Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova
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Forthcoming papers:

Finite-gap potentials and integrable geodesic equations on a 2-surface
S. V. Agapov, A. E. Mironov
Note on the attraction of an ellipsoid in a spherical universe
A. Albouy
Classification of toric surface singularities
F. Ambro
Affine cones as images of affine spaces
Ivan Arzhantsev
Real del Pezzo surfaces without points
G. N. Belousov
Katzarkov–Kontsevich–Pantev Conjecture for Fano threefolds
I. A. Cheltsov, V. V. Przyjalkowski
On the uniqueness of a self-similar solution of the Riemann problem for longitudinal-torsional waves in nonlinear elastic rods
A. P. Chugainova
Modularity of Landau–Ginzburg models
Ch. F. Doran, A. Harder, L. Katzarkov, M. A. Ovcharenko, V. V. Przyjalkowski
A note on the Newton–Kantorovich scheme for evolutionary equations
A. V. Dymov, S. B. Kuksin
Strict Lyapunov functions and energy decay in Hamiltonian chains with degenerate damping
A. V. Dymov, L. V. Lokutsievskiy, A. V. Sarychev
On Hamiltonian projective billiards on boundaries of products of convex bodies
A. A. Glutsyuk
On diffeomorphisms with orientable codimension one basic sets and isolated saddle
V. Z. Grines, E. V. Zhuzhoma, V. S. Medvedev
Motion of liquid particles in the field of a surface generalized solitary wave in a fluid beneath an ice cover
A. T. Il'ichev, A. S. Savin
Algebraic Gromov's ellipticity of cubic hypersurfaces
Sh. Kaliman, M. Zaidenberg
On the theory of normal forms
V. V. Kozlov
Bifurcations in integrable systems with three degrees of freedom — I
E. A. Kudryavtseva, L. M. Lerman
Existence of localized movements in the vicinity of an unstable equilibrium position
E. I. Kugushev, T. V. Salnikova
Special discontinuities in solving the self-similar problem of waves in a rod
A. G. Kulikovskii
The influence of transport phenomena on two-dimensional cellular structure of hydrogen-air mixture detonation
D. I. Kuzovlev, V. V. Markov
Volume enclosed by a flux surface
R. S. MacKay
On a kinematic proof of Andoyer variables canonicity
A. I. Neishtadt
Topology of ambient manifolds of regular homeomorphisms with codimension one saddles
E. M. Osenkov, O. V. Pochinka
Isothermal coordinates of $W^{2,2}$ immersions. Counterexample
P. I. Plotnikov
Remarks on forced oscillations on manifolds
I. Yu. Polekhin
The variety of flexes of plane cubics
V. L. Popov
Affine complements in the projective space with the trivial group of automorphisms
A. V. Pukhlikov
On Variations of Curves and Compact Sets
E. V. Shchepin, Yu. V. Malykhin, K. O. Besov
Map approximating phase flow in the problem of attitude motion of celestial bodies
V. V. Sidorenko
Mathematical modelling of the dynamics of a spaser with broken inversion symmetry in a low-frequency monochromatic field
A. V. Soldatov
Central extensions of Lie algebras, dynamical systems, and symplectic nilmanifolds
I. A. Taimanov
Classical and wave dynamics of long nonlinear coastal waves, localized near gentle shores
M. M. Votiakova, S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, D. S. Minenkov
On Termination of Motion in Some Mechanical System with Coulomb Friction
O. È. Zubelevich
Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
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