
The international workshop OTHA Spring 2024
on operator theory and harmonic analysis and their applications

(April 21–25, 2024, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia)

International scientific workshop OTHA Spring 2024 will be held on 21-25 April 2024 in Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA (Yerevan).

21 April - arrival
22-23 April - working days
24 April - excursion
25 April - departure

The program of the workshop will include a number of invited lectures.

OTHA workshops are part of the OTHA conference/workshops/seminars/editorial activities ,


Financial support
Conference is supported by the Regional Mathematical Center of SFedU, a project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education RF, agreement № 075-02-2024-1427.

Regional mathematical center of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan

The international workshop OTHA Spring 2024 on operator theory and harmonic analysis and their applications, Yerevan, April 21–25, 2024

April 22, 2024 (Mon)
1. On $\psi$ fractional integral
Ch. Li
April 22, 2024 10:30–11:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
2. Global classical solutions to the second mixed problem for the Vlasov-Poisson system
A. L. Skubachevskii
April 22, 2024 11:05–11:35, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
3. Hadamard-Bergman operators on Lebesgue and Hölder spaces
A. N. Karapetyants
April 22, 2024 11:55–12:25, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
4. Inversion of the two data spherical Radon transform using local data
R. H. Aramyan
April 22, 2024 12:30–13:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
5. Schwarz-Pick lemma for $(\alpha,\beta)$-harmonic functions in the unit disc
M. Arsenović
April 22, 2024 14:40–15:10, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
6. Trigonometric convexity for multidimensional indicator
A. Vagharshakyan
April 22, 2024 15:15–15:45, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
7. On a defect number of Dirichlet problem for properly elliptic equation
A. O. Babayan
April 22, 2024 16:05–16:35, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
8. On pseudo-integral homogeneous polynomials
Z. A. Kusraeva
April 22, 2024 16:40–17:10, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA

April 23, 2024 (Tue)
9. 3D-quasiconformal mappings with hypercomplex functions
H. R. Malonek
April 23, 2024 10:30–11:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
10. $L^p$ simulation for measures
E. R. Liflyand
April 23, 2024 11:05–11:35, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
11. Nonlinear Beltrami equation: geometric approach
A. I. Gol'berg
April 23, 2024 11:55–12:25, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
12. Extrapolation in grand Banach function spaces
A. N. Meskhi
April 23, 2024 12:30–13:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
13. Polar decomposition in metric spaces
Zh. G. Avetisyan
April 23, 2024 14:30–15:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
14. Khintchine type inequalities for martingales
G. A. Karagulyan
April 23, 2024 15:05–15:35, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
15. Generalized Vilenkin groups
M. A. Skopina
April 23, 2024 15:55–16:25, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
16. Recent advances on uniform spaces
F. J. Garcia-Pacheco
April 23, 2024 16:30–17:00, Yerevan, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
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