
XV International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications», dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University Korobov Nikolai Mikhailovich
(May 28–31, 2018, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy, Tula)



Program Committee
Chubarikov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Chairman)
Buchstaber Victor Matveevich (Co-chairman)
Platonov Vladimir Petrovich (Co-chairman)
Dobrovol'skii Nikolai Mikhailovich (Executive Secretary)
Artamonov Viacheslav Alexandrovich
Balaba Irina Nikolaevna
Bernik Vasilij Ivanovich
Bykovskii Victor Alexeevich
Chirskii Vladimir Grigor'evich
Demidov Sergei Sergeevich
Deza Elena
Dobrovol'skii Nikolai Mikhailovich
Dolbilin Nikolay Petrovich
Fomin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Gashkov Sergey Borisovich
Glukhov Mikhail Mikhailovich
Gritsenko Sergey Alexandrovich
Ivanov Valerii Ivanovich
Kartashov Vladimir Konstantinovich
Kas'yanov Pavel Olegovich
Konyagin Sergei Vladimirovich
Korolev Maxim Aleksandrovich
Kuznetsov Valentin Nikolaevich
Latyshev Viktor Nikolaevich
Laurinčikas Antanas
Mikhalev Aleksandr Vasil'evich
Mishchenko Sergei Petrovich
Nesterenko Yuri Valentinovich
Nizhnikov Aleksandr Ivanovich
Rakhmonov Zarullo Khusenovich
Ustinov Alexey Vladimirovich
Zaicev Mikhail Vladimirovich
Zinterhof Peter
Zubkov Andrei Mikhailovich

Organizing Committee
Panin Vladimir Alekseevich (Chairman)
Chubarikov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Vice-chairman)
Demidov Sergei Sergeevich (Vice-chairman)
Rebrova Irina Yur'evna (Vice-chairman)
Balaba Irina Nikolaevna (Executive Secretary)
Dobrovol'skii Nikolai Nikolaevich (Executive Secretary)
Basalov Yurii Aleksandrovich
Dobrovol'skii Nikolai Mikhailovich
Dobrynina Irina Vasiljevna
Ignatov Yurii Aleksandrovich
Ivanov Valerii Ivanovich
Podrezov Konstantin Andreevich
Rarova Elena Mikhailovna
Rodionov Aleksandr Valer'evich
Ustyan Ashot Enofovich
Van'kov Boris Petrovich

Tula State Pedagogical University
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Tula State University
Institute for the History of Science and Technology named after S. I. Vavilov RAS, Moscow

XV International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications», dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University Korobov Nikolai Mikhailovich, Tula, May 28–31, 2018

May 28, 2018 (Mon)

Plenary talks
1. The scientific works of N. M. Korobov
M. M. Glukhov, N. M. Dobrovol'skii, I. Yu. Rebrova
May 28, 2018 10:15–10:50, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
2. Methods of the number theory to the numerical analysis
V. N. Chubarikov
May 28, 2018 10:55–11:40, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
3. Computational aspect of Hamburger’s theorem
Yu. V. Matiyasevich
May 28, 2018 12:20–13:05, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
4. Spectral representations of Zeta functions of one-class imaginary quadratic fields
V. A. Bykovskii
May 28, 2018 13:10–13:55, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
5. Сходимость к нулю экспоненциальных сумм и приближение суммами сдвигов одной функции
S. V. Konyagin
May 28, 2018 15:00–15:45, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
6. Асимптотика функций Дэна групп
A. Yu. Ol'shanskii
May 28, 2018 15:50–16:35, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
7. On applications of polynomially complete finite quasigroups
V. A. Artamonov
May 28, 2018 16:40–17:25, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

