
International scientific (offline) workshop OTHA Spring 2022
(April 25–28, 2022, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don)

Conference is supported by Regional Mathematical Center SFedU, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education RF, agreement № 075-02-2022-893.


International scientific (offline) workshop OTHA Spring 2022, Rostov-on-Don, April 25–28, 2022

April 25, 2022 (Mon)
1. Local grand Lebesgue spaces
S. M. Umarkhadzhiev
April 25, 2022 11:00–11:30, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
2. Game-theoretic analysis of the efficiency of interaction of economic agents in the Cournot oligopoly
G. A. Ougolnitsky
April 25, 2022 11:50–12:20, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
3. On boundary inverse problems
A. O. Vatulyan
April 25, 2022 12:25–12:55, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
4. An analogue of Kellogg's theorem for piecewise Lyapunov domains
A. P. Soldatov
April 25, 2022 14:10–14:40, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
5. Nonlinear waves in the Cattaneo models for the perceptual movement of particles
A. B. Morgulis
April 25, 2022 15:00–15:30, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
6. Stimulation of optimal harvesting strategies
D. B. Rokhlin
April 25, 2022 15:35–16:05, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University

April 26, 2022 (Tue)
7. Asymptotic problems of reconstruction of a rapidly oscillating source of the wave equation
V. B. Levenshtam
April 26, 2022 11:00–11:30, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
8. On some equations of the first kind
A. R. Mirotin
April 26, 2022 11:50–12:20, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
9. Extreme paths on graphs with simultaneously varying arc travel durations
I. M. Erusalimskyi
April 26, 2022 12:25–12:55, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
10. Integral equation of Uryson type
V. A. Lukyanenko
April 26, 2022 14:00–14:30, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
11. Equimeasurable symmetric F-spaces of measurable functions
M. A. Muratov
April 26, 2022 14:50–15:20, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
12. Multidimensional integral operators with bihomogeneous kernels
O. G. Avsyankin
April 26, 2022 15:25–15:55, Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University
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