
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”,
dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov

(July 5–13, 2023, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny)

The Conference is devoted to the search of common problems, aims and investigation methods in differential equations and operator theory, topological and differential dynamics of systems with continuous and discrete time, ergodic theory, measure theory, random processes theory and quantum mechanics. The aim of this conference is to present and discuss the contemporary results in PDE, dynamical systems, infinite dimensional analysis and their applications to quantum theory, statistical mechanics and other fields of mathematical physics.
In the framework of the conference the following sections will be organized.

  • Mathematical Physics (mathematical aspects of classical, quantum and statistical mechanics and field theory, qualitative theory of PDE, functional spaces and variational problems, geometric measure theory, gravitation theory, p-adic analysis, quantum biology, one-parametric semigroups, random operators and random graphs);
  • Dynamical Systems (topological and differential dynamics of finite-dimensional with continuous and discrete time, ergodic theory, theory of Hamiltonian systems, dynamical chaos, applications of dynamical systems theory to the problems of mathematical physics and infinite dimension analysis);
  • Infinite-Dimensional Analysis (functional integrals and Feynman integrals, their application to quantum dynamics and statistical mechanics, abstract theory of measure and integral, convex and multivalued analysis, quantum structures of functional analysis and noncommutative integration, quantum information theory).

The conference is a part of the thematic semester «Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies».






Practical information

Program Committee
Treschev Dmitry Valerevich (Chairman)
Sakbaev Vsevolod Zhanovich (Vice-chairman)
Accardi Luigi
Amosov Grigori Gennadievich
Dragovich Branko
Efremova Lyudmila Sergeevna
Gough John Edward
Holevo Alexander Semenovich
Kozlov Valery Vasil'evich
Lozi René Pierre
Muravnik Andrey Borisovich
Musin Ildar Khamitovich
Orlov Yurii Nikolayevich
Pechen Alexander Nikolaevich
Ryzhikov Valerii Valentinovich
Sanjuán Miguel
Shafarevich Andrei Igorevich
Shamarov Nikolaj Nikolaevich
Shananin Aleksandr Alekseevich
Shavgulidze Evgeni Tengizovich
Sokolov Sergei Viktorovich
Turilova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Volovich Igor Vasil'evich

Organizing Committee
Raigorodskii Andrei Mikhailovich (Chairman)
Ivanov Grigorii Evgen'evich (Vice-chairman)
Podlipskaya Ol'ga Gennad'evna (Vice-chairman)
Sakbaev Vsevolod Zhanovich (Vice-chairman)
Trushechkin Anton Sergeevich (Vice-chairman)
Busovikov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Efremova Lyudmila Sergeevna
Glazatov Vladimir Andreevich
Gusev Nikolay Anatolievich
Kalinichenko Artem Alexandrovich
Kalmetev Rustem Shainurovich
Malikov Artur Pavlovich
Markasheva Vera Alekseevna
Remizov Alexey Olegovich
Rossovskii Leonid Efimovich
Schmidt Evgeniia Vladimirovna
Teretenkov Aleksandr Evgenevich
Tyulenev Alexander Ivanovich
Volkov Boris Olegovich
Zamana Konstantin Yurievich

Financial support
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2022-265) and the integration project "Support for international scientific events and the participation of MIPT employees and students in them", strategic project No. 2 "Research leadership (from bachelor to Nobel laureate)".

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, July 5–13, 2023

July 5, 2023 (Wed)
1. Conference opening
July 5, 2023 10:00–10:30, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT

Plenary talks
2. Quantum structure of black holes
I. Ya. Aref'eva
July 5, 2023 10:30–11:15, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
3. On Vlasov type Equations: derivation, hydrodynamic and Hamilton-Jacobi consequences, and cosmological solutions
V. V. Vedenyapin
July 5, 2023 11:20–12:05, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
4. Efforts and Flows in Quantum systems
J. E. Gough
July 5, 2023 12:10–12:55, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
5. Spaces of negative dimensions in mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich
July 5, 2023 16:30–17:15, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
6. Quantum theories canonically associated to orthogonal polynomials, Pearson classes and integrable quantum systems
L. Accardi
July 5, 2023 17:20–18:05, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123

