
International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov's birth
(September 9–13, 2019, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, Moscow, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)

International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov's birth

The Bogolyubov Conference-2019 is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist — mathematician and physicist Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolyubov (21.08.1909 – 13.02.1992).

The main Conference topics:

  • Mathematics and nonlinear mechanics
  • Quantum field theory
  • Elementary particle theory
  • Statistical mechanics and kinetics
  • Quantum theory of condensed matter
  • Nuclear physics





    Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
    Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
    Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region

  • International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov's birth, September 9–13, 2019

    September 9, 2019 (Mon)
    Plenary session
    1. Polynomial conservation laws of quantum systems
    V. Kozlov
    September 9, 2019 10:00–10:30, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    V. Kozlov
    2. Advances in the problem of irreversibility after Bogolyubov's works
    I. Volovich
    September 9, 2019 10:30–11:00, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    I. Volovich
    3. Dirac operators with delta-shell interactions: spectral and scattering properties
    P. Exner
    September 9, 2019 11:10–11:40, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    P. Exner
    4. Trotter-Kato product formulae for Gibbs semigroups
    V. A. Zagrebnov
    September 9, 2019 11:40–12:10, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    V. A. Zagrebnov
    5. Conformal Fishnet Theory at any dimension
    V. A. Kazakov
    September 9, 2019 12:30–13:00, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    V. A. Kazakov
    6. Resummation of instantons in Omega-deformed SYM and holography
    A. S. Gorsky
    September 9, 2019 13:00–13:30, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    A. S. Gorsky
    7. Exact results in holographic duality: CFT and beyond
    K. L. Zarembo
    September 9, 2019 13:30–14:00, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    K. L. Zarembo
    8. Quantum mechanics of stationary states of particles in external singular fields of black holes with event horizons of zero thickness
    V. P. Neznamov
    September 9, 2019 15:00–15:30, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    V. P. Neznamov

    Section A
    9. Surface terms in the action integrals of Horndesi-type theories
    V. A. Berezin
    September 9, 2019 16:20–16:50, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    V. A. Berezin
    10. Out of equilibrium QFT in strong scalar wave background
    E. T. Akhmedov
    September 9, 2019 16:50–17:20, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    E. T. Akhmedov
    11. Nonlinear interaction of arbitrarily strong gravitational and electromagnetic waves in the expanding universe
    G. A. Alekseev
    September 9, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    G. A. Alekseev
    12. Cosmological models with the Gauss-Bonnet term and non-minimally coupled scalar fields
    S. Yu. Vernov
    September 9, 2019 18:00–18:30, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    S. Yu. Vernov

    Section B
    13. Nonlinearity and quantum free statistics
    S. V. Kozyrev
    September 9, 2019 16:20–16:50, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    S. V. Kozyrev
    14. Lie-Poisson structures
    V. V. Zharinov
    September 9, 2019 16:50–17:20, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    V. V. Zharinov
    15. Firewalls in spinning black holes
    A. J. Nurmagambetov
    September 9, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    A. J. Nurmagambetov
    16. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the SYK model
    M. A. Khramtsov
    September 9, 2019 18:00–18:30, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    M. A. Khramtsov

    Section C
    17. Time optimal control of two-level open quantum systems
    O. V. Morzhin
    September 9, 2019 16:20–16:40, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    O. V. Morzhin
    18. Chaos, operator size growth and holography
    D. S. Ageev
    September 9, 2019 16:40–17:00, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    D. S. Ageev
    19. Towards rigorous formulation of ETH
    O. V. Inozemcev
    September 9, 2019 17:00–17:20, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    O. V. Inozemcev
    20. Exact non-Markovian evolution with several reservoirs
    A. E. Teretenkov
    September 9, 2019 17:30–17:50, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    A. E. Teretenkov
    21. Multifield Superpotential Method in Cosmological Models
    E. O. Pozdeeva
    September 9, 2019 17:50–18:10, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    E. O. Pozdeeva
    22. Wavelet regularization for gauge theories
    M. V. Altaisky
    September 9, 2019 18:10–18:30, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    M. V. Altaisky

