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The Editorial Board of "Mathematical Notes" asks the authors to take the following rules into account when preparing the papers for the journal.

  1. Basic Rules
    1. Articles submitted to the journal must contain no more than 20 pages, while short communications, no more than 5 pages. Short communications must be presented by a member of the Editorial Board.
    2. The paper must be carefully proofread. All the pages, including tables, biblio graphic references, figures, and figure captions, must be numbered.
    3. The text of the paper must begin with the title and the name(s) of the author(s) preceded by initials followed by a short abstract (one paragraph of no more than 15 lines) and keywords (at most 10). The abstract must not contain numbered references to formulas and bibliography items. The acknowledgments should be given in a special section "Acknowledgments" at the end of the paper, immediately preceding the final bibliography section.
    4. The introduction must describe the background to the research presented in the paper and highlight the importance of the results obtained. The paper must contain a bibliography.
    5. The author data must be given in a separate file. It must contain the full name (first name and surname, in that order) of each author, his/her affiliation, postal address (with zip code), and e-mail number. E-mail numbers are used for sending PDF files of published papers to the authors.
    6. Papers are submitted via the All-Russia mathematics site "" using your personal login and code word. Then one must click the "Upload Manuscript" line and choose the journal "Matematicheskie Zametki/Mathematical Notes" and follow further instructions. Using the personal access to the site "," authors can obtain information about the fate of their papers.
    7. The signing of the temporary transfer of the copyright to Nauka Publishers is a necessary condition for publishing the paper. This covers the period from the submission date to the publication date. If the paper in question is not accepted, then the temporary transfer agreement is no longer valid from the day on which the paper was rejected.
    8. English translations of all papers published in "Matematicheskie Zametki" simultaneously appear in the journal "Mathematical Notes" published by "Pleiades Publishing, Ltd." The signing of the temporary transfer of the copyright to "Pleiades Publishing, Ltd." is a necessary condition for accepting the paper for publication in "Math. Notes." Samples of temporary transfer agreements can be found on the site of "MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica." The filled-in and signed agreement must be sent by e-mail to the Editorial Board simultaneously with the PDF and TEX files of the paper.
  2. Preparation of the files of the paper
    1. The files of the paper must be prepared in Russian or English on a computer using the $\LaTeX$ 2ε (AMS-$\LaTeX$) system supplemented with the style files "mz2ewin.sty" and "mzart.sty" (for articles) or "mzsh.sty" (for short communications). In the case of Russian files, the text will be translated into English for "Math. Notes". These STY files can be downloaded from the journal’s web site "" or obtained from the Editorial Office "". The TEX and PDF files of the paper must be submitted simultaneously to the Editorial Board. The PDF file must be prepared using the file "dvi2pdf.exe" (not "pdf-latex"). The magnification 1.2 should be used (put \mag1200 in the preamble at the top). The TEX file must contain only standard TEX commands and standard names for environments and procedures (no self-made names and abbreviations!).
    2. Only Latin and Greek letters should be used in the text and formulas. Displayed formulas must be presented on separate lines and numbered (on the right) only if they are referred to in the text of the paper.
    3. Fractions in in-line (nondisplayed) formulas, as well as in the exponents, subscripts, and superscripts, must always be in slashed form, while, in displayed formulas, they should be given as


      It is recommended to present complex formulas containing integrals, sums, products, and elaborate fractions as displayed formulas (on separate lines).

    4. Illustrations must be presented in EPS form. The letters and numerals in figures must be smaller by 1 point than in the main body of the paper.
    5. In proofs, there should be no references to unpublished work. Items in the bibliography are arranged in order of citation. In references to Russian sources, it is recommended to cite the number of chapter (Chap.), section (Sec.), or subsection (Subsec.), rather than the number of the Russian page(s). The command \cite should be used for references in the text, such as \cite{1}, \cite{2}, each with a single argument, and \cite{1}, \cite{2}–\cite{5}. Note that here the double-hyphen (--) (the so-called "en-dash"), not a hyphen (-), is used to indicate the range.

      A bibliography item dealing with a journal article must contain the names of the authors (initials and surnames), the full title in quotation marks (this is omitted for short communications), the name of the journal, volume (in bold), issue (in parentheses), the first and last pages separated by a double-hyphen (--) (the double-hyphen and last page are omitted for short communications), and the year (in parentheses). Note that the Cyrillic names of Russian journals are transliterated, not translated.

      A bibliography item dealing with a book must contain the names of the authors (initials and surnames), the full title (in italic), the name of the publishing house, the name of the city where the publishing house is located, and the year of publication, as well as some additional items, such as the number and title of volume, the name of the editor, etc. Preprints and dissertations are considered as books for which the name of the university or institute must be given (instead of the publishing house). For preprints, also their number must be given. Note that the Russian names of books, preprints, and dissertations are translated and the phrase "in Russian" is added at the end of the item.

  3. Examples of bibliography items

    (for articles)

    A. S. Serdyuk and I. V. Sokolenko, "Asymptotic behavior of best approximations of classes of Poisson integrals of the functions of Hω" J. Approx. Theory 163 (11), 1692–1706 (2011).

    A. I. Shafarevich, "The behavior of the magnetic field in a conducting fluid with a rapidly varying velocity field," Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk Russian Academy of Sciences 360, 31–33 (1998) [Dokl. Math. 57 (3) 464–466 (1998)].

    (for short communications)

    A. S. Serdyuk and I. V. Sokolenko, J. Approx. Theory 163 (11), 1692 (2011).

    (for books)

    M. Gusman, Differentiation of Integrals in $\mathbb{R}$n (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1975; Mir, Moscow, 1978).