Section 1
7. On pre-relaxation of system and reservoir in an exactly solvable model of an open quantum system
A. S. Trushechkin
July 5, 2023 14:30–15:00, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
8. On development of projection methods for master equation derivation
A. E. Teretenkov
July 5, 2023 15:05–15:35, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123
9. On generating phase-damping channels
R. L. Khazhin
July 5, 2023 15:40–16:10, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 123

Section 2
10. Nonlinear wave in hypercycle with infinity many members
A. S. Bratus'
July 5, 2023 14:30–15:00, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 117
11. Lorentz 2-orbifolds of constant non-zero curvature with the essential isometry group
N. I. Zhukova, E. V. Bogolepova
July 5, 2023 15:05–15:35, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 117
12. Attractors with non-invariant interior
S. S. Minkov, A. V. Okunev, I. S. Shilin
July 5, 2023 15:40–16:10, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 117

Section 3
13. Solution of a non-local boundary value problem simulating plasma perturbation by an electric field
S. I. Bezrodnykh, N. M. Gordeeva
July 5, 2023 14:30–15:00, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 113
14. On the numerical-analytical method for the Burgers equation
S. V. Pikulin, S. I. Bezrodnykh
July 5, 2023 15:05–15:35, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 113
15. Blow-up of solutions of nonlocal parabolic equation under nonlocal boundary condition
A. Gladkov
July 5, 2023 15:40–16:10, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 113

July 6, 2023 (Thu)

Plenary talks
16. Multiplication formulas for Gaussian operators
A. S. Holevo
July 6, 2023 10:00–10:30, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
17. Nonlocal de Sitter Gravity and its Exact Cosmological Solutions
B. Dragovich
July 6, 2023 10:35–11:05, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
18. Navier–Stokes equations, the algebraic aspect
V. V. Zharinov
July 6, 2023 11:10–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
19. Finitely generated weak closures of ergodic actions
V. V. Ryzhikov
July 6, 2023 16:45–17:30, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
20. Noise Effects on Chaotic Hamiltonian Dynamics
M. Sanjuán
July 6, 2023 17:35–18:20, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
21. Analysis of a SEIT compartmental model of transmission of Tuberculosis with treatment
R. Lozi, S. Elaydi
July 6, 2023 18:25–19:10, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
22. Linear Interpolation of Program Control with Respect to a Multidimensional Parameter in the Convergence Problem
V. N. Ushakov, A. A. Ershov, A. V. Ushakov
July 6, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
23. Limits of constrained minimum problems in variable domains
A. A. Kovalevsky
July 6, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
24. Construction of curves on proximally smooth sets in Hilbert spaces
M. S. Lopushanski
July 6, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
25. On projections of a compact set in R^N
O. D. Frolkina
July 6, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
26. О цилиндрических отображениях с убегающими орбитами и углах поворота (On cylindrical maps with escaping orbits and rotation angles)
A. V. Kochergin
July 6, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
27. Isomonodromic deformations on an elliptic curve
I. V. Vyugin
July 6, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
28. The Collet-Eсkmann set for a family of one-dimensional non-smooth Lorenz maps
К. А. Сафонов
July 6, 2023 13:10–13:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
29. Ramified continua as global attractors of C1-smooth self-maps of a cylinder close to skew products
L. S. Efremova
July 6, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
30. Topological entropy and minimal sets of continuous maps on ramified continua
E. N. Makhrova
July 6, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
31. On ω-limit sets of simplest skew products defined on n-dimensional cells
M. Shalagin, L. S. Efremova
July 6, 2023 16:10–16:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
32. On the strange nonlocal homogenized problem arising as the limit of a Poisson Equation with dynamical Signoroni conditions on the boundary of perforations of critical size and arbitrary shape
T. A. Shaposhnikova
July 6, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
33. On the asymptotic stability of the hybrid systems
M. V. Mulyukov
July 6, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
34. Solution of a one-dimensional initial-boundary value problem for the Klein-Gordon equation on the semiaxis and its asymptotics
E. S. Smirnova, S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
July 6, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
35. On Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls in One- and Two-Qubit Open Systems
O. V. Morzhin
July 6, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
36. Dynamics and gradient optimization of a two-level open quantum system
V. N. Petruhanov
July 6, 2023 15:35–15:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
37. On measurement-assisted control in a three-level quantum system with dynamical symmetry
M. A. Elovenkova
July 6, 2023 16:00–16:20, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 7, 2023 (Fri)

