International symposium "Arithmetic days in Moscow" (June 13–18, 2011, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
The symposium is devoted to several topics in modern number theory and arithmetic geometry, in particular, zeta-functions, higher-dimensional adeles, transcendental number theory, coding theory, rational points on varieties.
This is a meeting between the Arithmetic and Geometry group of ETH, Zürich and the Department of Algebra and Number Theory of the Steklov Mathematical Institute (MIAN), Moscow. There are also invited speakers from other schools including the University of Zürich, Moscow State University, and the Independent University of Moscow.
There will be lecture courses in the mornings and talks in the afternoons. The lecturers are A. N. Parshin, M. A. Tsfasman, and G. Wüstholz.
All mathematicians interested in number theory and arithmetic geometry are very welcome to visit the symposium, including undergraduate students and PhD students (aspirants).
Gorchinskiy Sergey Olegovich Parshin Alexey Nikolaevich Wüstholz Gisbert
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
International symposium "Arithmetic days in Moscow", Moscow, June 13–18, 2011 |
June 13, 2011 (Mon) |
1. |
The analytic subgroup theorem, logarithmic forms and periods. Lecture 1 G. Wüstholz June 13, 2011 10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
2. |
Some identities of Ramanujan type Yu. Nesterenko June 13, 2011 11:20, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
3. |
Integral solutions of separated-variables equations C. Fuchs June 13, 2011 12:40, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
4. |
Collinear triples, multiplicative subgroups and convex sets I. Shkredov June 13, 2011 15:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
5. |
On Gram's law in the theory of the Riemann zeta function M. Korolev June 13, 2011 16:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
6. |
An effective proof of the hyperelliptic Shafarevich conjecture R. von Känel June 13, 2011 17:50, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
June 14, 2011 (Tue) |
7. |
Representations theory of adelic groups and arithmetic. Lecture 1 A. Parshin June 14, 2011 10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
8. |
The analytic subgroup theorem, logarithmic forms and periods. Lecture 2 G. Wüstholz June 14, 2011 11:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
9. |
Codes and sphere packings for a number theorist. Lecture 1 M. Tsfasman June 14, 2011 14:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
10. |
Constructible DG-modules over the de Rham algebra S. Rybakov June 14, 2011 15:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
11. |
Conformal blocks divisors and points on curves N. Giansiracusa June 14, 2011 16:50, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
June 15, 2011 (Wed) |
12. |
The analytic subgroup theorem, logarithmic forms and periods. Lecture 3 G. Wüstholz June 15, 2011 10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
13. |
Representations theory of adelic groups and arithmetic. Lecture 2 A. Parshin June 15, 2011 11:20, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
14. |
Codes and sphere packings for a number theorist. Lecture 2 M. Tsfasman June 15, 2011 12:40, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
June 16, 2011 (Thu) |
15. |
Representations theory of adelic groups and arithmetic. Lecture 3 A. Parshin June 16, 2011 10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
16. |
Strong approximation and integral Brauer–Manin obstruction A. Kresch June 16, 2011 11:20, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
17. |
Codes and sphere packings for a number theorist. Lecture 3 M. Tsfasman June 16, 2011 12:40, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
18. |
Categorical central extensions and reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces D. Osipov June 16, 2011 14:45, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
19. |
Some results beyond the conjectures of André–Oort and Manin–Mumford Ph. Habegger June 16, 2011 16:15, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
20. |
On effectivity and uniformity in a result of André–Oort type L. Kühne June 16, 2011 17:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
June 17, 2011 (Fri) |
21. |
A semi-stable case of the Shafarevich Conjecture V. Abrashkin June 17, 2011 10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
22. |
A little geometric class field theory and a question of Witten B. Doran June 17, 2011 11:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
23. |
Asymptotic properties of zeta functions A. Zykin June 17, 2011 14:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
24. |
An additive type problem for the Fourier coefficients of automorphic cusp forms and its application to the zeros of the associated $L$-functions on the critical line I. Rezvyakova June 17, 2011 15:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
25. |
Zolotarev's fractions revisited M. Wang June 17, 2011 16:50, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute