
International conference «Real and Complex Dynamical Systems», dedicated to the to the 75th anniversary of Yu. S. Il'yashenko
(November 26–30, 2018, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite, Moscow)

Main topics:

  • Attractors
  • Bifurcations
  • Holomorphic foliations
  • Analytic theory of ordinary differential equations
  • Complex dynamics




Program Committee
Sinai Yakov Grigor'evich
Voronin Sergey Mihailovich
Loray Frank
Bufetov Alexander Igorevich
Glutsyuk Alexey Antonovich

Organizing Committee
Timorin Vladlen Anatol'evich
Glutsyuk Alexey Antonovich
Tsfasman Michael Anatol'evich
Shchurov Ilya Valer'evich
Klimenko Alexey Vladimirovich
Gorodetski Anton Semenovich
Filimonov Dmitry Andreevich
Skripchenko Alexandra Sergeevna

Interdisciplinary Scientific Center J.-V. Poncelet
Independent University of Moscow
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

International conference «Real and Complex Dynamical Systems», dedicated to the to the 75th anniversary of Yu. S. Il'yashenko, Moscow, November 26–30, 2018

November 26, 2018 (Mon)
1. Opening
A. I. Bufetov
November 26, 2018 09:00–09:15, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
2. Normal distribution of correlation measures of binary sum–of–digits functions
P. Hubert
November 26, 2018 09:15–09:55, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
P. Hubert
3. Cohomological equations for linear involutions
A. S. Skripchenko
November 26, 2018 10:00–11:40, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
A. S. Skripchenko
4. Lagrange and Markov are very different from Hausdorff's point of view
C. Matheus
November 26, 2018 11:00–11:40, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
C. Matheus
5. Surface groups of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms in one variable
V. Guirardel
November 26, 2018 11:45–12:25, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
V. Guirardel
6. Awarding the Order of Commandeur des Palmes Académiques to Yulij Ilyashenko
November 26, 2018 14:00–14:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
7. Furstenberg theorem: now with a parameter!
V. A. Kleptsyn
November 26, 2018 14:30–15:10, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
V. A. Kleptsyn
8. Global approximation on $Diff^{\omega} (S^1)$
J. Rebelo
November 26, 2018 15:15–15:55, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
J. Rebelo
9. On Yulij Ilyashenko's works
S. Yu. Yakovenko
November 26, 2018 16:20–17:20, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
S. Yu. Yakovenko

November 27, 2018 (Tue)
10. Classification of surfaces transverse to flows: the case of the geodesic flow
P. Dehornoy
November 27, 2018 09:00–09:40, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
P. Dehornoy
11. Flat and hyperbolic enumerative geometry
A. V. Zorich
November 27, 2018 09:45–10:25, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
A. V. Zorich
12. Negative refraction tiling billiards
O. Paris-Romaskevich
November 27, 2018 10:50–11:20, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
O. Paris-Romaskevich
13. Rigidity for pfaffian point processes
November 27, 2018 11:25–11:45, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
14. Patterson–Sullivan construction for point processes and the reconstruction for harmonic functions
Ya. Qiu
November 27, 2018 11:50–12:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
Ya. Qiu
15. Erratic behavior for one–dimensional random walks in a generic quasi–periodic environment
M. Saprykina
November 27, 2018 14:00–14:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
M. Saprykina
16. Positive Lyapunov exponents for quasi–periodically driven circle endomorphisms with critical points
K. Bjerklov
November 27, 2018 14:35–15:05, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
K. Bjerklov
17. On skew products over a quasi–periodic shift of the circle
L. M. Lerman
November 27, 2018 15:30–16:00, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
L. M. Lerman
18. On Palis Problem of Embedding of Morse–Smale Cascades into Flows
O. V. Pochinka
November 27, 2018 16:05–16:35, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
O. V. Pochinka
19. Irreducible representations of finitely generated nilpotent groups
I. V. Beloshapka
November 27, 2018 16:40–17:10, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
I. V. Beloshapka