Plenary talks
38. Alain Connes’ questions on spectral asymptotics
F. A. Sukochev
July 7, 2023 09:00–09:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
39. The interaction of shocks in 2D pressureless medium
Yu. G. Rykov
July 7, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
40. Hermitian Yang-Mills equations and their generalizations
A. G. Sergeev
July 7, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
41. Evening of memories of V.S. Vladimirov
July 7, 2023 17:35–19:35, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
42. On classes of holomorphic functions in tube domains
I. Kh. Musin
July 7, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
43. Hardy type inequalities with remainders
R. G. Nasibullin
July 7, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
44. On classifications of hyperbolic semidiscrete equations
R. N. Garifullin
July 7, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
45. On the conditions for the existence of a boundary value in a polyharmonic function
A. N. Markovsky
July 7, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
46. About singular Klein–Gordon equality
E. L. Shishkina, Kh. Alzamili
July 7, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
47. Population genetics and learning
S. V. Kozyrev
July 7, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
48. S-Matrix and Vacuum Energy in Nonlocal Scalar QFT with Fractional Power Self-Interaction
S. L. Ogarkov
July 7, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
49. Metrics of space-time: the holonomic Kaluza—Klein theory and the nonholonomic model of sub-Lorentzian geometry
V. R. Krym
July 7, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
50. Derivation of the Transport Equation for the Harmonic Crystal Coupled to a Klein-Gordon Field
T. V. Dudnikova
July 7, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
51. On dynamics of large particle systems with interaction in different fields
M. V. Melikian
July 7, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
52. On estimates for the energy levels of a quantum billiard
V. A. Pchelintsev
July 7, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
53. Moments method in optimal control investigation and state estimation for fractional-order systems
S. S. Postnov
July 7, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
54. Affine super Yangian and quantum Weyl groupoid
V. A. Stukopin
July 7, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
55. Asymptotics of the eigenvalues of seven-diagonal Toeplitz matrices of a special form
I. Voronin, V. A. Stukopin, S. M. Grudskii, M. Barrera
July 7, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
56. Gaussian multiplicative chaos for the sine-process
A. I. Bufetov
July 7, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
57. Commutators in C*-algebras and traces
A. M. Bikchentaev
July 7, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
58. К вопросу о вложении гильбертовых пространств с воспроизводящим ядром . (On the question of embedding Hilbert spaces with a reproducing kernel.)
V. V. Napalkov, A. A. Nuyatov
July 7, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
59. Error of Chernoff approximations based on Chernoff function with a given t^2-coefficient
O. E. Galkin, S. Yu. Galkina, I. D. Remizov
July 7, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
60. The effect of heat generation on the stream in the pipe and locking the flow
M. Votyakova, D. S. Minenkov
July 7, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 8, 2023 (Sat)

Plenary talks
61. Derivations on Operator Algebras
Sh. A. Ayupov
July 8, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
62. Feynman Integrals in Quantum Gravity
E. T. Shavgulidze
July 8, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
63. Nonlinear Aссeleration in Nonholonomic Meсhaniсs
I. S. Mamaev, I. A. Bizyaev, A. A. Kilin
July 8, 2023 17:35–18:20, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
64. Direct and inverse problems for odd-order quasilinear evolution equations
A. V. Faminskii
July 8, 2023 18:25–19:10, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
65. Symmetries of C*-algebras and Jordan morphisms
E. A. Turilova
July 8, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
66. On the Wehrl entropy lower bound for a locally compact abelian group
E. I. Zelenov
July 8, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
67. Lower semicontinuity of the relative entropy disturbance and its corollaries
M. E. Shirokov
July 8, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
68. Convex structure of generalized states, effects and ultraproducts
S. G. Khaliullin
July 8, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
69. On calculating the classical capacity of quantum channels generated by probability distributions on finite groups
G. G. Amosov
July 8, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
70. Automorphisms of the semigroup C^*-algebra for the free product of semigroups of rational numbers
E. V. Lipacheva
July 8, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
71. Automorphisms of limits for inductive sequences of the Toeplitz-Cuntz algebras and generalized means on the P-adic solenoids
R. N. Gumerov
July 8, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
72. Динамические свойства ренормализационной группы в обобщенной фермионной иерархической модели
M. D. Missarov, D. A. Khajrullin
July 8, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
73. Pseudo-differential equations in non-smooth domains
V. B. Vasilev (Vasilyev)
July 8, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
74. Local attractors of the Cahn-Hilliard-Oono equation
A. N. Kulikov, D. A. Kulikov
July 8, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
75. Remark on boundary conditions forthe KPZ equation
A. E. Rassadin
July 8, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
76. Some generalisations of classical identities and inequalities means of multidimensional determinants
A. S. Gasparyan
July 8, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
77. Renormalizations in digital representation of continuous observables
A. Yu. Polushkin, M. G. Ivanov
July 8, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
78. Number-theory renormalization of vacuum energy
M. G. Ivanov, V. A. Dudchenko, V. Naumov, A. Yu. Polushkin
July 8, 2023 12:35–12:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
79. Theorem on number-theory renormalization of vacuum energy in QFT on the lattice
V. A. Dudchenko, M. G. Ivanov
July 8, 2023 13:00–13:20, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
80. Задачи теории чисел в КТП на решётке
V. Naumov
July 8, 2023 13:25–13:45, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
81. On applications of real analysis methods to steady-state Navier-Stokes system
M. V. Korobkov
July 8, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
82. Szego-Weinberger type inequalities for symmetric domains with holes
V. Bobkov
July 8, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
83. On reverse Faber-Krahn Inequalities
T. V. Anoop
July 8, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
84. On strict monotonicity of the $p$-torsional rigidity over annuli
Kurva Ashok Kumar
July 8, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 10, 2023 (Mon)