    September 10, 2019 (Tue)
    Plenary session
    23. Entropy of a unitary operator
    D. V. Treschev
    September 10, 2019 10:00–10:30, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    D. V. Treschev
    24. Extensions of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory canonically emerging from the theory of orthogonal polynomials
    L. Accardi
    September 10, 2019 10:30–11:00, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    L. Accardi
    25. Maximally Chaotic Dynamical Systems of Anosov-Kolmogorov
    G. K. Savvidy
    September 10, 2019 11:10–11:40, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    G. K. Savvidy
    26. Entropy gain in p-adic quantum channels
    E. I. Zelenov
    September 10, 2019 11:40–12:10, Plenary session, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    E. I. Zelenov

    Section A
    27. Quantum-deformed twistors
    J. Lukierski
    September 10, 2019 12:30–13:00, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    28. Twistorial and space-time description of massless infinite spin (super)particles and field
    A. P. Isaev
    September 10, 2019 13:00–13:30, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    A. P. Isaev
    29. The partition function of the four-vertex model in inhomogeneous external field
    N. M. Bogolyubov
    September 10, 2019 13:30–14:00, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    N. M. Bogolyubov
    30. Exotic nonlinear supersymmetry and integrable systems
    M. S. Plyushchai
    September 10, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    M. S. Plyushchai
    31. Hopf algebroids as a model for description of quantum phase space
    A. Z. Borowiec
    September 10, 2019 15:30–16:00, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    A. Z. Borowiec
    32. Bogolyubov-Medvedev-Polivanov S-matrix method and its applications for the few body systems and high energy physics
    A. I. Machavariani
    September 10, 2019 16:20–16:50, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    A. I. Machavariani
    33. Correlation functions of integrable models
    H. È. Boos
    September 10, 2019 16:50–17:20, Section A, Conference Hall, 9-th floor
    H. È. Boos

    Section B
    34. Conventional Quantum statistics with probability distribution describing quantum system states
    V. I. Man'ko
    September 10, 2019 12:30–13:00, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    V. I. Man'ko
    35. Macroscopic Long-Range Dynamics of Fermions and Quantum Spins on the Lattice
    J.-B. Bru
    September 10, 2019 13:00–13:30, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    J.-B. Bru
    36. Uncomputability of quantum control
    A. N. Pechen
    September 10, 2019 13:30–14:00, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    A. N. Pechen
    37. Geometric theory of defects, 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole, and disclinations
    M. O. Katanaev
    September 10, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    M. O. Katanaev
    38. Random walks and Hamiltonian flows in the infinite dimensional phase space
    V. Zh. Sakbaev
    September 10, 2019 15:30–16:00, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    V. Zh. Sakbaev
    39. On connection between super Yangians and quantum loop superalgebras
    V. A. Stukopin
    September 10, 2019 16:20–16:50, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430
    V. A. Stukopin
    40. The probability of transition of the system in space quantum-random events and the equations of quantum theory
    A. A. Biryukov
    September 10, 2019 16:50–17:20, Section B, Seminar Hall, 4-th floor, r.430

    Section C
    41. Supersymmetric Calogero from gauging in superspace
    E. A. Ivanov
    September 10, 2019 12:30–13:00, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    E. A. Ivanov
    42. Quantum field theory beyond the S-matrix formalism
    I. P. Volobuev
    September 10, 2019 13:00–13:30, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    I. P. Volobuev
    43. Bogolyubov microscopic solutions of the Boltzmann-Enskog kinetic equation
    A. S. Trushechkin
    September 10, 2019 13:30–14:00, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    A. S. Trushechkin
    44. Analytic infinite derivative gravity to become quantum gravity
    A. S. Koshelev
    September 10, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
    45. Method BBGKY in strong field QED
    A. M. Fedotov
    September 10, 2019 15:30–16:00, Section C, Seminar Hall, 5-th floor, r.530
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