
Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Data Science 2016 dedicated to anniversaries of Yakov Sinai and Grigory Margulis
(July 5–7, 2016, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow, Moscow)


Program Committee
Gaifullin Alexander Aleksandrovich
Kabatiansky Grigorii Anatol'evich
Morozov Aleksei Yur'evich
Shlosman Senya
Tsfasman Michael Anatol'evich

Organizing Committee
Kuleshov Aleksandr Petrovich
Sobolevski Andrei Nikolaevich
Krichever Igor Moiseevich
Vyugin Il'ya Vladimirovich

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), Moscow
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Independent University of Moscow

Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Data Science 2016 dedicated to anniversaries of Yakov Sinai and Grigory Margulis, Moscow, July 5–7, 2016

July 5, 2016 (Tue)
1. The Kolmogorov – Petrovsky – Piscounov equation: an exactly soluble version
Bernard Derrida
July 5, 2016 10:00–10:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
2. New results in asymptotic representation theory
G. I. Olshanskii
July 5, 2016 10:50–11:40, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
G. I. Olshanskii
3. 4-color problem and toric topology of fullerenes
V. M. Bukhshtaber
July 5, 2016 12:00–12:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
V. M. Bukhshtaber
4. Towards the global bifurcation theory on the plane
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
July 5, 2016 14:30–15:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
5. Totally non-free actions, random subgroups and factor representations
R. I. Grigorchuk
July 5, 2016 15:20–16:10, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
R. I. Grigorchuk
6. Continous time random walk in dynamic random environment
A. Pellegrinotti
July 5, 2016 16:30–17:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
A. Pellegrinotti
7. Multiplicative ergodic theorem for operator cocycles with log-integrable norm
M. E. Lipatov, A. M. Stepin
July 5, 2016 17:20–17:40, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
M. E. Lipatov, A. M. Stepin
8. Massive/meager sets of typical points
M. Blank
July 5, 2016 17:40–18:30, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
M. Blank

July 6, 2016 (Wed)
9. Log-Sobolev inequalities, hypercontractivity and uncertainty principle on the hypercube
Yu Polyanskiy
July 6, 2016 10:00–10:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
Yu Polyanskiy
10. Maximally recoverable codes for distributed storage
S. M. Yekhanin
July 6, 2016 10:50–11:40, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
S. M. Yekhanin
11. On some open problems of coding theory
G. A. Kabatiansky
July 6, 2016 12:00–12:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
G. A. Kabatiansky
12. Sparsity assumption as a remedy against exponential complexity
M. B. Malyutov
July 6, 2016 14:30–15:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
M. B. Malyutov
13. Surfaces containing two circles through each point
M. B. Skopenkov
July 6, 2016 15:20–16:10, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
M. B. Skopenkov
14. Short distance percolation of hard disks
A. N. Magazinov
July 6, 2016 16:30–17:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
A. N. Magazinov

July 7, 2016 (Thu)
15. On renormalization and KPZ problem
K. M. Khanin
July 7, 2016 10:00–10:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
K. M. Khanin
16. Universal hierarchical structure of quasiperiodic eigenfunctions
S. Ya. Zhitomirskaya
July 7, 2016 10:50–11:40, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
S. Ya. Zhitomirskaya
17. TBA
Ya. G. Sinai
July 7, 2016 12:00–12:50, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
Ya. G. Sinai
18. Blow-up of complex solutions of the 3-d Navier-Stokes equations and behavior of related real solutions
C. Boldrighini
July 7, 2016 14:30–15:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
C. Boldrighini
19. Norm inflation in hydrodynamics and related problems
D. Li
July 7, 2016 15:20–16:10, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
D. Li
20. Limit measures associated to zeta-functions
M. A. Tsfasman
July 7, 2016 16:30–17:20, Moscow, IUM, Bolshoi Vlas'evskii per., 11, Moscow
M. A. Tsfasman
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