Plenary talks
85. Effective asymptotics of linear (pseudo)differential equations with localized right hand sides
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, V. E. Nazaikinskii
July 10, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
86. On the singular trace of the main operations of field theory
Yu. A. Dubinskii
July 10, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
87. Априорные оценки решений смешанных задач для системы Власова - Пуассона и кинетика плазмы в пробочной ловушке (A priori estimates of solutions to mixed problems for the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma kinetics in a cork trap)
A. L. Skubachevskii
July 10, 2023 11:55–12:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
88. Off-line Poster session
A. V. Pavlov, A. F. Posadsky, A. V. Rezbayev, A. Karasev, A. E. Teretenkov, Wang Yu, Cheng Shiyao
July 10, 2023 12:45–13:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
89. Evening of memories of L.D. Kudryavtsev
July 10, 2023 17:35–19:35, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

[+] One-line Poster session, 12:45

Section 1
95. Semigroups of operators associated to stochastic processes and their generators
V. A. Bovkun, I. V. Mel'nikova
July 10, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
96. Subordination principle and Feynman-Kac formulae for generalized time fractional evolution equations
Ya. A. Kinderknecht
July 10, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
97. Probabilistic models of fully nonlinear second order PDEs
Ya. I. Belopol'skaya
July 10, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
98. About Massera's theorem of N-dimensional stochastiques differential equations
M. A. Boudref
July 10, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
99. Semigroup approach to studying Volterra integro-differential equations arising in viscoelasticity theory
N. A. Rautian
July 10, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
100. Nonlocal problems with an integral condition for mixed-type equations
N. V. Zaitseva
July 10, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
101. Solvability problem of elliptic functional differential equations with orthotropic contractions in weighted spaces
A. L. Tasevich
July 10, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
102. Miura-like transformations of nonlinear lattices and inverse spectral problems for band operators
A. S. Osipov
July 10, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
103. Dual billiards outside of regular polygons: self-similarity
A. Ya. Kanel-Belov, Ph. D. Rukhovich, V. A. Timorin, V. Zgursky
July 10, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
104. Topological conjugacy of chaotic homeomorphism groups of surfaces with boundary
N. S. Tonysheva, N. I. Zhukova
July 10, 2023 15:35–15:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
105. Sensitivity to initial conditions of some class of topological foliations
G. S. Levin, N. I. Zhukova
July 10, 2023 16:00–16:20, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
106. Invariants and integrability of polynomial Liénard and Levinson–Smith differential systems
M. V. Demina
July 10, 2023 16:25–16:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 11, 2023 (Tue)

