
Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313, Moscow

Financial support. The seminar is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2019-1614).

Seminar organizer
Dymov Andrey Victorovich
Treschev Dmitry Valerevich

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics, Moscow

December 2, 2020 (Wed)
1. О движении твердого тела с подвижной внутренней массой вдоль прямой с вязким трением
E. I. Kugushev
December 2, 2020 18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313

November 11, 2020 (Wed)
2. Forward-Backward Bounded Solutions to Differential Inclusions
O. È. Zubelevich
November 11, 2020 18:00, Moscow, zoom,identificator 985 1884 7932, no password required

July 22, 2020 (Wed)
3. Freezing of the optical-branch energy in a diatomic Fermi Pasta Ulam chain
A. Maiocchi
July 22, 2020 17:00, Moscow, online

July 15, 2020 (Wed)
4. Слабо эргодические системы и неравновесная статистическая механика
V. V. Kozlov
July 15, 2020 17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313

July 8, 2020 (Wed)
5. Обобщенный закон сухого трения и его приложения в механике твердых тел
A. S. Vaganyan
July 8, 2020 17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313

July 1, 2020 (Wed)
6. On the energy transfer to high frequencies in the damped/driven nonlinear Schrodinger equation (extended version)
Guan Huang
July 1, 2020 17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313

June 17, 2020 (Wed)
7. Симплектическая структура ассоциированная с ренормализациями отображений окружности с изломами
K. M. Khanin
June 17, 2020 17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina 8, room 313

June 10, 2020 (Wed)
8. Curvature, spinning tops, Jacobi fields and ponderomotive magnetism
Mark Levi
June 10, 2020 17:00, Moscow, zoom, meeting id: 935 4340 4066, without password

June 3, 2020 (Wed)
9. Quasi periodic traveling water waves
Massimiliano Berti
June 3, 2020 17:00, Moscow, zoom

May 27, 2020 (Wed)
10. When does the (Marked) Length Spectrum determine geometry of the billiard table?
V. Yu. Kaloshin
May 27, 2020 14:00, Moscow, online

May 20, 2020 (Wed)
11. New generating function for Birkhoff billiard and applications
M. L. Bialy
May 20, 2020 17:00, Moscow, online

May 13, 2020 (Wed)
12. О некоторых свойствах механических сиcтем с быстро вибрирующими элементами
E. I. Kugushev
May 13, 2020 17:30, Moscow, online

May 6, 2020 (Wed)
13. Эргодичность против эргодичности
V. G. Gelfreich
May 6, 2020 17:00, Moscow, online

April 29, 2020 (Wed)
14. Ретроградное коорбитальное движение небесных тел: качественное исследование на основе «адиабатической аппроксимации» Дж. Уиздома
V. V. Sidorenko
April 29, 2020 17:00, Moscow, online
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