    V. P. Maslov, Complex WKB Method in Nonlinear Equations, in Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications (Nauka, Moscow, 1977) [in Russian].

    (for articles in books)

    D. Dummit, H. Kisilevsky, and J. MacKay, "Multiplicative products of η-functions," in Finite Groups: Coming of Age, Contemp. Math. (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1985), Vol. 45, pp. 89–98.

    S. Yu. Dobrokhotov and V. P. Maslov, "Finite-zone, almost-periodic solutions in WKB approximations," in Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Sovrem. Probl. Mat. (VINITI, Moscow, 1980), Vol. 15, pp. 3–94 [J. Sov. Math. 16, 1433–1487 (1981)].

    (for preprints)

    V. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Ryzhkov, Mathematical Model of Interaction of Laser Beams with a Plasma Target in a Magnetic Field, Preprint (МаIPMekh. RAN, Moscow, 2010), No. 942 [in Russian].

    (for dissertations)

    A. D. Izaak, Widths of Function Spaces and Finite-Dimensional Classes in Mixed-Norm Spaces, Cand. Sci. (Phys.–Math.) Dissertation (Moscow State University, Moscow, 1995) [in Russian].

    A. G. Kostyuchenko, On Spectral Properties of Differential Operators, Doctoral (Phys.–Math.) Dissertation (Moscow State University, Moscow, 1966) [in Russian].

    (for Internet articles)

    Ph. Barbe, Approximation of Integrals over Asymptotic Sets with Applications to Probability and Statistics,, 2003.

    Follow the pattern of the bibliography in the example given above. In the text, use \cite for references to the bibliography, e.g., \cite{1}–\cite{4}, \cite[Theorem 1, Lemma 5]{5}. Also write a string of individual references, such as \cite{1}, \cite{3}, \cite{5}, NOT combining them into a single \cite of the form \cite{1, 3, 5}!!! The references in the Bibliography must be listed in order of their appearance in the text.

  4. More details on the TEX file for "Math. Notes"

    The TEX file must not use nonstandard (self-made) commands. Since we use the batch (simultaneous) compilation of more than 30 papers of the double issue of the journal, all papers must contain only STANDARD $\LaTeX$ 2ε (AMS-$\LaTeX$) commands, so that there will be no clash between the self-made commands (macros) of different authors.

    The LOG file must not contain complaints about "undefined" and/or "multiply defined" labels; this is unacceptable.

    The American spelling is used in "Math. Notes." In TEX files, the quotation marks should be written as "..." and the symbols of the period (full stop) and comma should be put inside the quotation marks (e.g., "A," "B," and "C"). Note that the en-dash (–), not the hyphen (-), is used to indicate the range, e.g., pp. 1–4, and also to separate individual parts, such as "Euler–Bernoulli law" (two persons) in contrast to "Lennard-Jones potential" (one person). Also note the modern usage: "A and B", but "A, B, and C." The initials of persons should be separated by an interval, like A.~N.~Kolmogorov (the tie~ prevents the following letter(s) from slipping to the next line of text).

    Note that, for easy editing (by both editors and special programs), it is advisable to limit the length of your lines on the screen by position 60–80 by pressing "Enter" ("Return") to effectively end the current line (and not to make your line "infinite" in the TEX file), thus avoiding the use of word wrap to break lines of text. This request is due to the fact that the programs we are using to process your TEX files do not like very long ("infinite") sequences not containing "hard returns" before position 80 or 90.

    We ask you to submit your paper with the standard Math. Notes preamble and use, for formulas, the standard AMS-$\LaTeX$ commands (equation, gather, align, instead of eqnarray, array, multline, etc., and theorem, lemma, corollary, remark, etc., for environments). The lay-out of formulas must conform as closely as possible to that used in publications of the American Mathematical Society. Never use \frac in the text, only in displayed formulas; thus, on lines of the text, the fraction \$\frac{a+b}{c+d}\$ must be written in slashed form as \$(a+b)/(c+d)\$. The "slashed" form of fractions must also be used in exponents. Do not use the "rough" commands "\left" and "\right" before the delimiters. Use \bigg (\biggl ...\biggr) whenever \frac or big operators like \int, \sum, \prod, etc., are enclosed by delimiters in displayed formulas. The differentials in integrals should be set off by \, like this: \int_a^b f(x,y)\,dx\,dy. In tables and displayed formulas, we ask you to put the formatting commands on separate lines, at their beginning. Note that the letters and numerals in figures (EPS) must be smaller by 1 point than in the main body of the paper.

  5. Some additional notes
    1. Articles rejected twice are not considered by the editorial board anymore.
    2. Works devoted to solving problems from the list below are accepted for consideration only if a recommendation is provided by a specialist (not a member of the Editorial board) who has publications in the relevant field of mathematics in leading mathematical journals.

      List of problems

      1. The Riemann conjecture.
      2. The P=NP conjecture.
      3. The binary Goldbach problem.
      4. The twin-prime problem.
      5. Legendre's conjecture (there is a prime number between consecutive perfect squares).
      6. The Collatz 3x+1 conjecture.
      7. Fermat's Last Theorem and its generalizations.
      8. The abc-conjecture.

Address for correspondence: 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, Ul. Gubkina, 8, MIAN, room 217. "Matematicheskie Zametki/Math. Notes" Editorial Board

Phone: +7 (495) 984-81-44


For the contents of the Russian and English versions of the journal, as well as for the style files, see the site

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