May 29, 2018 (Tue)
8. The Korobov polynomials
A. V. Ustinov
May 29, 2018 09:00–09:45, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
9. О нулях некоторых арифметических рядов Дирихле
S. A. Gritsenko
May 29, 2018 09:50–10:35, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
10. Solving a polynomial equation
A. D. Bruno
May 29, 2018 10:40–11:25, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
11. Выпуклые тела с правильными или равносторонними паркетными гранями
A. V. Timofeenko
May 29, 2018 12:05–12:50, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
12. К задаче аналитического продолжения рядов Дирихле на комплексной плоскости
V. N. Kuznetsov
May 29, 2018 12:55–13:40, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 1
13. Rings on dual abelian groups
E. I. Kompantseva
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
14. Completely decomposable homogeneous quotient divisible abelian groups
E. V. Gordeeva
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
15. Solution of the problem of conjugacy words in certain class subgroups of the Artin’s group with three-structure
V. N. Bezverkhnii, N. B. Bezverkhnyaya
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
16. The width of verbal subgroups in anomalous products
D. Z. Kagan
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
17. Решение проблемы сопряженности слов в некотором классе групп Артина
V. N. Bezverkhnii, A. S. Ugarov
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
18. Generalized conjugacy of words in a certain class of Artin groups
O. Yu. Platonova
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 2
19. Direct sums of strongly connected unary algebras, their identities and quasiidentities
V. K. Kartashov, A. V. Kartashova
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
20. Полигоны над вполне 0-простыми полугруппами
I. B. Kozhukhov
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
21. The structure of distributive topology lattices of commutative unary algebras
A. V. Kartashova
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
22. On some properties of idempotents of the partial ordered monoids
V. B. Poplavski
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
23. Algebras of $n$-ary operations and multioperations
N. A. Peryazev
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
24. Automorphisms of some finite magmas
A. V. Litavrin
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 3
25. To the theory of multiplicative cyclic semirings
D. V. Chuprakov, E. M. Vechtomov, I. V. Orlova
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
26. Canonical Hensel–Shafarevich basis in Honda formal modules
S. V. Vostokov, R. P. Vostokova, E. V. Ikonnikova
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
27. Maximal abelian ideals of the niltrianglular subalgebra of the Chevalley algebra of an especial type over a field
E. A. Kirillova
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
28. On the length of generalized-commuting pairs of matrices
O. V. Markova
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
29. Unitary analog Higman's linearization trick and it applications
V. I. Kopeiko
May 29, 2018 17:05–17:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
30. Determination of $T_1$-spaces by a lattice of subalgebras with identity semirings of continuous partial numerical functions
E. M. Vechtomov, E. N. Lubyagina
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 4
31. О сложности решения уравнений в некоторых конечных полях и кольцах
S. B. Gashkov
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
32. Combinatorial and group properties of Linux process trees
N. N. Efanov
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
33. Limit distributions of extreme distances to the nearest neighbor
A. M. Zubkov, O. P. Orlov
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
34. Multidimensional determinantal identities and inequalities
A. S. Gasparyan
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
35. About the functional contour of terminating triangular massif of numbers
A. D. Breki
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 5
36. Universality of the periodic zeta-function with rational parameter
D. Mokhov
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
37. Почти периодические функции и некоторые свойства $L$-функций Дирихле
V. N. Kuznetsov, O. A. Matveeva
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
38. Об алгебраических свойствах последовательностей Сомоса
M. O. Avdeeva
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
39. On a generalization of the theorems of Chevalley–Warning and Ax–Katz
I. N. Baoulina
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
40. Discrete universality of zeta-functions of certain cusp forms
D. Šiaučiūnas
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
41. The Laplace transform of Dirichlet $L$-functions in the critical strip
A. Balčiūnas
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 6
42. О значениях гипергеометрической функции с параметром из квадра
P. L. Ivankov
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
43. Ограниченность звеньев цепной дроби алгебраической иррациональности $\root n\of a$ степени $n = 3, 4$ для натурального $a$
M. M. Gallamov
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
44. Группы S-единиц и проблема периодичности непрерывных дробей в гиперэллиптических полях
M. M. Petrunin
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
45. On the number of algebraic points of bounded degree and height in the plane
A. V. Lunevich, N. V. Sakovich
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
46. Диофантовы приближения и теория трансцендентных чисел
D. V. Koleda
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
47. Алгебраические числа во множествах действительных и комплексных чисел малой меры Лебега
M. A. Zhur
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 7
48. On almost-equidistant sets
A. A. Polyanskii
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
49. Free parallelotopes
V. P. Grishukhin
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
50. Selected problems of generalized finite metrics
E. I. Deza
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
51. О полноте списка многогранников с ромбическими вершинами
V. I. Subbotin
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
52. On some 3-primitive projective planes
O. V. Kravtsova
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
53. On phenomena apparently to be impossible
M. D. Kovalev
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 8
54. Dirichlet series and hyperbolic Zeta function of lattices
N. N. Dobrovol'skii
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
55. Trigonometric sums of nets of algebraic lattices: new results
E. M. Rarova
May 29, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
56. On rational approximations of algebraic nets
A. V. Rodionov
May 29, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
57. On the number of lattice points of solutions of linear comparison in domains
N. K. Seregina, N. N. Dobrovol'skii
May 29, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
58. Quadratic fields and quadrature formulas
E. I. Klimova, N. N. Dobrovol'skii
May 29, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
59. Pseudo-random search and complex econometric models
L. P. Dobrovol'skaya
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 9
60. On some methods for solving diophantine equations by L. Euler
T. A. Lavrinenko, G. A. Mikhno
May 29, 2018 15:00–15:20, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
61. Н.Н. Лузин и дискуссия об аксиоме выбора
S. S. Demidov
May 29, 2018 15:25–15:45, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
62. Kinematics of a liquid body in early works N. E. Zhukovsky
I. A. Tyulina, V. N. Chinenova
May 29, 2018 15:50–16:10, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
63. Foundations of geometry at the turn of 19-20 centuries in the works of scientists of the Odessa school of mathematics
M. A. Podkolzina
May 29, 2018 16:15–16:35, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
64. Relations between Polish and Moscow mathematicians in the first half of the 20th century
G. S. Smirnova
May 29, 2018 16:40–17:00, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
65. Combinatorial and geometrical configurations and their automorphism groups (XIX c.)
V. G. Alyab'eva
May 29, 2018 17:05–17:25, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
66. Об истории метода неподвижной точки: вклад советских и зарубежных учёных
E. M. Bogatov
May 29, 2018 17:30–17:50, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