November 28, 2018 (Wed)
20. Geometry of Foliations over Number Fields and Applications
G. Binyamini
November 28, 2018 09:00–09:40, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
G. Binyamini
21. Complex Cellular Structures
D. I. Novikov, G. Binyamini
November 28, 2018 09:45–10:25, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
D. I. Novikov, G. Binyamini
22. Structural stability in the moduli space of algebraic foliations of the complex projective plane
B. Deroin
November 28, 2018 10:55–11:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
B. Deroin
23. On the multipliers at fixed points of rational self–maps of the projective plane
A. Guillot
November 28, 2018 11:40–12:20, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
A. Guillot
24. Construction of formulas for the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion of the correspondence map and the monodromy transformation
N. B. Medvedeva
November 28, 2018 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
N. B. Medvedeva

November 29, 2018 (Thu)
25. On hyperbolic attractors and topology of ambient manifolds
V. Grines
November 29, 2018 09:00–09:40, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
V. Grines
26. Integrable magnetic geodesic flows on 2–torus: new example via quasi–linear system of PDEs
A. Mironov
November 29, 2018 09:45–10:25, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
A. Mironov
27. Holomorphic normal form of nonlinear perturbations of nilpotent vector fields
L. Stolovitch
November 29, 2018 10:50–11:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
L. Stolovitch
28. Analytic invariants of germs of curves and foliations in $(\mathbb{C}^2, 0)$
L. Ortiz‒Bobadilla
November 29, 2018 11:35–12:15, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
L. Ortiz‒Bobadilla
29. On classification of Morse–Smale dynamical systems with few non–wandering points
E. V. Zhuzhoma
November 29, 2018 13:50–14:20, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
E. V. Zhuzhoma
30. Sparkling saddle loops of vector fields on surfaces
I. S. Shilin
November 29, 2018 14:25–14:55, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
I. S. Shilin
31. Convergence of spherical averages for actions of Fuchsian Groups
A. V. Klimenko
November 29, 2018 15:00–15:30, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
A. V. Klimenko
32. Dmitry Andreevich Gudkov — an outstanding mathematician and the researcher of Lobachevsky's biography
G. M. Polotovsky
November 29, 2018 16:00–17:15, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
G. M. Polotovsky

November 30, 2018 (Fri)
33. Îòêðûòèå
D. V. Treschev
November 30, 2018 09:10, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
D. V. Treschev
34. On phase-lock areas in a model of Josephson effect and double confluent Heun equations
Victor Buchstaber, Alexey Glutsyuk
November 30, 2018 09:20–10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Victor Buchstaber, Alexey Glutsyuk
35. On a heavy quantum particle
Dmitry Treschev
November 30, 2018 10:05–10:45, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Dmitry Treschev
36. Schrödinger operators with quasi–periodic potentials and the Aubry–Mather theory
Konstantin Khanin
November 30, 2018 11:10–11:50, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Konstantin Khanin
37. Ergodicity, mixing and KAM
Sergei Kuksin
November 30, 2018 11:55–12:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Sergei Kuksin
38. On reduction of singularities for vector felds in dimension 3
Helena Reis
November 30, 2018 14:15–14:45, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Helena Reis
39. On the classifcation of germs of foliations in $(\mathbb C^n,0)$
Èrnesto Rosales-González
November 30, 2018 14:50–15:20, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Èrnesto Rosales-González
40. Bifurcations of families of vector felds on the two-dimensional sphere
Nikita Solodovnikov
November 30, 2018 15:25–15:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Nikita Solodovnikov
41. Bringing closed polygonal curves to normal form by local moves
Alexei Sossinsky
November 30, 2018 16:15–16:45, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Alexei Sossinsky
42. A $C^1$ Anosov diffeomorphism with a horseshoe that attracts almost any point
Alexey Okunev
November 30, 2018 16:50–17:20, Moscow, Independent University of Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institite
Alexey Okunev
43. Heat kernel and counting problems for Kleinian groups
Adrien Boulanger
November 30, 2018 17:25–17:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina, 8, 9th floor)
Adrien Boulanger
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