
International Conference "Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics" on the occasion of V. V. Kozlov 70th birthday
(January 20–24, 2020, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow)

Financial support. The conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2019-1614).





Program Committee
Kashin Boris Sergeevich (Co-chairman)
Treschev Dmitry Valerevich (Co-chairman)
Bolotin Sergey Vladimirovich (Vice-chairman)
Orlov Dmitri Olegovich (Vice-chairman)

Organizing Committee
Andreev Nikolai Nikolaevich
Bezrodnykh Sergei Igorevich
Dymov Andrey Victorovich
Izaak Aleksandr Davidovich
Polekhin Ivan Yur'evich
Polikarpov Sergei Alekseevich
Yaskov Pavel Andreevich

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

International Conference "Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics" on the occasion of V. V. Kozlov 70th birthday, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow, January 20–24, 2020

January 20, 2020 (Mon)
1. Conference Opening
January 20, 2020 10:00–10:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
2. On some results in the theory of operators and their applications to mechanics
V. A. Sadovnichii
January 20, 2020 10:45–11:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
V. A. Sadovnichii
3. Entropy of an operator
D. V. Treschev
January 20, 2020 11:50–12:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
D. V. Treschev
4. Two model problems about charged particles motion with remarkable dynamics
A. I. Neishtadt
January 20, 2020 12:35–13:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. I. Neishtadt
5. Spontaneously radiating shock wave structure stability
A. G. Kulikovskii
January 20, 2020 15:00–15:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. G. Kulikovskii
6. Rigorous theory of 1d turbulence
S. B. Kuksin
January 20, 2020 15:45–16:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
S. B. Kuksin
7. Lagrangian versus hamiltonian approaches in certain problems of dynamics
H. M. Yehia
January 20, 2020 16:50–17:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
H. M. Yehia
8. Isolating segments, dynamical convexity, control and periodic solutions in mechanical systems
I. Yu. Polekhin
January 20, 2020 17:35–18:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
I. Yu. Polekhin

January 21, 2020 (Tue)
9. Dynamics and control for systems with internal movable masses (two- and three-dimensional motions)
F. L. Chernous'ko
January 21, 2020 10:00–10:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
F. L. Chernous'ko
10. Dynamics of slow-fast Hamiltonian systems near a homoclinic set
S. V. Bolotin
January 21, 2020 10:45–11:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
S. V. Bolotin
11. Some problems concerning the rolling of the Chaplygin sphere
A. V. Borisov
January 21, 2020 11:50–12:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. V. Borisov
12. On separation of variables in algebraic integrable systems
Yu. N. Fedorov
January 21, 2020 12:35–13:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
Yu. N. Fedorov

January 22, 2020 (Wed)
13. On Foundation of Ergodic Method
A. M. Vershik
January 22, 2020 10:00–10:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. M. Vershik
14. Some news in the global bifurcation theory on the plane
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
January 22, 2020 10:45–11:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
15. Recovery of integer sparse vectors in terms of universal measurement matrices
S. V. Konyagin, K. S. Ryutin
January 22, 2020 11:50–12:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
S. V. Konyagin, K. S. Ryutin
16. Diophantine approximation: oscillation and isolation
N. G. Moshchevitin
January 22, 2020 12:35–13:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
N. G. Moshchevitin
17. Multivalued functions and functionals
S. P. Novikov
January 22, 2020 15:00–15:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
S. P. Novikov
18. New integrable two-centre problem on sphere with Dirac magnetic field
A. P. Veselov
January 22, 2020 15:45–16:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. P. Veselov
19. Dynamics of extremal polynomials and Painleve VI equations
V. I. Dragovich
January 22, 2020 16:50–17:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
V. I. Dragovich
20. On instability in conservative systems and inversion of Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem
V. P. Palamodov
January 22, 2020 17:35–18:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
V. P. Palamodov

January 23, 2020 (Thu)
21. Realization of integrable systems by topological billiards with potential and magnetic field
A. T. Fomenko
January 23, 2020 10:00–10:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. T. Fomenko
22. On integrability of geodesic flows on three-dimensional manifolds
A. V. Bolsinov
January 23, 2020 10:45–11:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. V. Bolsinov
23. Quasiclassical approximation for magnetic monopoles
I. A. Taimanov
January 23, 2020 11:50–12:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
I. A. Taimanov
24. Magnetic billiards in a strong constant magnetic field
A. E. Mironov
January 23, 2020 12:35–13:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. E. Mironov
25. Variational methods of conformal geometry in mathematical physics.
P. I. Plotnikov
January 23, 2020 15:00–15:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
P. I. Plotnikov
26. On the Boundary Layers of a Rheologically Complex Fluid
G. A. Chechkin
January 23, 2020 15:45–16:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
G. A. Chechkin
27. On the dynamics of a pendulum clock mounted on a movable base
A. P. Markeev
January 23, 2020 16:50–17:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. P. Markeev
28. Approximations of the attraction fields for small celestial bodies with irregular mass distribution
A. A. Burov
January 23, 2020 17:35–18:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. A. Burov

January 24, 2020 (Fri)
29. On the problems of finite dimensional operators in connection with almost everywhere convergence of general orthogonal series
B. S. Kashin
January 24, 2020 10:00–10:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
B. S. Kashin
30. The ergodic theorem in the Kozlov–Treschev form
V. I. Bogachev
January 24, 2020 10:45–11:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
V. I. Bogachev
31. Interval topology in contact geometry
S. Yu. Nemirovski
January 24, 2020 11:50–12:30, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
S. Yu. Nemirovski
32. Soft construction of Floer-type homologies
A. A. Agrachev
January 24, 2020 12:35–13:15, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. A. Agrachev
33. Integrability of dynamical systems and monoidal categories
I. V. Volovich
January 24, 2020 15:00–15:40, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
I. V. Volovich
34. On optimal stationary conditions of exploited populations
A. A. Davydov
January 24, 2020 15:45–16:25, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
A. A. Davydov
35. Kinetic model and equations of magnetic gas dynamics
B. N. Chetverushkin
January 24, 2020 16:30–17:10, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
B. N. Chetverushkin
36. Conference closing
January 24, 2020 17:10–17:20, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 8 Gubkina, Conference hall, Moscow
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