May 30, 2018 (Wed)

Plenary talks
67. A distribution connected with Farey fractions
M. A. Korolev
May 30, 2018 09:00–09:45, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
68. Delone sets and the regularity radius
N. P. Dolbilin
May 30, 2018 09:50–10:35, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
69. From the qualitative ideas of Aristotelian physics to mathematical methods of classical mechanics
E. A. Zaytsev
May 30, 2018 10:40–11:15, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
70. Dual abelian groups of rank 1
A. A. Fomin
May 30, 2018 11:20–12:05, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
71. Ordered nonassociative algebraic structures
A. V. Mikhalev, E. E. Shirshova
May 30, 2018 12:25–13:10, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
72. Проблемы обоснования линейного и разностного методов в криптографии
F. M. Malyshev, A. E. Trishin
May 30, 2018 13:15–14:00, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 1
73. On centralizer of elements of Coxeter's group with tree structure
O. V. Inchenko
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
74. On the root class residuality of HNN-extensions of bounded solvable groups with central associated subgroups
E. V. Sokolov
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
75. Решение проблемы обобщенной сопряженности слов в свободном произведении двух свободных групп с циклическим объединением
V. N. Bezverkhnii, E. S. Logacheva
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
76. On the root class residuality of certain HNN-extensions of nilpotent groups
E. A. Tumanova
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
77. On subgroups in Artin groups with tree structure
V. N. Bezverkhnii, I. V. Dobrynina
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
78. On the $\mathfrak{F}$-hypercentral subgroups with ordered Sylow tower of finite groups
V. I. Murashka
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 2
79. Algorithm for constructing lattice of congruences of act
A. M. Pryanichnikov
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
80. On formations of unary algebras
A. L. Rasstrigin
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
81. On Rees closure on universal algebras
V. L. Usol'tsev
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
82. Categories of Bott–Samelson varieties
V. V. Shchigolev
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
83. Endomorphisms of semiabelian $n$-groups
N. A. Shchuchkin
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 2, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 3
84. On existence of almost nilpotent varieties of commutative metabelian algebras with non-integer exponents
N. P. Panov
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
85. О квантово-лиевски нильпотентных алгебрах
E. A. Kireeva
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
86. On a certain ideal generated by commutators
G. S. Deryabina, A. N. Krasilnikov
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
87. Метрические вопросы алгебраических многообразий
I. Sh. Dzhabbarov
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
88. Обобщённый дискриминант многочлена
A. B. Batkhin
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
89. On the rank of a birational composition of quadratic forms
A. A. Bondarenko
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 4
90. Infinite series of simple generalized de Brein graphs
F. M. Malyshev
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
91. Note on binary solutions to some systems of algebraic equations
A. V. Seliverstov
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
92. Модификация метода плоского вращения решения системы линейных уравнений и нахождения обратной матрицы для уменьшения погрешности вычислений
P. N. Sorokin
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
93. Solving the system of linear equations by the computer algorithm of the method of fast rotation
E. A. Morozova, N. N. Chentsova
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
94. An one approach of choosing coefficients in the generalized binary gcd algorithm and some reduction classes
D. A. Dolgov
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
95. AntiKAM theory
D. L. Abrarov
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 5
96. Weighted universality of periodical zeta-function
M. Stoncelis
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
97. Some problems of the summation of arithmetic functions
E. Deza, L. V. Varukhina
