneous grid-cell networks”, eLife, 10 (2021)  |
→ |
Design of given oscillation index scalar controllers: modal and $H_\infty$-approaches V. N. Chestnov, D. V. Shatov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 2, 2–8
4. |
Vadim Alexandrov, Ilya Rezkov, Dmitrii Shatov, Vladimir Chestnov, 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2021, 126  |
→ |
Design of given oscillation index scalar controllers: modal and $H_\infty$-approaches V. N. Chestnov, D. V. Shatov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 2, 2–8
5. |
N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov, “Metody otsenki sostoyanii nechetkikh integralnykh modelei. Obzor. Ch. 1. Approksimatsionnye metody”, Probl. upravl., 1 (2021), 3–14  |
→ |
Methods of solving fuzzy systems of linear equations. Part 1. Fully systems N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 4, 3–14
6. |
N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov, “Metody otsenki sostoyanii nechetkikh integralnykh modelei. Obzor. Ch. 2. Metod naimenshikh kvadratov i pryamye metody variatsionnogo ischisleniya”, Probl. upravl., 2 (2021), 3–17  |
→ |
Methods of solving fuzzy systems of linear equations. Part 1. Fully systems N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 4, 3–14
7. |
S. P. Grachev, A. A. Zhilyaev, V. B. Laryukhin, D. E. Novichkov, V. A. Galuzin, E. V. Simonova, I. V. Maiorov, P. O. Skobelev, “Metody i sredstva postroeniya intellektualnykh sistem dlya resheniya slozhnykh zadach adaptivnogo upravleniya resursami v realnom vremeni”, Avtomat. i telemekh., 2021, № 11, 30–67  |
→ |
Control systems classification D. A. Novikov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 4, 27–42
8. |
N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov, “Metody otsenki sostoyanii nechetkikh integralnykh modelei. Obzor. Ch. 1. Approksimatsionnye metody”, Probl. upravl., 1 (2021), 3–14  |
→ |
Methods of solving fuzzy systems of linear equations. Part 2. Incomplete systems N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 5, 19–28
9. |
N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov, “Metody otsenki sostoyanii nechetkikh integralnykh modelei. Obzor. Ch. 2. Metod naimenshikh kvadratov i pryamye metody variatsionnogo ischisleniya”, Probl. upravl., 2 (2021), 3–17  |
→ |
Methods of solving fuzzy systems of linear equations. Part 2. Incomplete systems N. P. Demenkov, E. A. Mikrin, I. A. Mochalov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 5, 19–28
10. |
A. Zakharova, A. Podvesovskii, “Application of visual-cognitive approach to decision support for concept development in systems engineering”, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 54:13 (2021), 482–487  |
→ |
Modeling of scenario development of rural territories based on fuzzy cognitive model S. V. Podgorskaya, A. G. Podvesovskii, R. A. Isaev, A. S. Tarasov, G. A. Bakhmatova Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 5, 49–59
11. |
V. A. Aleksandrov, “Optimizatsiya razmescheniya polyusov v odnomernoi sisteme upravleniya”, Avtomat. i telemekh., 2021, № 6, 102–123  |
→ |
Synthesis of discrete modal siso controllers by engineering performance indices V. N. Chestnov, V. A. Aleksandrov, I. G. Rezkov Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 6, 11–21
12. |
D. V. Krasnov, A. S. Antipov, “Sintez dvukhkonturnogo nablyudatelya v zadache upravleniya odnozvennym manipulyatorom v usloviyakh neopredelennosti”, Probl. upravl., 4 (2021), 27–39  |
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Two methods of synthesis of state and disturbances observers for an unmanned aerial vehicle Ju. G. Kokunko, D. V. Krasnov, A. V. Utkin Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1, 3–16
13. |
V. N. Burkov, A. K. Enaleev, N. A. Korgin, “Soglasovannost i nemanipuliruemost mekhanizmov organizatsionnogo upravleniya: tekuschee sostoyanie problemy, retrospektiva, perspektivy razvitiya teoreticheskikh issledovanii”, Avtomat. i telemekh., 2021, № 7, 5–37  |
→ |
Optimality of the incentive compatible mechanisms in network organizational structures A. K. Enaleev Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1, 24–38
14. |
M. V. Belov, D. A. Novikov, “Klassifikatsiya matematicheskikh modelei deyatelnosti”, UBS, 91 (2021), 5–37  |
→ |
Incentive-compatible control in dynamic multi-agent systems. Part 1. Contracts in dynamic system with one principal and multiple agents M. V. Belov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1, 39–47
15. |
A. Enaleev, D. Novikov, “Sustainable control of active systems: decentralization and incentive compatibility”, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 54:13 (2021), 13–18  |
→ |
Incentive-compatible control in dynamic multi-agent systems. Part 1. Contracts in dynamic system with one principal and multiple agents M. V. Belov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1, 39–47
16. |
V. B. Melekhin, M. V. Khachumov, “Fuzzy semantic networks as a knowledge representation model of autonomous intelligent systems”, Sci. Tech. Inf. Process., 48:5 (2021), 333–341  |
→ |
Control of effective implementation of technological processes for mechanical processing of parts in mechanical engineering V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1, 71–82
17. |
A. A. Shirokii, A. O. Kalashnikov, “Primenenie metodov estestvennykh vychislenii dlya upravleniya riskami slozhnykh sistem”, Probl. upravl., 4 (2021), 3–20  |
→ |
Deep neural networks: origins, development, current status A. V. Makarenko Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 2, 3–19
18. |
B. G. Ilyasov, G. A. Saitova, “Issledovanie mnogosvyaznykh sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya slozhnymi dinamicheskimi ob'ektami na osnove paradigmy B. N. Petrova”, Probl. upravl., 3 (2021), 3–15  |
→ |
Stability analysis of airplane with MIMO control system based on frequency methods S. G. Bazhenov, A. N. Kozyaychev, V. S. Korolyov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 2, 20–27
19. |
M. V. Belov, D. A. Novikov, “Klassifikatsiya matematicheskikh modelei deyatelnosti”, UBS, 91 (2021), 5–37  |
→ |
Incentive-compatible control in dynamic multi-agent systems. Part 2. Contracts in dynamic hierarchical multi-agent system M. V. Belov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 2, 36–46
20. |
A. Enaleev, D. Novikov, “Sustainable control of active systems: decentralization and incentive compatibility”, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 54:13 (2021), 13–18  |
→ |
Incentive-compatible control in dynamic multi-agent systems. Part 2. Contracts in dynamic hierarchical multi-agent system M. V. Belov Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 2, 36–46
Total publications: |
1364 |
Scientific articles: |
1217 |
Authors: |
1310 |
Citations: |
2354 |
Cited articles: |
673 |