S. Fourmaux, P. Lassonde, S. Yu. Mironov, E. Hallin, F. Légaré, S. Maclean, E. A. Khazanov, G. Mourou, J. C. Kieffer, “Laser wakefield acceleration based x ray source using 225-TW and 13-fs laser pulses produced by thin film compression”, Opt. Lett., 47:13 (2022), 3163
V. A. Mironov, D. A. Fadeev, “Self-action of ultrashort pulses in the self-similar regime”, Radiophys Quantum El, 65:1 (2022), 32
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V. Ginzburg, I. Yakovlev, A. Kochetkov, A. Kuzmin, S. Mironov, I. Shaikin, A. Shaykin, E. Khazanov, “11 fs, 1.5 PW laser with nonlinear pulse compression”, Opt. Express, 29:18 (2021), 28297–28306
S. Yu. Mironov, J. A. Wheeler, E. A. Khazanov, G. A. Mourou, “Compression of high-power laser pulses using only multiple ultrathin plane plates”, Opt. Lett., 46:18 (2021), 4570–4573
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S. Yu. Mironov, M. V. Starodubtsev, E. A. Khazanov, “Temporal contrast enhancement and compression of output pulses of ultra-high power lasers”, Opt. Lett., 46:7 (2021), 1620–1623
E. Khazanov, “Nonlinear polarization interferometer for enhancement of laser pulse contrast and power”, Opt. Express, 29:11 (2021), 17277–17285
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Sergey Mironov, Efim Khazanov, Laser Congress 2021 (ASSL,LAC), 2021, JTu1A.41