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
98. New application of the theorems on convergence exponent of special integrals
I. Sh. Jabbarov 
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
99. О сумме квадратов расстояний между квадратичными вычетами
M. R. Gabdullin
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
100. On unordered multiplicative partitions
G. V. Fedorov
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
101. О последовательностях Битти
A. V. Begunts, D. V. Goryashin
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
102. On the distribution of integers with restrictions on the quantity of their prime divisors
M. E. Changa
May 30, 2018 18:00–18:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 6
103. Полиадические лиувиллевы числа
E. S. Krupitsin
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
104. On the measure of the set of real numbers where small values of integer polynomials are realized
O. V. Rykova
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
105. Эффективные методы в теории диофантовых приближений
N. I. Kalosha, N. V. Shamukova
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
106. Некоторые задачи теории трансцендентных чисел
E. Yu. Yudenkova
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
107. An effective estimate for a special class of polynomials
N. V. Budarina
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
108. Величины дискриминантов в архимедовой и неархимедовой метриках
V. I. Bernik
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 7
109. Toric tilings into bounded remainder sets
A. V. Shutov
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:30, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
110. Coordination shells and coordination numbers for Penrose and Ammann–Beenker graphs
A. V. Maleev
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
111. On pairwise disjoint wild $k$-disks in $R^n$
O. D. Frolkina
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
112. Ортосхемы расширенного гиперболического пространства
L. N. Romakina
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
113. Моноэдрические разбиения пространства на поликубы
K. G. Seravkin
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
114. On the number of faces of Gelfand–Zetlin polytopes
E. V. Melikhova
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 7, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 8
115. Algebraic lattice in a metric space lattices
O. A. Pikhtilkova, E. N. Smirnova
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
116. Calculation of potential for multi-atomic systems with varied electron density
O. A. Gorkusha
May 30, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
117. Randomness in lattice point problems
Mordechay Levin
May 30, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
118. Об одной модельной задаче из теории диофантовых приближений
A. N. Kormacheva, N. N. Dobrovol'skii
May 30, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
119. Структура гладкого многообразия на пространстве решеток и пространстве сдвинутых решеток
E. N. Smirnova
May 30, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
120. Application of the evolution operator method to the analysis of multidimensional time series
A. E. Krasnov, E. N. Nadezhdin, D. N. Nikol'skii
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 9
121. Historical and mathematical heritage of V. V. Bobynin in modern mathematical education
Yu. A. Drobyshev, I. V. Drobysheva
May 30, 2018 15:00–15:20, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
122. First courses on the theory of functions in XIX c
G. I. Sinkevich
May 30, 2018 15:25–15:45, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
123. Mathematician I. Yanushevsky
M. M. Voronina
May 30, 2018 15:50–16:10, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
124. Teaching mathematics at the Moscow University in 1917–1923
S. S. Petrova
May 30, 2018 16:15–16:35, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
125. Mathematical education at Leningrad's workers' faculties in the 1920s
P. V. Velikorussov
May 30, 2018 16:40–17:00, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
126. To history of influence of the theorem of Milyutin on researches in geometry of Banach spaces
E. V. Manokhin
May 30, 2018 17:05–17:25, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
127. Lagrange about the solution of equations of Prime degree
N. V. Ingtem
May 30, 2018 17:30–17:50, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

May 31, 2018 (Thu)