Plenary talks
107. Distributions obtained by regularization of non-integrable functions
V. I. Bogachev
July 11, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
108. Semiclassical asymptotics for equations with singularities
A. I. Shafarevich
July 11, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
109. Erddos measures for 2- markov chain and m-nacci number
V. I. Oseledets
July 11, 2023 17:35–18:20, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
110. Вещественные полюсы третьего трансцендента Пенлеве (The real poles of the third transcendent are Painlevé.)
V. Yu. Novokshenov
July 11, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
111. Bifurcations of Codimension 2 of Nonlinear Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Constant Discretization Step
S. Akmanova
July 11, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
112. On existence of entropy solution for equation with measure valued potential
V. F. Vildanova
July 11, 2023 13:10–13:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
113. Об интегральных инвариантах уравнений Биркгофа для бесконечномерных систем . (On integral invariants of Birkhoff equations for infinite-dimensional systems)
V. M. Savchin, Ph. T. Trinh
July 11, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
114. On symmetries and conservation laws for some differential equations
S. A. Budochkina
July 11, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
115. Short-wave asymptotic solutions of a general hyperbolic equation
A. I. Alillueva
July 11, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
116. Point to point controllability for systems with drift
E. Stepanov
July 11, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
117. Topological structure of manifolds supporting axiom A systems
E. V. Zhuzhoma, V. Z. Grines, V. S. Medvedev
July 11, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
118. О метрических инвариантах динамических систем (On metric invariants of dynamical systems)
O. N. Ageev
July 11, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
119. Rate of convergence of ergodic averages for Z^2 and R^2 actions via estimates of spectral measure
I. V. Podvigin
July 11, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
120. Scenario of the mildly stable transition from a structurally stable 3-diffeomorphism with a two-dimensional expanding attractor to a hyperbolic automorphism
E. V. Kruglov
July 11, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
121. Integrable billiard systems on multidimensional CW-complexes
V. A. Kibkalo
July 11, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
122. Maximally symmetric bifurcations of Liouville tori of billiard books that contain foci
V. V. Vedyushkina
July 11, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
123. Reconstruction by modules of measurements of a vector-signal in finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces
S. Ya. Novikov
July 11, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
124. Kantorovich optimal transportation problems with a parameter
S. N. Popova
July 11, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
125. On the explicit generating function expression for the invariant measure of critical Galton-Watson Branching Systems
A. A. Imomov
July 11, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
126. Some aspects of higher gauge theories
A. O. Shishanin
July 11, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
127. Ordered exponential and its features in Yang–Mills effective action
N. V. Kharuk, A. V. Ivanov
July 11, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
128. Classification of all constant solutions of SU(2) Yang-Mills equations
D. S. Shirokov
July 11, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 12, 2023 (Wed)

Plenary talks
129. Quantum control by the environment and by quantum measurements
A. N. Pechen
July 12, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
130. Average shadowing property
M. L. Blank
July 12, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
131. Evening of memories of O.G. Smolyanov
July 12, 2023 17:35–19:35, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
132. On the singular trace of the main operations of field theory
V. E. Nazaikinskii
July 12, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
133. Eta-invariants for families of operators with shifts
A. Yu. Savin, K. N. Zhuikov
July 12, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
134. Geometric Properties of Planar and Spherical Interception Curves
Ya. N. Aliyev
July 12, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
135. On Stability of Solitons for a Rotating Charge with a Fixed Center of Mass in the Maxwell Field
V. M. Imaykin
July 12, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
136. Control problem for a parabolic system with disturbances and a convex goal
I. V. Izmestyev, V. I. Ukhobotov
July 12, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
137. A Journey into Global Stability: From Monotone to Mixed Monotone and from autonomous to nonautonomous
Elaydi Saber
July 12, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
138. Higher order traps in quantum control landscapes
B. O. Volkov
July 12, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
139. Numerical analysis of 3rd and 7th order traps in quantum control landscapes for some three-level and four-level quantum systems
A. A. Myachkova
July 12, 2023 12:35–12:55, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
140. On complete controllability of some three- and four-level closed quantum systems
S. A. Kuznetsov
July 12, 2023 13:00–13:20, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
141. Topology of the phase manifold and bifurcations in a generalized Lagrange top problem
S. V. Sokolov, P. E. Ryabov
July 12, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
142. Surgery of two Liouville tori into two in one integrable problem of the dynamics of magnetic vortices
G. P. Palshin, P. E. Ryabov
July 12, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
143. Application of a map approximating the phase flow to study the attitude motion of a satellite in a gravitational field
V. V. Sidorenko
July 12, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
144. On the Distribution function of area and perimeter for planar Poisson line process and Voronoi Cells
A. Ya. Kanel-Belov
July 12, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 3
145. Infinite dimensional generalized functions and their Forier isomorphism
N. N. Shamarov
July 12, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
146. Operator approach for solving stochastic equations
A. A. Loboda
July 12, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
147. Unitary representation of random transformations of a Hilbert space and limit theorems
V. Zh. Sakbaev
July 12, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
148. Koopman representation of Hamiltonian flows in infinitely dimensional spaces with invariant measures
V. A. Glazatov
July 12, 2023 15:35–15:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
149. Displacement operators approximations for noncanonical commutation relations
R. Sh. Kalmetev
July 12, 2023 16:00–16:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
150. Limits of compositions of random semigroups and associated evolution equations
K. Yu. Zamana
July 12, 2023 16:35–16:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
151. Averaging of random groups related to nonlinear differential equations
A. P. Malikov
July 12, 2023 17:00–17:20, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

