
XIX International Conference “Algebra, number theory, discrete geometry and multiscale modeling: modern problems, applications and problems of history”, dedicated to the bicentennial of the birth of academician P. L. Chebyshev
(May 18–22, 2021, TSPU of Leo Tolstoy, Tula)

The purpose of the XIX International Conference "Algebra, number theory, discrete geometry and multiscale modeling: modern problems, applications and problems of history", dedicated to the bicentennial of the birth of academician P. L. Chebyshev, is to coordinate modern research in algebra, theory numbers, discrete geometry, multiscale modeling, and the history of mathematics and applications.

Objectives of the conference:

  • discussion of recent advances in algebra, number theory, and discrete geometry;
  • discussion of current research areas in algebra, number theory and discrete geometry;
  • discussion of current fundamental problems in algebra, number theory and discrete geometry and ways to solve them;
  • discussion of topical problems in the history and methodology of mathematics;
  • engaging high school and junior students in research in mathematics.

In particular, special attention will be paid to the discussion of research results supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, and the Federal Target Program.

To solve the assigned tasks, the program involves plenary reports and work in sections:

  • groups;
  • semigroups and universal algebras;
  • rings and modules;
  • applied and computer algebra, cryptography and discrete mathematics;
  • analytic number theory;
  • Diophantine approximations and the theory of transcendental numbers;
  • discrete geometry and geometry of numbers;
  • number-theoretic method in approximate analysis and approximation theory;
  • history and methodology of mathematics;
  • algebraic number theory;
  • arithmetic and algebraic geometry;
  • multiscale mathematical modeling in physics.

It is possible to include other sections in the conference program.


Tula State Pedagogical University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Saint Petersburg State University
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Tula State University
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute for the History of Science and Technology named after S. I. Vavilov RAS, Moscow

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