Plenary talks
128. Параллельные полумарковские процессы
E. V. Larkin
May 31, 2018 09:00–09:45, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
129. Generalization of A.I. Mal'cev problem about commutative subalgebras for the Chevalley algebras
V. M. Levchuk, G. S. Suleimanova
May 31, 2018 09:50–10:35, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
130. Endomorphisms of graded projective modules
I. N. Balaba, A. V. Mikhalev
May 31, 2018 10:40–11:25, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
131. On a little-known dinkum revolutionary contribution of Évariste Galois
S. F. Adlaj
May 31, 2018 12:00–12:45, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
132. Integral and pointwise Turan problem for periodic functions
V. I. Ivanov
May 31, 2018 12:50–13:35, Plenary talks, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 1
133. Finite groups with certain subgroups
S. V. Putilov
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
134. Multiplications on quotient divisible abelian groups of rank 1
T. T. Q. Nguyen
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 1, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 3
135. About the properties of division rings
R. Kh. Vakhitov
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
136. О радикалах решёточно $\mathcal{K}$-упорядоченных алгебр
Yu. V. Kochetova
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
137. Jordan algebras varieties with almost polinomial growth
A. V. Popov
May 31, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 3, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 4
138. On algorithm for constructing curves arising from geometrical Goppa Codes
Yu. S. Kasatkina, A. S. Kasatkina
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
139. О дистанционных графах в конечномерных пространствах над конечным полем
Yu. N. Shteinikov
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
140. Доказательство гипотез в GeoGebra
A. R. Esayan
May 31, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
141. Enumeration of labeled Eulerian cacti without triangles. On enumeration of labeled series–parallel tricyclic blocks
V. A. Voblyi, A. K. Meleshko
May 31, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 4, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 5
142. Hyperelliptic systems of sequences
A. A. Illarionov
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
143. Intervals between numbers which can be expressed as sum of two squares
A. B. Kalmynin
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
144. О проверке одной гипотезы о последовательностях Сомос-6
N. V. Markova
May 31, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
145. Integer Somos-4 sequences
M. D. Monina
May 31, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
146. On representation of integers by indefinite quadratic forms
B. Z. Moroz
May 31, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
147. Hyperquasipolynomials for theta function
M. A. Romanov
May 31, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 5, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 6
148. Trigonometric sums and the metric theory of Diophantine approximations on manifolds
E. I. Kovalevskaya
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
149. Positional number systems with arbitrary integer base in Diophantine equations
V. V. Agafontsev
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
150. On estimation of the constant of the best Diophantine approximations for $n>4$
Yu. A. Basalov
May 31, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
151. Nonlinear diophantine inequalities with primes
A. P. Naumenko
May 31, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 6, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 8
152. Точная константа Бернштейна–Никольского для неотрицательных целых функций экспоненциального сферического типа
D. V. Gorbachev
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
153. О нижней границе спектра оператора Штурма–Лиувилля на полуоси
A. I. Kozko
May 31, 2018 15:30–15:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
154. Асимптотика спектра оператора Штурма–Лиувилля
I. G. Nasrtdinov
May 31, 2018 16:00–16:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
155. О некоторых свойствах конечных сумм ридж-функций
A. A. Kuleshov
May 31, 2018 16:30–16:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
156. Другое доказательство одной теоремы о распределении простых чисел в многочленах второй степени
I. I. Il'yasov
May 31, 2018 17:00–17:25, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
157. Classification of pure-real algebraic irrationalities and the number-theoretic method in the approximate analysis
N. N. Dobrovol'skii, N. M. Dobrovol'skii
May 31, 2018 17:30–17:55, Section 8, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy

Section 9
158. Роль истории математики в преподавании курса Высшей математики
A. V. Dorofeeva
May 31, 2018 15:00–15:20, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
159. The genesis of mathematical models of socio-ecological-economic systems
R. A. Zhukov
May 31, 2018 15:25–15:45, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
160. Theoretical-numerical methods for the numerical solution of the Volterra equation in the works of Yu. N. Shakhov
M. V. Mozhaikina
May 31, 2018 15:50–16:10, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
161. Algebra in al-Farabi's classification of sciences
I. O. Lyuter
May 31, 2018 16:15–16:35, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
162. Mechanical spectroscopy of metals. The history of the origin, development, retrospective and prospects
A. N. Chukanov, A. A. Yakovenko, I. M. Leont'ev, I. F. Shirokii
May 31, 2018 16:40–17:00, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
163. The history of the Tula school of algebra
A. E. Ustyan
May 31, 2018 17:00–17:20, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
164. Review of computational mathematical projects of the Mathematical Modelling Department of the Central Geophysical Expedition
L. A. Knizhnerman
May 31, 2018 17:20–17:40, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
165. N. M. Korobov and Tula school of number theory
I. Yu. Rebrova
May 31, 2018 17:40–18:00, Section 9, Tula, Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy
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