July 13, 2023 (Thu)

Plenary talks
152. A note single-step difference schemes for the solution of stochastic differential equations
A.Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev
July 13, 2023 10:00–10:45, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
153. Elliptic Problems in Weighted Spaces
H. A. Matevossian
July 13, 2023 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
154. Conformal Mapping of an L-Shaped Domain in Analytical Form
V. I. Vlasov, S. L. Skorokhodov
July 13, 2023 17:35–18:20, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
155. Half-space Dirichet problem with summable boundary-value functions for elliptic equations with general-kind nonlocal potentials
A. B. Muravnik
July 13, 2023 18:25–19:10, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
156. Conference closing
July 13, 2023 19:10–19:30, Plenary talks, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 1
157. On solutions of a boundary value problem for a polyharmonic equation in a half-Space
M. A. Dorodnitsyn, H. A. Matevossian
July 13, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
158. Behavior at infinity of solutions of a mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation with periodic coefficients on the semi-axis
H. A. Matevossian, V. Yu. Smirnov
July 13, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
159. On the fourth order nonlinear Helmholtz equation
A. Kovalev, H. A. Matevossian
July 13, 2023 13:10–13:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
160. Асимптотики решений дифференциальных уравнений в окрестности иррегулярных особых точек в пространстве функций k -экспоненциального роста. Проблема Пуанкаре (Asymptotics of solutions of differential equations in the vicinity of irregular singular points in the space of functions of k-exponential growth. The Poincare problem.)
M. V. Korovina
July 13, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
161. Very singular and large solutions of semi-linear parabolic and elliptic equations
A. E. Shishkov
July 13, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
162. Material balance equation as a method of sewing analytical and numerical solutions for the three regimes of the flows
A. Zhaglova, A. I. Ibragimov, D. Anikiev, I. Indrupskiy, E. Zakirov
July 13, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 1, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny

Section 2
163. Задачи определения квазистационарных электромагнитных полей в слабо неоднородных средах (Problems of determining quasi-stationary electromagnetic fields in weakly inhomogeneous media)
A. V. Kalinin, A. A. Tyukhtina, A. S. Malov
July 13, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 419
164. Обратные задачи атмосферного электричества в квазистационарных приближениях ( Inverse problems of atmospheric electricity in quasi-stationary approximations)
A. A. Tyukhtina
July 13, 2023 12:35–13:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 419
165. Dynamical systems on Fermi surfaces and galvanomagnetic phenomena in metals
A. Ya. Mal'tsev
July 13, 2023 15:00–15:30, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 419
166. Ice-water phase transition in flow along small irregularities
R. K. Gaydukov
July 13, 2023 15:35–16:05, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 419
167. Dualism of the Theory of Soliton Solutions for Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Pointwise Functional Differential Equations
L. A. Beklaryan, A. L. Beklaryan
July 13, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 2, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, aud. 419

Section 3
168. On a Class of Functionals Feynman Integrable in the Sense of Analytic Continuation
E. S. Kolpakov
July 13, 2023 12:00–12:30, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
169. Методы вычисления функциональных интегралов
Andrey Ampilogov
July 13, 2023 12:35–12:55, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
170. Логарифмическая производная обобщенной меры
Ilya Nadyarnykh
July 13, 2023 13:00–13:20, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
171. Functional of eigenvalues on the manifold of potentials
Ya. M. Dymarskii
July 13, 2023 16:10–16:40, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
172. Nonlinear dynamics of a remanufacturing duopoly model and its chaos control
Mohammed-Salah Abdelouahab
July 13, 2023 16:45–17:15, Section 3, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny
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