
Approximation and discretization
(August 30–September 3, 2021, Golden Ring Hotel, Moscow)

The sessions on Thursday, September 2, are dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the academician B.S. Kashin.


Organizing Committee
Temlyakov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Chairman)
Borodin Petr Anatolevich (Vice-chairman)
Solodov Aleksei Petrovich (Vice-chairman)
Galatenko Vladimir Vladimirovich
Kashin Boris Sergeevich
Konyagin Sergei Vladimirovich
Kudryavtseva Olga Sergeevna
Podolskii Vladimir Evgen'evich

Laboratory "Multidimensional Approximation and Applications", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Approximation and discretization, Moscow, August 30–September 3, 2021

August 30, 2021 (Mon)
1. Greedy approximations in Banach spaces
V. Temlyakov
August 30, 2021 10:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
2. High-Dimensional Approximation via Smoothing-Based Gradient Free Optimization
A. Dereventsov
August 30, 2021 11:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
3. On adaptive Fourier decomposition
S. Konyagin
August 30, 2021 12:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
4. Weak Chebyshev greedy algorithms
G. Garrigos
August 30, 2021 15:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
5. Marcinkiewicz type problems for discretization of integral norms
E. Kosov
August 30, 2021 16:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
6. Sharp sufficient condition for the convergence of greedy expansions with errors in coefficient computation
Al. Valiullin, Ar. Valiullin
August 30, 2021 16:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
7. On the coincidence of pure greedy and best m-term approximations
K. Vishnevetskii
August 30, 2021 17:20, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
8. Conical orthogonal greedy algorithm
M. Valov
August 30, 2021 17:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel

August 31, 2021 (Tue)
9. Around sampling-type approximation and Kotelnikov-Shannon formula
M. Skopina
August 31, 2021 10:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
10. Orthogonal elements of rearrangement invariant spaces
E. Semenov
August 31, 2021 11:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
11. The bidemocracy in the world of greedy approximation
P. Berna
August 31, 2021 12:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
12. Dual Estimates on Convergence Rate for Greedy Optimization Algorithms in Banach Spaces
S. Sidorov
August 31, 2021 15:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
13. Sequences of dilations and translations in function spaces
P. Terekhin
August 31, 2021 15:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
14. Frames as dictionaries of sparse representations and their sparks
S. Novikov
August 31, 2021 16:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
15. Refinement of the convergence rate of a greedy algorithm for special dictionaries
L. Burusheva
August 31, 2021 16:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
16. Approximation by sums of shifts and dilations of a single function and ridge functions
K. Shklyaev
August 31, 2021 17:20, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
17. Convergence of weak orthogonal greedy approximations for one-element extensions of an orthogonal dictionary
A. Orlova
August 31, 2021 17:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel

September 1, 2021 (Wed)
18. Hardy-Littlewood theorem, Hardy transform and generalized piecewise monotone functions
M. Dyachenko
September 1, 2021 10:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
19. New estimates for the maximal functions
S. Tikhonov
September 1, 2021 11:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
20. On Beurling's approximation theorem
K. Kazarian
September 1, 2021 12:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
21. Dyadic derivatives and integrals
B. Golubov
September 1, 2021 15:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
22. Capacities of positive measure sets and recovery of functions
M. Plotnikov
September 1, 2021 15:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
23. Several problems of Compressed Sensing
K. Ryutin
September 1, 2021 16:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
24. Convergence almost everywhere of orthorecursive expansions in Systems of Translates and Dilates
V. Galatenko
September 1, 2021 16:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
25. Orthorecursive expansions of unity
A. Kalmynin
September 1, 2021 17:20, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
26. Some geometric properties of sets related to the $d$-Hausdorff content
A. Tyulenev
September 1, 2021 17:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel

September 2, 2021 (Thu)
27. Selected Kashin theorems
P. Borodin
September 2, 2021 10:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
28. On one of the Luzin conjectures
A. Olevskii
September 2, 2021 11:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
29. Point distributions in the Hamming space
M. Skriganov
September 2, 2021 12:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
30. Orthogonal polynomials and Weyl multipliers
G. Karagulyan
September 2, 2021 14:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
31. Nonlinear approximation, Fourier coefficients and modifications of functions
M. Grigoryan
September 2, 2021 15:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
32. Compact sets in the torus. Wiener Algebra and some other function spaces. Extension operator
V. Lebedev
September 2, 2021 16:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
33. Partition of a matrix into two submatrices with extremely small norm
I. Limonova
September 2, 2021 16:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel

September 3, 2021 (Fri)
34. On stable reconstruction from Fourier samples
A. Shadrin
September 3, 2021 10:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
35. A new comparison method of norms in scales of function spaces
S. Astashkin
September 3, 2021 11:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
36. Interplay of alternating projections and greedy approximation
E. Kopecká
September 3, 2021 12:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
37. Approximation of periodic functions with high generalized smoothness by trigonometric polynomials
K. Runovskii
September 3, 2021 15:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
38. Boundaries of the Nikolskii spherical $\mathcal{L}_1$-constants and $L^p$-approximation for $p < 1$
D. Gorbachev
September 3, 2021 15:30, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
39. On divergent series in the Fourier method
M. Burlutskaya
September 3, 2021 16:00, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
40. Exact value of the exponent convergence of the singular integral in Tarry's problem for homogeneous polynomials of degree $n$ in two variables
M. Chahkiev
September 3, 2021 16:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
41. Greedy algorithms in $L_1$
S. Gogyan
September 3, 2021 17:20, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
42. Thoughts on Deep Learning
R. DeVore
September 3, 2021 17:50, Moscow, Golden Ring Hotel
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